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[Aug 24,2004 10:39pm - Blue ""]
[Aug 24,2004 10:47pm - powerkok ""]
thats fuckin funny!!
[Aug 24,2004 10:57pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
[Aug 24,2004 10:57pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
[Aug 24,2004 11:52pm - dyingmuse ""]
thats so perfect!
[Aug 25,2004 12:00am - wait a minute  ""]
is this the cover of a gay porn?
[Aug 25,2004 12:06am - Abbath ""]
that's when ya know it's time to give the metal life up
[Aug 25,2004 12:46am - dyingmuse ""]
is that the actual dude that knocked glenn out?
[Aug 25,2004 12:48am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
wait, so the skull is Danzig??? All this time I thought it was satan...
[Aug 25,2004 1:00am - Josh_hates_you ""]
dyingmuse said:is that the actual dude that knocked glenn out?

no it was a big fat dude that looked like the guy from crowbar kinda.
[Aug 25,2004 9:08am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Danzig didn't even get knocked out, they just shut the tape off after the one hit, and you can tell by his wild faggot swing that he probably didn't even hit Danzig, he fights like he grew up in the Abington hardcore scene.
[Aug 25,2004 11:26am - jake  ""]
haha that must be why danzig's limp body was dragged out of that hallway.
[Aug 25,2004 1:07pm - dyingmuse ""]
lol thats what im saying, joe i saw that shit, danzig went down big time, one hit bammmmm!!!!!!!!
[Aug 25,2004 1:35pm - powerkok ""]
ya he folded like a lawn chair....zzzZZZZzzzzzZZZ
but that guy throws punches like a fat woman, and the momentum swung his fat body around like he was doin a pirouette(sp).
[Aug 25,2004 2:57pm - Jellyfish ""]
im confused, why is this funny?
[Aug 25,2004 8:44pm - jake  ""]
powerkok said:ya he folded like a lawn chair....zzzZZZZzzzzzZZZ
but that guy throws punches like a fat woman, and the momentum swung his fat body around like he was doin a pirouette(sp).

yeah if he hit danzig square in the face, he probably wouldn't have pirouetted and danzig probably would've fallen backwards on his ass.
[Aug 25,2004 10:20pm - Blue ""]
Jellyfish said:im confused, why is this funny?

ok, crash course: about a month ago, danzig had an encounter with one of the guys in north side kings about a show they were both on(i think it was about what time danzig got to play at). well after the show, one of the nsk guys talked to danzig about it, and danzig was all 'fuck you' and pushed the HUGE guy, so he took one swing at danzig, and he went down hard. hence the shirt with the classic danzig skull with the xs on the eyes, and the bloody nose/stars above the skull.
[Aug 26,2004 1:13am - Jellyfish ""]
[Aug 26,2004 9:24am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am still on Danzig's side over some fat, limp wristed rapcore wigger.
His reaction alone is reason enough to worship him as a deity.

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