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saturday night at home

[Aug 21,2004 9:50pm - powerkok ""]
its my first in at least a month...and I must tell you...I like it.
[Aug 21,2004 9:52pm - powerkok ""]
all the best tv is on sat night!!
[Aug 21,2004 9:52pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
same here man.....drinking is for losers
[Aug 21,2004 9:52pm - powerkok ""]
but, fuck tv I hate it.
[Aug 21,2004 9:52pm - powerkok ""]
rttp is my tv
[Aug 21,2004 9:53pm - powerkok ""]
ya !! I have booze galore here but I dont drink here...its boring, and I just pass out.
[Aug 21,2004 9:53pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
if by tv you mean everything but the history channel than yes
[Aug 21,2004 9:55pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
hahaha i love drinkin by myself....nobody can date rape you
[Aug 21,2004 9:56pm - succubus ""]
i just finished baking something for aaron for when he gets back
and i bought some bailey's mudslides..i only had one but i'm about to have another
joy ride is on..i've never seen it before


but it's showing alternate endings and stuff

anything good on?
[Aug 21,2004 10:07pm - powerkok ""]
[Aug 21,2004 10:20pm - Jellyfish ""]
theres nothing on right now. Im bored fucking toothless.
[Aug 21,2004 10:22pm - succubus ""]
old snl on E!
[Aug 21,2004 10:24pm - Jellyfish ""]
Im even more pissed because D gets to go to dream theater and he dosent fucking like them. Stupid chilean cock smoker.
[Aug 22,2004 1:14am - succubus ""]
if yer pissed at him..why don't you go?
or was it tonight?

watching jason x now..it's pretty dumb
[Aug 22,2004 1:17am - Jellyfish ""]
it was tonight, and im broke so i couldnt afford a 40 dollar show. i owe a couple thousand dollars for school and car and what not. Im so broke it fucking hurts. But BATMAN is on!!!!!!!!
[Aug 22,2004 1:17am - succubus ""]
oh well than booooooooooo to the show!

batman eh? which one?
i guess i should just look
[Aug 22,2004 1:18am - Jellyfish ""]
im not really pissed at him i just wish i could have gone.
[Aug 22,2004 1:20am - Jellyfish ""]
batman the original. The only one worth my time and viewing.
[Aug 22,2004 1:29am - Dissector NLI  ""]
I listened to like a million cds tonight, nothing ons tv because of the olympics. Blood Freak, Von, Ancient Rites, WTN, Funerot, Gruesome Stuff Relush, Agoraphobi Nosebleed, Autopsy.
[Aug 22,2004 1:31am - powerkok ""]
im remeniscing tonight to the bittersweet sounds of Rammstein.
I fucking love that band.
[Aug 22,2004 1:37am - Dissector NLI  ""]
Beavis and Butthead was on. Now its over and I'm listening to Rigor Mortis. Nunslaughter may be next if I don't fall asleep, getting tired.
[Aug 22,2004 1:38am - Jellyfish ""]
they had the beavis and butt head with prong and pantera. so fucking funny.
[Aug 22,2004 1:41am - swamplorddvm ""]
Too bad I missed that dude. I was wasting my time at Dreamtheater (lame show). I wanted Vader.
[Aug 22,2004 1:46am - Jellyfish ""]
you are so gay for going. i would have gladly taken your ticket.
[Aug 22,2004 1:46am - Dissector NLI  ""]
"Hey Butt-Head does this tv do any louder?"
"ummm... no. But we can get closer"
"Yes! Now its hurting my eyes and my ears!"

They play some good videos on that show. Death, Carcass, Entombed.
[Aug 22,2004 1:47am - swamplorddvm ""]
Didn't know I wasn't going to enjoy it.
[Aug 22,2004 1:50am - Jellyfish ""]
they play awesome shit on that show.
[Aug 22,2004 1:52am - Abbath ""]
succubus said:

watching jason x now..it's pretty awesome and makes me want to touch my self

ya that's what i THOUGHT i read.... heh
[Aug 22,2004 2:01am - Hoser ""]
Yo kok...

Mike Ware and i are sitting here drunk........we came from the studio and went to a mad asssed Dove Pizzarty and hung out....you have kids and a wife...your life sux.....

Mike says hi....I am very drunk....eat a bag of soggy dicks....I love you....bye....


ps.my moms likes purple penises on bill cosby...love's that muddy water she does......pooops o pleanty......fat phuck!11later lunch box
-mikey ware,....

Love you Powersnack......asshole......I say bye forever....

All your base are mine....Jake
[Aug 22,2004 2:02am - succubus ""]
Abbath said:succubus said:

watching jason x now..it's pretty awesome and makes me want to touch my self

ya that's what i THOUGHT i read.... heh

way to edit my post you bastid!

much love,
[Aug 22,2004 2:05am - Abbath ""]
:bow: only for ya oh great carina

and what's up with everyone doing this?
[Aug 22,2004 3:17am - powerkok ""]
Hoser said:Yo kok...

Mike Ware and i are sitting here drunk........we came from the studio and went to a mad asssed Dove Pizzarty and hung out....you have kids and a wife...your life sux.....

quite the contrary, pal..I, by being the 'DAD' am the Master. By staying at home, I also save my Liver. (which you need...)

The way I see it, you single guys that are alive are PUSSIES!!!
If I were single I would have partied my fuckin ass off until I died in a bathtub...

All in the eye of the beholder, buddrick.:middlefinger:

cya tomorrow, and dont be hungover or already drunk.
[Aug 22,2004 3:46am - succubus ""]
sea of love started after batman ended

too bad i'm sleepyyyy
[Aug 22,2004 3:49am - swamplorddvm ""]
Then sleep and dream of me. most women do.
[Aug 22,2004 3:50am - mikedown ""]
Yo Mike Ware,
I got this of you loving sheep in ways I did'nt understand a man could love sheep.
Give me a call or I'll release it to the public!
later Bitch.
[Aug 22,2004 7:47pm - Jellyfish ""]
i love sheep, is there something wrong with loving sheep?

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