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October 8 and 9 (changes)

[Aug 29,2004 2:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
October 8th:
Raising Kubrick
Doom Syndicate
Abhorred (but they might move off this show, pay attention)
Cleansed by Fire

October 9th:
Shroud of Bereavement
the Taste of Silver
Merciless Greed

Both these shows are at the Block

Abhorred might move to a different show, depends if it happens or not.
If that happens Ocean might move onto that show, I was thinking of asking the Taste of Silver and Cleansed By Fire to switch shows with each other, so that each show flows better. More news to come soon.
[Aug 29,2004 3:21pm - thornnvine ""]
right on, I love when i hear about showsthat i'm playing on rttp first before I hear it from a band member.

[Aug 29,2004 5:13pm - dyingmuse ""]
lol yeah me and joe hung last night and have a few plans for the future, sorry dan i would have told you last nigh....but someone pussied out and missed a killer show.
candy,reuben, will and ahhhhh the other guy were very dissapointed!...lol

and thanks again joe!!!!
[Aug 29,2004 5:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
But OCEAN is playing KC's in RI on the 8th, so how could they take ABHORRED's spot?

[Aug 29,2004 5:53pm - thornnvine ""]
Exactly, don't even think of trying to bump them off our show Joe!!!!!

The other guy is LJ right, I think.

[Aug 29,2004 5:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 29,2004 6:10pm - thornnvine ""]
good to see were playing the same night with Kurixis. we were just talking about doin another show together since it's been like a year.
[Aug 29,2004 8:30pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
goddamnit, throwing a wrench into my plans
[Aug 29,2004 9:52pm - thornnvine ""]
we just can't let you have ocean friday night, no wrench though.
[Aug 29,2004 10:14pm - RustedAngel ""]
cleansed by fire, someones been listening to deeds of flesh :spineyes:
[Aug 29,2004 10:16pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Will Ascendancy be back by these dates? I will use them if the other show happens and I move abhorred.
[Aug 29,2004 10:17pm - RustedAngel ""]
ascendancy were kidnapped, didn't you know?
[Aug 29,2004 10:17pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
good riddens.
[Aug 29,2004 10:56pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's "Riddance" Jo Jo.

Book SIN OF ANGELS, you snob.
[Aug 30,2004 11:30am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Shroud Of Bereavement?

whoa, wasn't I saying that I liked them in another post? The huge sounding, string-having like...symphonic metal band?

there should be crazy promo for this show. After our stuff in Sept I am going to make CRAZY flyers for the 9th.
[Sep 3,2004 10:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
Merciless Greed, oh baby
[Sep 3,2004 11:31pm - dyingmuse ""]
is this show back on?

is shroud still playing this, we would love to thats fer sure!

i love the kurixis guys!

[Sep 3,2004 11:38pm - gonzofiles ""]
hey joe well take one of those spots if you still have anything available
[Sep 4,2004 12:34am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
The 9th shit the bed.

we're free that day now, so if anyone else has anything...
[Sep 4,2004 9:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:It's "Riddance" Jo Jo.

Book SIN OF ANGELS, you snob.

I lost their CD before I got to hear it. The only other person who really liked that CD was Blue, and well, have you seen his record collection?
[Sep 4,2004 9:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Oh by the way, the show on the 9th is cancelled. Pay attention assholes.
[Sep 4,2004 9:40am - lady_czerach ""]
What? No!!!
[Sep 4,2004 11:43am - thornnvine ""]
bummah dood
[Sep 4,2004 2:18pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah duuudee its like whooooaaaahhh like bummmer duooodeee

fuck west coast.

does everyone see thorns suttle attempt to rag on our accent...feag!
[Sep 4,2004 5:50pm - anonymous  ""]
you obviously did not watch seseame street growing up becuase you tawk like eh reetahd.
[Sep 4,2004 6:18pm - dyingmuse ""]
hmmmm who could that be?? i wonder?
[Sep 4,2004 10:32pm - thornnvine ""]
yeah, who ever that was has some balls saying that shit to you

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