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Return To The Pit compilation?

[Feb 4,2006 9:39pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Remember New England Is Wicked Pissed? What if there was a RTTP comp? With live tracks from the show, and maybe live tracks FROM shows and such? or something? and mastered at a pro mastering studio? Who would get in on this?

I was thinking part of the money from all sales could go to Aaron so he can keep the site, show, and pics going. thoughts?
[Feb 4,2006 9:47pm - infoterror ""]
[Feb 4,2006 10:19pm - the_reverend ""]
the driving force behind the last comp quit on the site after his gf found some bs he typed.
this killed the idea of the second comp unfortunately.
[Feb 5,2006 1:19am - josh fucking hates you  ""]
my gf has been cool lately. there where some retards airing shit i did not need. but either way. I mostly got lazy cause i work 50 hours a week as opposed to being unemployed last time. and did have every intention of doing volume 2. i talked to several bands that where all down with volume 2. i did want to leave some space at the end for some live tracks from the radio show. last time there was no mastering cause there was no money for it, if people want to find ways to raise more money then that would be awesome.

I still have $50 from my pretentious erection and a check from keenan of death without weeping for $50 that i never cashed and a cd/song from catalyst.

throwing shrapnel
hand choke neck
for the worse
are some bands that said they wanted to do it, i think i talked to other people i think mike from ftw was gonna ask colin from coa if they wanted to do it. rev might of had a special guest.

I'm still down. Who wants to do the art? does that kid at hold true do mastering? get rates. last time we got the 1000 cds pressed and shipped for $1100. so add mastering to that.
[Feb 5,2006 1:27am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Feb 5,2006 1:38am - brian_dc ""]
since we've changed our lineup and have shorter songs now, we would be into it...but if you don't want repeats of last time I respect that

the we I speak of is Dour Cursiva
[Feb 5,2006 1:50am - anonymous  ""]
perils of reasoning will contribute again. we're recording at MWM in march
[Feb 5,2006 2:02am - brian_dc ""]
ooooh, MwM...that's what we did...get it mastered at West West Side. That is my suggestion.
[Feb 5,2006 2:10am - BornSoVile ""]
I'll call you tomorrow Josh.
[Feb 5,2006 3:18am - Otto/BOL (NLI)  ""]
my band Burden of Liberty would definetly be all in for the second comp., we wanted to do the first but couldn't get the song back from the mastering in time.
Bluntface Records would be willing to be a sponsor on the second disc as well.
[Feb 5,2006 6:03am - Sinistas ""]
I know you probably want different bands for the second one, but Dreaded Silence has a non-album track we might be interested in putting on...
[Feb 5,2006 9:35am - dyingmuse ""]
shroud of bereavement has a short 4 1/2 minute edit that we made for a seperate comp that never got used. we would like to part of this. if there happens to be room left, just let one of us know.
[Feb 5,2006 9:42am - brendannli  ""]
i never got my new england is wicked pissed.

fucked up.
[Feb 5,2006 9:43am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I think the NEiWP comp vol 2 should still happen aside from this.

I was thinking something similar in concept except:

A) it gets sold. 1000 get made and 300 are dedicated to promotional copies for radio stations, giveaways, etc.

B) more labels that have been helped by aaron and aaron's work could get on board. A double disc set split between a few labels comes to barely anything each.

C) one disc could be all live tracks, focusing primarily and possibly exclusively on live perfomances on the RTTP radio show. The other would be studio tracks by bands.

D) 20% of sales could go to Aaron's show. If it sells for $15-$20 from distros / bands (it IS a double disc set) that means 700 units x $15 = 10,500. 20% of this is $2,100, allowing 8,400 potentially to go to everyone else. These are up-in-the-air numbers I am throwing out for suggestion, but you get the idea.

E) part of me really likes the idea of a 4 or 6 page booklet with this that has credits, an RTTP bio, etc etc

This is all up to everyone's input, how much work each person is willing to put in...

I was thinking something that focuses on RttP and what has come of it.
[Feb 5,2006 9:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
possibly more than a thousand run depending on funding and who wants to work on it.

