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Holy fucking shitballs

[Aug 25,2004 11:17am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
I sincerly hope that this band is a joke.

[Aug 25,2004 11:19am - RustedAngel ""]
sadly, I doubt it is a joke.
[Aug 25,2004 11:23am - Josh_hates_you ""]
wow they look realy gay.

and sound almost exactly like atreyu. sorry to say but i bet 5 times more kids go to see this band than any band on this board.
[Aug 25,2004 11:26am - succubus ""]
yeah josh..but what kind of kids?

not the majority that POST on here anyhow
[Aug 25,2004 11:35am - christraper ""]
WHAT THE FUCK???? Hasn't anybody told these guys theyre fags?
[Aug 25,2004 11:37am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i never said what kind of kids. but if your band like money then you dont care what kind of kids. plus this shit is just this decades korn nu metal type bands. it is too be expected.
[Aug 25,2004 11:59am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
They all look like fucking Zoolander
[Aug 25,2004 12:27pm - Lincoln ""]
Thats my side project you guys.....please give it a chance.
[Aug 25,2004 2:13pm - Lincoln ""]
Ummmm.....I was kidding.
[Aug 25,2004 2:27pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
this band rules.

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