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News Article: Man Drives Home with Headless Friend

[Aug 30,2004 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]
Arrest in the car pool lane?

[Aug 30,2004 3:37pm - Josh_hates_you ""]

alcohol may be a factor? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

no matter how shitfaced i am if my friend has his head out the window and then gets decapitated i think i would know.

hahahahaha this dude just drove home like it was nothing. imagine being the neighbor on a stroll hahahahahaha.

or imagine being woken up and not having a fucking clue about it hahahaha.

awesome truly fucking awesome.
[Aug 30,2004 3:37pm - Lincoln ""]
I heard about this earlier....now how drunk do you have to be to be sitting next to a headless body and still drive unknowningly? Pretty sick.
[Aug 30,2004 3:40pm - Hooker ""]
"Hutcherson stopped at a local 7-11 to buy a snack. He used the headless neck to hold delicious ranch Corn Nuts and later, an OK soda."
[Aug 30,2004 3:44pm - Lincoln ""]
Do you think Hutcherson asked his friend why he was being so quiet on the way home?
[Aug 30,2004 4:32pm - Abbath ""]
what the hell did the kid drink that made him so fucked up that he didn't realize his buddies head was gone?!
[Aug 30,2004 5:31pm - the_reverend ""]
people are talking about this at WUNH right now
[Aug 30,2004 11:33pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
man i saw a preveiw for this story on the news and then didnt see the actual story. lame. i need to pay more attention.
[Aug 30,2004 11:58pm - intricateprocess ""]
cobb county? thats where BIG BOSS MAN is from
[Aug 31,2004 2:24am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, smoking weed makes u sumthin..
[Aug 31,2004 2:55am - MyDeadDoll ""]
that was definately a good story! waking up covered in blood might be fun, unless you find out that you're friend's headless body is still in the car.
[Aug 31,2004 3:04am - JellyFish ""]
thats crazy.
[Aug 31,2004 10:52am - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 15,2004 11:58am - the_reverend ""]
more info and a picture
[Sep 15,2004 12:01pm - Lynneaus ""]
why does it look like he has a patch of his hair shaved off?
[Sep 15,2004 12:13pm - the_reverend ""]
his drunk friend probably did that as a joke and it was the last thing he did

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