I would imagine if, when asked the right way and by the right people, Prosthetic, Metal Blade, Black Market, and other such labels -- that have thrived in part due to what Aaron has helped to create -- would want to get on board.
[Feb 5,2006 10:02am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
thats a good idea

im sure my friend howies band would be interesting in this
[Feb 5,2006 10:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If you are going to do a disc of live songs, I must insist Hellblock6 be included.
[Feb 5,2006 11:08am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
what if it were a live audio CD and a live DVD? that may even be more cost effective overall...I don't know how to author a DVD menu or commands or anything, though
[Feb 5,2006 11:18am - Dankill  ""]
I smell exculsive Goratory track
[Feb 5,2006 11:20am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Dankill said:I smell exculsive Goratory track

What does it smell like?
[Feb 5,2006 11:27am - brian_dc ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:what if it were a live audio CD and a live DVD? that may even be more cost effective overall...I don't know how to author a DVD menu or commands or anything, though

Jake from DC has strewn together DVD menus with his Powerbook in the past, I don't think it's too hard.
[Feb 5,2006 11:36am - Otto_B.O.L. ""]
the duel cd/dvd is a great idea, i think that would be huge hit. Like i said if this is really gonna happen you can count us (Burden of Liberty) and Bluntface in. we co-sponsored the first one w/Joe and Heavy Rotation, and it was fucking great. that disc represented NE metal so well, it's too bad there couldn't have been a bigger pressing of that first disc.
[Feb 5,2006 11:45am - Sinistas ""]
a huge hit?

[Feb 5,2006 11:49am - Otto_B.O.L. ""]
Sinistas said:a huge hit?


haha well maye not a huge hit as in sales or anything. what i meant was
a huge hit w/the metal heads in New England, it would probbaly be big exposure for the bands on it.
[Feb 5,2006 11:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think a DVD wouldn't be the best idea. Who wants to sit in their living room watching bands they dont know play inside a radio station studio?

I think a double disc is a cool idea, particularly with live songs from the show.
[Feb 5,2006 12:00pm - Otto_B.O.L. ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I think a DVD wouldn't be the best idea. Who wants to sit in their living room watching bands they dont know play inside a radio station studio?

what if the dvd was footage from live shows and the cd was live from the RTTP show?

[Feb 5,2006 12:02pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
How would a DVD of live shows have anything to do with RTTP though? If the idea is to promote what Aaron does then it still doesnt seem like a good idea to me. If you want a DVD of new england bands then it should be called something else. Of course thats just my opinion.
[Feb 5,2006 12:06pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I figure Aaron shoots live shows and a DVD of bands playing live would make sense

I like watching bands I've never seen before on DVD, but futhermore footage from some of the bigger bands that have appeared on the show would get people interested

I dunnow, I mean we can all come up with the idea. At the basic level I am hoping for a comp that have RttP live tracks and some studio tracks by bands, plus a booklet with info about the show and aaron's work.

It's a good time for us to start giving back to someone who's given us a lot in terms of airplay, photos, a website, band pages, etc etc and just plain being a nice guy that shows up and goofs around.
[Feb 5,2006 12:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Aaron touched my butt once. What a fag.
[Feb 5,2006 12:43pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
for one CD in full color jewel cases, 3 colors on CD face, 12 page booklet, clear tray, shrink wrapped, and UPS it comes to 1840 before shipping and taxes.

to make it a "dual disc" which is one side CD, one side DVD it comes to about double that.

I wonder how much it is to do 2 CDs in the same case?

these prices are from DiscMakers
[Feb 5,2006 12:45pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
it's 1690 for these hip looking "eco-wallets"

1590 if we don't get the "wafer seal" over the mouth


I still can't find the price for a double disc, though
[Feb 5,2006 1:09pm - Otto_B.O.L. ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:How would a DVD of live shows have anything to do with RTTP though? If the idea is to promote what Aaron does then it still doesnt seem like a good idea to me. If you want a DVD of new england bands then it should be called something else. Of course thats just my opinion.

good point. what i was thinking was a cd of all the live audio tracks from RTTP performances, and the dvd live footage would be those same bands, so it would still have a RTTP theme. But a dvd might work better as a seperate entity from the CD
[Feb 5,2006 1:11pm - Otto_B.O.L. ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:it's 1690 for these hip looking "eco-wallets"

