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Profiles stuff: message board posts
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Posts: 1140 to 1149
Parents, how do you trick your kids into liking metal? @ Jan 25,2012 1:25pm
Who wants to play overseas with Bloodsoaked? @ Jan 25,2012 1:08pm
Overhearing political discussions at work, hard to appreesh @ Jan 25,2012 12:46pm
Overhearing political discussions at work, hard to appreesh @ Jan 25,2012 11:36am
Parents, how do you trick your kids into liking metal? @ Jan 25,2012 11:08am
New Lamb of God CD "Resolution" Streaming online today @ Jan 24,2012 5:56pm
New Lamb of God CD "Resolution" Streaming online today @ Jan 24,2012 5:42pm
New Lamb of God CD "Resolution" Streaming online today @ Jan 24,2012 5:30pm
New Lamb of God CD "Resolution" Streaming online today @ Jan 24,2012 5:24pm
New Lamb of God CD "Resolution" Streaming online today @ Jan 24,2012 5:15pm
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