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SLAYER BROKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Aug 23,2004 11:53pm - hoser ""]
Just Kidding........

No really...this should make you feel better....


[Aug 23,2004 11:59pm - $ilky  ""]
I should have known. how's your anus?
[Aug 24,2004 12:02am - swamplorddvm ""]
You're a fucking ass!!!
[Aug 24,2004 12:04am - hoser ""]

Score one for the Hose.....

*Blows gunsmoke out of finger representing old western pistol*
[Aug 24,2004 12:59am - Dissector NLI  ""]
I was actually excited about this. They need to call it quits before they completely ruin their name. Everybody thinks that just because Lombardo's back that this record will be like the good ol' days ,its not like he writes any of the music. "Ooooh but Kerry King said this is our hardest fastest record to date" yeah well everyband says that about their newest album, Metallica said it about St. Anger.

I really do hope their new shit will be good though. Last two cds didn't excite me.

Thats my rant for tonight.
[Aug 24,2004 1:17am - Jellyfish ""]
[Aug 24,2004 1:51am - vivi in hell  ""]
oh thats so fucking gay im going to see slayer in 2 days i almost stabbed myself not that i havent seen em like 12 times or some shit
[Aug 24,2004 2:07am - Abbath ""]
what the fuck is wrong with that penis?! anyone?! anyone?!
[Aug 24,2004 2:08am - retzam ""]
HAHAHAHAHA I think it is just a really shitty drawing of an uncircumsized penis.

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