1590 if we don't get the "wafer seal" over the mouth


I still can't find the price for a double disc, though

what about www.pcxmedia.com or www.datadisc.com Pcx specializes in short runs and are really cheap for the jewel case. i have no idea about double disc $$$.
[Feb 5,2006 1:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Fuck Discmakers, use http://www.dgrinc.com/
[Feb 5,2006 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
how would you get live footage for the bands that already played?
[Feb 5,2006 1:27pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I was thinking live footage period. Not from the RttP sets, that's impossible
[Feb 5,2006 1:31pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
PCX does CDRs
[Feb 5,2006 2:44pm - josh fucking hates you  ""]
nick, the double disc set you can get by special quote. that was the original idea for volume if you remember correctly. i checked diskmakers, dgrinc., superdups, wonderdrug and about 50 other places and the place the i went to http://www.builtbyicon.com/ was by far the best price and service anywhere even on the double disc.

funny how this thread is starting to read exactly like the original NEIWP threads http://www.returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=15560 http://www.returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=15790

I would to have liked to make a bigger booklet too but at that time we rushed to get it done for the metalfest which I would not do again. Last time 600 copies where given away at the fest and all the bands got 10 copies and 100 or something went with dwyer to MDF and more, i think i still have 30 or 40 laying around. This time I think bands should get more like 30 copies and the rest go to promotion and maybe distribution channels. selling them for 15-20 is too high and unrealistic. 5-10 at the most. forget about profits and dividing percentages. worry about breaking even.

i sent e-mails to prosthetic, black market, and metal blade. just didn't happen. I guess rev knows someone at metalblade and can get someone for the comp i don't know about full blown sponsorship.

basicly you want this to be exactly what i wanted volume 1 to be but could not arrange in time. you could push forward with your rttp comp or help me with volume 2 and make the NEIWP series everything you and I picture in an "rttp" comp. either way the groundwork is already in place.
[Feb 5,2006 2:55pm - the_reverend ""]
I can get just about anything I want from MB and hence BMA if it were done the same way as the original. with $$$ and selling involved, I don't know.

prosthtic is a tougher beast to crack. ej does most of the work there and he's always so busy. hence the guy pushing 70-100K log CDs
[Feb 5,2006 5:49pm - cousinit ""]
Hardtimes would be up for this..... Hear some unmastered shit here - www.myspace.com/masshardtimes
[Feb 5,2006 7:08pm - contagion ""]
we'd do it. not that anyone gives a flying shit.
[Feb 5,2006 8:57pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
well part of what I was thinking was to get Aaron some money to keep doing this, make his life easier. Would exposure in general be a big help then, Rev? Cause then yeah, a free disc or disc sold to break even makes sense I guess.
[Feb 5,2006 8:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
Dankill said:I smell exculsive Goratory track

yeah dan what the fuck are you talking about?
[Feb 6,2006 1:02am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
maybe a DVD would be a good idea, but not of live tracks of every song on the album. a couple live videos that are good and worth putting on, then a gallery of pics that aaron has taken and a giant list of local bands with their contact info and such
[Feb 6,2006 1:24am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
dude a collection of some pictures Aaron was really proud of on a DVD would be a GREAT idea, I think.
[Feb 6,2006 1:34am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
contagion said:we'd do it. not that anyone gives a flying shit.


[Feb 6,2006 1:36am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
this really is a good idea...it's like a NEIWP on steroids, as long as there's someone around who can do DVD menus cuz i sure as hell don't know shit about that either
[Feb 6,2006 1:41am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
uhhh yeah count me in i guess, i wanted to do new swatchdogs shit anyway or just something new.

josh still has 50 dollars of mine.
[Feb 6,2006 8:25am - DreamingInExile ""]
dyingmuse said:shroud of bereavement has a short 4 1/2 minute edit that we made for a seperate comp that never got used. we would like to part of this. if there happens to be room left, just let one of us know.

we could either use that, or the "live" version of 'And Their Tears Shall Flood The Earth' (which is about 6:30 in length) either way we're down for helping out with vol. 2.

