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josh hates you

[Aug 21,2004 2:05am - powerkok ""]
fuck straight off pal...

[Aug 21,2004 2:37am - Josh_hates_you ""]
blow me.
[Aug 21,2004 2:38am - powerkok ""]
there we go.....keep em coming, batcranker
[Aug 21,2004 2:39am - Josh_hates_you ""]
you realy have nothing else to do. do you?
[Aug 21,2004 2:42am - powerkok ""]
LOL dood, Im fucking bored....I was playin doom 3 but it scared me so now im on here fuckin with the night owls...
[Aug 21,2004 2:45am - powerkok ""]
but now im leaving you pal...
[Aug 21,2004 2:45am - powerkok ""]
carry on in usual fashion.
[Aug 21,2004 2:48am - Josh_hates_you ""]
smoke some that herbal substance that you waited 2 and a half days for.
[Aug 21,2004 11:42am - powerkok ""]
hah!! yes, I did....now it looks like Ill be waiting again!
[Aug 21,2004 2:21pm - josh drinkin tequila  ""]
come to millbury mass. having a party tons of liquor. tons of herbals. im gonna make 20 boxes of pudding for the slip and slide.........................
[Aug 21,2004 2:28pm - powerkok ""]
thanx for the invite, but im stuck here....as usual...have fun and dont get pudding in any orifices.

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