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rustyps: [Email][Links][Comments][Events][Threads][Posts][Favorites][CdReviews]
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Profiles stuff: message board posts
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Posts: 70 to 79
Craiglist strikes again: Real Rock Drummer for NON-pussy band (L.A.) @ Jun 18,2012 1:15pm
Craiglist strikes again: Real Rock Drummer for NON-pussy band (L.A.) @ Jun 18,2012 1:04pm
Exceptional Cover Songs @ Jun 18,2012 9:43am
Exceptional Cover Songs @ Jun 18,2012 9:20am
Exceptional Cover Songs @ Jun 18,2012 7:20am
clicky rttp image thread (0.03% more nerdy than normal edition) (also dolan) @ Jun 15,2012 5:10pm
top 10 list of most romantic rttp users @ Jun 15,2012 2:03pm
June 27th Keene, NH A Life Once Lost, Black Sheep Wall, Hivesmasher, Astronomer @ Jun 15,2012 8:33am
at fenway for my first time @ Jun 15,2012 8:32am
June 27th Keene, NH A Life Once Lost, Black Sheep Wall, Hivesmasher, Astronomer @ Jun 14,2012 11:17pm
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