I'll even contribute artwork for the comp, or do the layout if others contribute artwork.
[Feb 7,2006 10:15pm - infoterror ""]
[Feb 7,2006 10:20pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hmm so are we just doing NEiWP Vol 2 or are we gonna do the live comp?

or both?
[Feb 7,2006 10:20pm - Blue ""]
i think a double disc (1 studio & 1 live) is a fantastic idea.
[Feb 7,2006 11:57pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
how many people have live tracks?

does this call for a huge show with tons of bands with an awesome live recording company and releasing a live cd as well as a dvd with live footage from said show and the recorded tracks used as the audio track?
[Feb 7,2006 11:58pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i think it does :NEWHORNS:
[Feb 8,2006 2:31am - Blue ""]
i dont know about that.

bands who have live tracks:

1. hellblock6_ on Nov 14, 2005
2. superchrist on Sep 19, 2005
4. demiricous on Jun 27, 2005
5. human_bone_bicycle_sciences_industries on Jun 6, 2005
6. throwing_shrapnel on Jun 6, 2005
7. abhorred on May 16, 2005
8. mercury_switch on Apr 25, 2005
9. raising_kubrick on Mar 28, 2005
10. hatred_alive on Mar 7, 2005
11. the_red_chord on Feb 28, 2005
12. the_hostage_heart on Feb 7, 2005
13. colin_of_arabia on Jan 31, 2005
14. over_the_top on Jan 17, 2005


1. porphyria on Dec 27, 2004
2. continued_without_a_finding on Dec 13, 2004
3. even_death_may_die on Nov 29, 2004
4. clitorture on Nov 15, 2004
5. mucopus on Nov 15, 2004
6. pray_for_a_plague on Oct 11, 2004
7. hand_choke_neck on Aug 30, 2004
8. the_taste_of_silver on Aug 16, 2004
9. disengaged on Jun 28, 2004
10. teratism on Apr 5, 2004
11. random_acts_of_violence on Mar 29, 2004
12. solipsist on Mar 15, 2004
13. terminally_your_aborted_ghost on Mar 8, 2004
15. invocation_of_nehek on Feb 16, 2004
17. the_auburn_system on Feb 16, 2004
18. phantom_limb on Feb 9, 2004
19. aganihm on Jan 5, 2004


1. in_dire_need on Dec 22, 2003
2. shading_the_end on Aug 19, 2003
3. shroud_of_bereavement on Aug 12, 2003
4. ascendancy on Jul 22, 2003
5. shallows_and_flats on Jul 1, 2003
6. deadwater_drowning on Jun 17, 2003
7. the_auburn_system on May 13, 2003
8. maggot_feast on May 6, 2003
9. the_network on Apr 22, 2003
10. kevorkians_angels on Mar 25, 2003
11. umbrella on Mar 18, 2003
12. Since the Flood on Feb 25, 2003


1. envelope on Dec 31, 2002
2. the_blackout on Dec 24, 2002
3. the_failsafe_device on Nov 19, 2002
4. dasai on Oct 29, 2002
5. eyes.like.autumn on Sep 21, 2002
6. held_hostage on Sep 21, 2002
7. in_dire_need on Sep 21, 2002
8. the_automata on Sep 21, 2002
9. upon_crimson_wing on Sep 21, 2002
10. invocation_of_nehek on Aug 6, 2002
11. buried_inside on Jul 30, 2002
12. killing_beverly on Jul 30, 2002
13. held_hostage on Jul 9, 2002
14. letters_from_the_dead on Jul 9, 2002
15. eyes.like.autumn on Jun 11, 2002
16. summer.so.far on May 21, 2002
17. break it up on Apr 23, 2002
18. the Automata on Apr 16, 2002
19. Justice Theory on Mar 19, 2002
20. icarus falls on Feb 19, 2002
21. iRANACH on Feb 5, 2002


1. between two thieves on 2001-12-25
2. Carbon Asphyxia on 2001-12-25
3. Life At Zero on 2001-08-28
4. Halo Suffocation Machine on 2001-08-20
5. In Mourning on 2001-08-14
6. iRANACH on 2001-08-06
7. tears_of_avarel on 2001-07-10
8. My Breath on Glass on 2001-04-24
9. Cannae on 2001-04-17
10. terretron on 2001-03-19
11. Halo Suffocation Machine on 2000-12-25

[Feb 8,2006 7:51am - Otto_B.O.L. ""]
we can always get a live track, we'll just hook our unit through the house mix w/ a couple extra mics for the crowd.
[Feb 8,2006 9:23am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
holy shit... think about it....

there are some big names in there.

plus I am partial to the Aganihm live set ;)
[Feb 8,2006 9:25am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Today is the Day needs to get in there, and Converge, and then this disc will be fucking boiling

maybe get Misery Index on that tour they are doing?
[Feb 8,2006 11:40am - dyingmuse ""]
Keen of the Crow and Goddless Rising are playing rttp in may.
[Feb 8,2006 12:50pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
ahh yes...i forgot about the live acts that were on RTTP
[Feb 8,2006 4:07pm - infoterror ""]



