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pay to play

[Jun 23,2011 10:21am - AndrewBastard ""]
sweet email I just got:


My name is Rob and I work for Nemesis Entertainment. I am interested in booking PanzerBastard.
Are you available on August 23rd show at church with Joey belladonna?
Could you do 50 tickets at $17, need $680 back?

Thank You,
Nemesis Entertainment
[Jun 23,2011 10:24am - Kevord ""]
Only play if Mayhem's opening.
[Jun 23,2011 10:27am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only play to pay is real
[Jun 23,2011 10:31am - xmikex ""]
Dear Rob,
I would like to purchase 1 $680 ticket to Joey Belladonna. Please meet me at METAL THURSDAY.
[Jun 23,2011 10:32am - Yeti ""]
pay & park & pay
[Jun 23,2011 10:43am - largefreakatzero ""]
Sounds legit, how could you go wrong? This is your BIG CHANCE to open for Joey.
[Jun 23,2011 10:44am - Yeti ""]
[Jun 23,2011 10:53am - dreadkill ""]
CSDO will headline
[Jun 23,2011 10:56am - burnsy ""]
[Jun 23,2011 11:06am - timma ""]
I assume the subject line of this e-mail was

"Worst Idea Ever (details inside)"
[Jun 23,2011 11:13am - Kevord ""]
Joey Belladonna should have to sell tickets to play with PanzerBastard. K.Panzer has been on TV more in the last year then Joey has. Married with Children won't return his calls and he doesn't know why.
[Jun 23,2011 11:33am - JustinVaettir ""]
It's not pay to play, it's work to play, you fuckin hobby rockers.
[Jun 23,2011 11:41am - dyingmuse ""]
Awesome email, do it man!!!!

While your at it how about do the promoters job....actually, I dont wanna lay brick today, could you do mine too?

These people who say its the bands job, and they have to work is reidculous. They dont realize how much serious bands do work. Fuck that.
[Jun 23,2011 11:41am - arktouros ""]

AndrewBastard said:sweet email I just got:
Could you do 50 tickets at $17, need $680 back?

So the band would make $180 IF they sold ALL the tickets, moved and setup all their equipment, and played? And if the show doesn't meet quota? What kind of dumbass thinks this is okay?
[Jun 23,2011 11:52am - AndrewBastard ""]

It's not pay to play. You are making money. Can you sell tickets?

Thank you,
NEMESIS Entertainment

Sent from my iPhone

[Jun 23,2011 11:55am - Kevord ""]
I'm wondering the same thing I was when he played the Palladium a few months ago. Who's paying to see Joey Belladonna? I'm a huge Slayer fan but if Tom Araya was playing a solo show I probably wouldn't go out of my way to see him.
[Jun 23,2011 11:56am - eyeroller  ""]
Pay to play = [img]
[Jun 23,2011 11:57am - JustinVaettir ""]
Paone to play
[Jun 23,2011 11:59am - RichHorror ""]
We got a similar e-mail, only I believe it was to sell tickets to play with Revocation. Hahaha.
[Jun 23,2011 12:01pm - Kevord ""]
I'm sure Your Pain is endearing would be happy to sell tickets to Revocation.
[Jun 23,2011 12:03pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
I wouldn't sell tickets to play a show with Type O Negative opening for Rainbow.
[Jun 23,2011 12:03pm - Mutis ""]
This looks like a job for a certain manager who goes by the name of "Carl".
[Jun 23,2011 12:10pm - Lamp ""]
So this is the really cool show you were talking about.
[Jun 23,2011 12:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

RichHorror said:We got a similar e-mail, only I believe it was to sell tickets to play with Revocation. Hahaha.

lol same
[Jun 23,2011 12:38pm - the_reverend ""]
cry for the indians.
[Jun 23,2011 12:42pm - Jasper  ""]
Pay-to-play to open for Joey Belladonna? That's a paddlin'.
[Jun 23,2011 1:02pm - ShadowSD ""]

arktouros said:
AndrewBastard said:sweet email I just got:
Could you do 50 tickets at $17, need $680 back?

So the band would make $180 IF they sold ALL the tickets, moved and setup all their equipment, and played?

Actually, it's worse, $170 by my math. Sad thing is that if this show was at the Webster, a band would only make $50 (I can't imagine the Palladium is much different).

I personally think if a single date support band brings in $850 of ticket sales, even for a costly national tour (which Joey Belladona is not exactly), they ought to make AT LEAST half of that back as an incentive for selling the damn tickets in the first place, and that would probably lead to bands selling more in the end anyway. When will places learn that you can't ask bands to bring you a loaf and give them a crumb, and expect good bands to keep taking the shows and work themselves to the bone just to wipe someone else's ass. People might bother more if they weren't getting ripped off.
[Jun 23,2011 1:09pm - Yeti ""]
if your band was world-reknowned like CSDO, you'd know. they were around when Dwyer was crawling out of the ocean.
[Jun 23,2011 1:11pm - CSDO  ""]
I'm good friends with Belladonna and the bookers. If you cant work for it, then fuck off and try to make your own shows.
[Jun 23,2011 1:17pm - bastard  ""]
pay to play ist krieg
[Jun 23,2011 2:11pm - dyingmuse ""]
selling tickets shouldn't be the agenda here, it's the music. If we are asked to Try to sell tickets, that's fine, I am willing to do that. but saying it will be the be all end all factor in playing, fuck that, we would be out. It is NOT the local bands job to sell a touring acts tickets, It's the touring band that is responsible, That is why promotors get paid. A local band is supposed to help by bring their fans, however, people are flakes, and it's just not cool to do that shit. After all the local bands pay for gas, rehearsal space, recording and whatnot, why the fuck should we pay more? Fuck pay to play! Ohh and fuck Belladonna lol

