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ATTN: bands with records put out by labels / labels that put out records

[Aug 30,2004 3:59pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
so bands:

how did you get a label to put out a release? did they come to you or did you go to them?


what made you decide to put out what you did? how did you approach the band?
[Aug 30,2004 4:03pm - GORATORY not logged in  ""]
amputated vein came to us through e-mail. They saw we were looking for a label and made an offer. Things have worked out extremely well since then.
[Aug 30,2004 4:28pm - Hooker ""]
dear taste of cigarettes,

we didn't get anyone to back shit we were doing so we put it out ourselves. sucks, but you gotta do what you blah bal blhblah.

as far as labels go, you never can tell. one man's trash is another man's treasure.

P.S. how is that show for Oct 2 coming along?
[Aug 30,2004 4:30pm - Abbath ""]
we put out our music on some websites and been getting some offers, problem is you just gotta play it realllllllllllllllllllll safe
[Aug 30,2004 4:49pm - dugoxistance  ""]
we recorded, waited 2 years and then BLAM some no name label in spain signed us on for no good deal and/or promotion. Score!
[Aug 30,2004 4:56pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
suck some cock. you'll go far.

send out a billion press kits or just know someone at a label. labels usualy look for the bands making a name for themselves. not the bands that want shit handed to them.
[Aug 30,2004 5:19pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we were just hoping to have a label do some distro and help pay for duplication.

nothing fancy.

we're super picky about the aesthetic of the band and so we're looking to pay what needs to be paid to make the EP we're recording and the Aganihm split look nice, so we're wondering what it would take to get a label to finance (in exchange for investment plus) the release, along with a set of conditions that we must meet such as touring to back it, promoting it ourselves, our financial investment, etc etc.

I think it's smarter than asking someone to pay good money to do all the work for you, you know? But then again, we might just take the HCN, Ascendancy route and pay the whole thing ourselves.

It's undecided. Either way, the last thing we want is a handout. I think that's really shitty when bands start and go "where's our free record?" you know? Label this, label that, we just want to work to finance this thing a little more evenly, and not BS ourselves that we're the kings of distribution at this point in our lives.
[Aug 30,2004 5:21pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
also, waiting on that Oct 2nd venue. My first time working with them, but they take a little time to weigh out things. They have meetings and stuff.
[Aug 30,2004 5:25pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
so this is for that split.....................not that it has any real bearing but from the HXCmp3 songs i heard the one from that split is WAY louder than everything else. was it mastered? if those are the levels i would imagine they are peaking like crazy and that it is normalised way over 0 db.
[Aug 30,2004 5:26pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
it's for the EP and/or the split.

if someone backs one, we can finance the other one our selves.

that song is unmastered, as is everything else so far. We're not even done mixing yet.

that particular song is not only supposed to sound like complete car crash garbage, but if it sounds like it's a peak-fest, we did our job right.

It's 1:30 of complete chaos. If it was mixed clean, we'd probably redo it.
[Aug 30,2004 5:30pm - Hooker ""]
If you need artwork done for a good price I'd be willing to do some shit.

[Aug 30,2004 5:31pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i liked the scratchy intro and the ambience/echo/reverb of the guitar.

was the scratchyness just from the super high levels?
[Aug 30,2004 5:32pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
right now though, I'm just curious about who got what and how and why just for my own curiosity.

I'm part of the old school where you just play and play and play and then someone approaches you about doing a recording for them. That doesn't always seem to be the case, though, and to be honest I think what I'm looking for right now is someone to work with in, per above, distribution and partial financing. I'm not sure how serious about bringing in someone outside we are, but if someone proves they are a responsible label/distro/person whatever, or that they really understand what we're going for, we'd be hip to it.


the aganihm split is supposed to be this fucked up, in your face collision course that calls up a lot of questions about not only music but why we do the things we do. So far the lyrical content on many of the songs deals with pro vs con of war or conflict; the contrast of love and art and whether either are necessary for life, and if so how; whether it's really revolution to sit at home and stare at a TV; whether solitude is all their is to life; Are we just on a march to death?

that's just part of it. we are trying to show that not only throuhg lyrical content and song structure (we meaning Aganihm and TOS) but we're also trying to do that through recording technique and style.

hopefully we pull it off. A Masterpiece? doubtful. A solid release? hopefully.
[Aug 30,2004 5:34pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Josh_hates_you said:i liked the scratchy intro and the ambience/echo/reverb of the guitar.

was the scratchyness just from the super high levels?

hahhaha I'd have to email you how we did that. It's a secret! If I showed you the waveforms you'd understand.

thank you, though, glad you like it. I'll send you an unmastered copy when everything's finished and you can give me an honest, unabashed review.

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