[Feb 8,2006 6:06pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Infoterror, I rarely ever understand what you're trying to say
[Feb 8,2006 6:18pm - infoterror ""]
[Feb 8,2006 7:15pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I actually understood him completely this time.
[Feb 8,2006 8:34pm - infoterror ""]

[Feb 8,2006 8:51pm - Troll ""]
I'd like to see one of my shitty bands get on the RTTP comp but were not that cool.
[Feb 9,2006 10:28am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:I actually understood him completely this time.

You understood him? Care to explain it to me? It's like he's talking Babbelfish.com translated Japanese
[Feb 9,2006 11:18am - cav  ""]
this is a great idea.
[Feb 9,2006 11:24am - cav  ""]
Blue said:i think a double disc (1 studio & 1 live) is a fantastic idea.

i agree, get all the bands that post on rttp to submit studio tracks...like 20 bands like the last one. then have the live stuff on another cd. we (dour cursiva) actually have a song that we recorded that we havent put on our demo or myspace yet that we could use. have all the bands and a couple labels throw in a few bucks, and its a done deal. oh ya and ill throw Rossi from the departed's name in the hat for artwork.

[Feb 9,2006 12:56pm - kessaris ""]
it would have to be on CDRs only...or else I won't listen to it
[Feb 9,2006 2:29pm - DreamingInExile ""]
kessaris said:it would have to be on CDRs only...or else I won't listen to it

I'll boot leg a copy for you, complete with shitty xeroxed cover :nuke:
[Feb 12,2006 12:47am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i'll restate..............volume was supposed to be 2 discs. 40 bands said they wanted in. 23 bands came thru.

to release 1000 double discs 1 studio + 1 live means about $2000 needs to be raised. that is 20 bands by $100 or 40 bands by $50.

labels are not going to pay to produce a product to be sold for profit by some one else. it needs to be a promotional effort. and furthermore when is the last time you paid more than 5 bucks for a comp?.......never. samplers and comps are handed out for free all the time.

there are a million ideas and ways to go with the project and they are all good. but all the ideas on how to make the comp are useless until the funding is figured out.
[Feb 12,2006 9:52am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
$50 with 40 bands seems more than fair
[Feb 12,2006 10:15am - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
ATNFAC will do it again. we have new material recorded and would be down. I will also second ROSSI from the Departed for artwork.
[Feb 12,2006 10:32am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
If this is given away free, or for donations, how does this raise money for RttP?

would we just put "donate to RttP" and a link in the liners or something?

I'm hoping to raise Aaron some money to keep his work in shape.
[Feb 12,2006 11:57am - Josh_hates_you ""]
bands may sell their copies. they may donate towards aaron if they like. i cannot speak for aaron but i think he does this site cause he likes too and he has banners that help pay for the site not to mention being a computer engineer or whatever, i dont think he is starving by any means. 1000 promotional copies with the "rttp" brand on it is a pretty large donation towards the site as is. This time around i think the bands should get 30+ copies assuming it is only 20 bands by 1000 copies. leaving a few hundred for NEMF, MDF, DooM and Grind fest etc. This way the bands will have a majority of them and may sell them to get some of their money back. whoever puts it together should not profit off of everyone elses money. If one person or label where to pay for the whole thing then they should be able to sell it for profit just like a regular record release.
[Feb 12,2006 12:50pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
i think if it ends up being a NEiWP Volumer 2 it should be mastered at a place that specializes in mastering like M-Works or New Alliance (if they have a space to work in by then). the first volume is pretty cool but the mastering is not what it could be.
[Feb 12,2006 12:56pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
there was no money raised for mastering. it was not mastered. sorry.

thats what i keep saying, finances need to be arranged to pay for these great things. ie. bigger booklets, mastering and double discs are not going to pay for themselves.
[Feb 12,2006 1:00pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
we can,