[Jun 23,2011 3:02pm - Elizabeth del Mar  ""]
[Jun 23,2011 3:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

CSDO said:I'm good friends with Belladonna and the bookers. If you cant work for it, then fuck off and try to make your own shows.

Maybe copying Nuclear Assault songs and cutting off jeans to make shorts isn't work, but us bands who actually have original material and release albums and provide some sort of entertainment at a show are already working pretty hard.
[Jun 23,2011 3:54pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
CSDO is really important, ok?
[Jun 23,2011 3:55pm - dreadkill ""]
john bush or 8564546 tickets
[Jun 23,2011 4:09pm - Shanal ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
CSDO said:I'm good friends with Belladonna and the bookers. If you cant work for it, then fuck off and try to make your own shows.

Maybe copying Nuclear Assault songs and cutting off jeans to make shorts isn't work, but us bands who actually have original material and release albums and provide some sort of entertainment at a show are already working pretty hard.

[Jun 23,2011 4:12pm - Kevord ""]
CSDO has to be the easiest Troll to play. But it's always like flies to shit around here.
[Jun 23,2011 4:14pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jun 23,2011 5:51pm - NemesisRob  ""]

xmikex said:Dear Rob,
I would like to purchase 1 $680 ticket to Joey Belladonna. Please meet me at METAL THURSDAY.

Thanks for your interest, xmikex! It would be great if you wore a specific band shirt, so I would know who to look for... How about SEPULTURA??? I wouldn't want you to buy a ticket to a different event by mistake!
[Jun 23,2011 5:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jun 23,2011 5:53pm - RichHorror ""]
New England Broccoli Rabe & Thursday Fest
[Jun 23,2011 6:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

RichHorror said:New England Broccoli Rabe & CREME FRAICHE, FUCK YEAAAAAAAAH Fest

[Jun 23,2011 6:05pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
The only notable thing Joey Belladonna's done in the past 21 years is looked exactly like a girl I went to high school with in the "Got the Time" video.
[Jun 23,2011 6:29pm - Lamp ""]
The best thing about this current CSDO troll is that it still sounds too smart to actually be Eric Paone.
[Jun 23,2011 6:31pm - nekronaut ""]
Payday is the worst candy bar ever.
[Jun 23,2011 6:32pm - RichHorror ""]
Watchmaker is the best black metal band.
[Jun 23,2011 6:55pm - shanal ""]
Gay4Pay > Pay2Play

[Jun 23,2011 7:04pm - Blessed_Offtroll  ""]
Penis is the best thing to suck on.
[Jun 23,2011 7:13pm - shanal ""]
if we're following brotocol
[Jul 5,2011 10:10pm - AndrewBastard ""]
so the dude got back in touch with me:

___________________EMAIL #3__________________________
From: NEMESIS Entertainment <nemesisentertainment@live.com>
To: dimatteoandrew@yahoo.com
Sent: Tue, July 5, 2011 6:12:39 PM
Subject: RE: PanzerBastard booking August 23rd church

Hey Andrew,

We ended up dropping joey. Are you still available to play?

Nemesis Entertainment

___________________RESPONSE #2__________________________
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 08:51:53 -0700
From: dimatteoandrew@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: PanzerBastard booking August 23rd Joey Belladonna
To: nemesisentertainment@live.com

nope! sorry...

Andrew DiMatteo
Graphics / Color Specialist
ARC Boston

___________________EMAIL #2__________________________
From: NEMESIS Entertainment <nemesisentertainment@live.com>
To: Andrew DiMatteo <dimatteoandrew@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thu, June 23, 2011 10:25:39 AM
Subject: Re: PanzerBastard booking August 23rd Joey Belladonna

It's not pay to play. You are making money. Can you sell tickets?

Thank you,
NEMESIS Entertainment

Sent from my iPhone

___________________RESPONSE #1__________________________

On Jun 23, 2011, at 10:21 AM, Andrew DiMatteo <dimatteoandrew@yahoo.com> wrote:

we dont pay to play...sorry but thanks anyway

Andrew DiMatteo
Graphics / Color Specialist
ARC Boston

___________________EMAIL #1__________________________
From: NEMESIS Entertainment <nemesisentertainment@live.com>
To: dimatteoandrew@yahoo.com
Sent: Wed, June 22, 2011 8:52:07 PM
Subject: PanzerBastard booking August 23rd Joey Belladonna


My name is Rob and I work for Nemesis Entertainment. I am interested in booking PanzerBastard.
Are you available on August 23rd show at church with Joey belladonna?
Could you do 50 tickets at $17, need $680 back?

Thank You,
Nemesis Entertainment

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