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geminiII: [Email][Links][Comments][Events][Threads][Posts][Favorites][CdReviews]
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Posts: 340 to 349
10/15/11 @ Millys Tavern. Manchester NH 8pm doors...LOUD!!! Eerie, Inverticrux, Dark Passenger, Suicide Dream LOUD!!! @ Oct 16,2011 11:59pm
Oct 20th @ Ralph's {Worcester} - Metal Thursday CXLIII: IMPIETY [Singapore], Nachzehrer, Obsidian Tongue, Blessed Offal 21+ $8 9PM @ Oct 16,2011 11:55pm
Gear trade... Boogie Cab for Marshall?? anyone? @ Oct 14,2011 12:40pm
10/15/11 @ Millys Tavern. Manchester NH 8pm doors...LOUD!!! Eerie, Inverticrux, Dark Passenger, Suicide Dream LOUD!!! @ Oct 14,2011 12:36pm
10/15/11 @ Millys Tavern. Manchester NH 8pm doors...LOUD!!! Eerie, Inverticrux, Dark Passenger, Suicide Dream LOUD!!! @ Oct 14,2011 2:14am
Opal Sound Studios (NH) Open for the metalheads of NewEngland and the World @ Oct 13,2011 9:20pm
10/15/11 @ Millys Tavern. Manchester NH 8pm doors...LOUD!!! Eerie, Inverticrux, Dark Passenger, Suicide Dream LOUD!!! @ Oct 13,2011 6:19pm
Gear trade... Boogie Cab for Marshall?? anyone? @ Oct 13,2011 6:18pm
NVS: Reclusa(Godflesh, Wormphlegm and Beherit) split cassette @ Oct 13,2011 6:17pm
Opal Sound Studios (NH) Open for the metalheads of NewEngland and the World @ Oct 13,2011 4:18pm
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