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Hilarious Immortal photoshopped pics...

[Aug 21,2004 9:54am - JayTUS ""]
Forgive me if it has been posted (I posted it on my board too):




























[Aug 21,2004 11:53am - niccolai ""]
you sir, need to check out the photoshop fridays at somethingawful.com
[Aug 21,2004 12:02pm - Abbath ""]
still hillarioius though
[Aug 21,2004 12:10pm - Dissector ""]
Hahaha. Am I the only one that thinks Abbath is a fucking joke?
[Aug 21,2004 1:15pm - swamplorddvm ""]
tee he he
[Aug 21,2004 2:19pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
niccolai said:you sir, need to check out the photoshop fridays at somethingawful.com


[Aug 21,2004 2:41pm - niccolai ""]
they have some increadable stuff [img]
[Aug 21,2004 3:18pm - Jellyfish ""]
Dissector said:Hahaha. Am I the only one that thinks Abbath is a fucking joke?

[Aug 21,2004 3:56pm - niccolai ""]
whats with the little lock icon? is that to conserve bandwidth or stop remote linking or something?
[Aug 21,2004 3:59pm - Abbath ""]
My_Dying_Bride said:niccolai said:you sir, need to check out the photoshop fridays at somethingawful.com



[Aug 21,2004 4:02pm - Kalopsia ""]
the i love lucy pic is the best one
[Aug 21,2004 5:13pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Creed is awesome

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