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Apr 22, 2017 @ the Palladium - Mainstage (Worcester, MA) with amorphis, battle_beast, begat_the_nephilim, caspian, delain, graviton, hammerfall, katatonia, leaves_eyes, pathogenic, sabaton, swallow_the_sun, the_offering,

Apr 22, 2017 @ the Palladium - Secondstage (Worcester, MA) with affiance, anel_vivaldi, attraction_to_tragedy, black_trip, circuit_of_suns, goldenhall, kingsmen, merithius, sirens_and_sailors, within_the_abyss,

Apr 21, 2017 @ the Palladium - Mainstage (Worcester, MA) with all_out_war, cryptodira, currents, no_eye_has_seen, on_your_deathbed, prong, sepultura, testament, the_convalescence, traitors, unwill, varials,

Apr 21, 2017 @ the Palladium - Secondstage (Worcester, MA) with brick_by_brick, cruel_hand, degrader, face_your_maker, harms_way, kublai_khan, left_behind, the_last_ten_seconds_of_life, values,

Apr 14, 2017 @ Ralph's (Worcester, MA) with falls_of_rauros, legions_descend, malleus, obsidian_tongue, [Vers. 0.12][ 0.261 secs/3 queries][refresh][