A. figure out a way to finace all these things.

B. accept the limitations of what we can finance

C. keep running in circles with ideas without solutions
[Feb 12,2006 3:11pm - adam_time ""]
i think the biggest issue with the first comp was the sound quality. mastering is an important issue, but bands need to get a solid, good quality recording in so that mastering will even make a difference. if some of those tracks off the first comp were mastered, it wouldn't have mattered, some of the recdings would still sound like crap. there needs to be a submission/review/quality control process before anyone puts in money so the "unprofessional" recordings aren't something you just want to skip over.
i don't say this as a "get rid of this band because they're terrible", i personally can't stand listening to a bad recording, and though i love almost every band on the first NEIWP comp, i listened to the cd for a week and forgot i even owned one after that.
so before we start talking about putting a comp together, EVERYONE GO GET NEW RECORDINGS! if the recordings sound good from the start, mastering won't matter.
Though I think a second edition is a good idea. the thought of a live rttp disc on the NEIWP comp is perfect. if it looked and sounded good, it could sell for 5-10 bucks easy... all we need to do is include RTTP bumper stickers in the package.
think about it... New England is Wicked Pissed, Volume 2, Return to the Pit Edition.
I'd toss in another 50 to put a track on there, maybe 75 if my band (WTF) got 30 copies.
hell, i'll do art for free. paint, print, pencil, ink, computer design, whatever. i didn't go to school for nothin.
[Feb 12,2006 6:11pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Josh_hates_you said:A. figure out a way to finace all these things.

where did you get the inserts printed last time and how much did they cost?

actually...what was the individual cost for each thing? i.e. blank cd's, inserts, cases

[Feb 12,2006 6:13pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
we, as should everyone, have no problem throwing down like $100 to make this come out awesome

also, new alliance will be back in business next week(we just mastered there and he said they were building their new place between the 10th and the 20th
[Feb 12,2006 6:18pm - eddie ""]
it's too bad josh can't take control of this mess this time. You really need somebody whose more realistic than idealistic.
[Feb 12,2006 6:21pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
but it's not that difficult of a thing to do...we just need all the bands involved to buck up and make their donations to the cause

how about every band who wants in let it be known so we can get a complete list of who's interested
[Feb 12,2006 7:15pm - Blue ""]
Josh_hates_you said:C. keep running in circles with ideas without solutions

thats exactly what this thread is i thought, simply posing ideas. its not like we have a deadline this time around. so, keep on running in circles with ideas, if thats going to get a better vision going.
[Feb 12,2006 7:29pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
why not just have the band who wanna be in on this give 50 - 75 bucks to help get it produced and packaged.

just a thought, i mean nothings for free
[Feb 12,2006 7:54pm - Blue ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:why not just have the band who wanna be in on this give 50 - 75 bucks to help get it produced and packaged.

just a thought, i mean nothings for free

did you totally miss the last comp? how do you think it got pressed?
[Feb 12,2006 7:56pm - RichHorror ""]
IWEIPH'd be into it, provided nobody minds a live track.
[Feb 12,2006 9:19pm - Otto_B.O.L. ""]
burden of liberty is totally down, like i stated before. i think $50-70 per band is very cheap to be on a comp. cd that comes fully packaged.
[Feb 12,2006 10:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Blue said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:why not just have the band who wanna be in on this give 50 - 75 bucks to help get it produced and packaged.

just a thought, i mean nothings for free

did you totally miss the last comp? how do you think it got pressed?

actually, yeah i did....i had nothing to do with it, and if thats what was done on the last one then why is it such a big deal now.

and no im not reading this entire thread
[Feb 13,2006 6:00pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
30 bands @ $75 each = $2250 plus money from sponsors would not hurt either.

One standard 2 disc case, 2 discs with 3 color printing, 6-8 page full color foldout or booklet, assembled, wrapped + shipping for 1000 copies = roughly $2000

mastering = $300+

25 copies to each band. 250 leftover for shows, fests, radio stations etc.

these numbers come close to working. 40 bands @$50 or 20 bands by $100 comes up short for mastering.

30 bands would take up about a disc and a half leaving half disc or so for live tracks from the show.

throwing shrapnel
hand choke neck
Burden of liberty
Within The Fray
Shroud od Bereavement
One of Troll's bands
dour cursiva
are some bands that have posted interest.

teratism w/new drummer, new recording
smite the righteous
I, destroyer
feed us fetus
and whoever the reverend wanted to secure from them labels he spoke of, are some bands i would like to see on plus many more.

plus im wicked glad adam time said something about the recording quality. he is dead on in that post. with no deadline that should hopefully not be an issue.
[Feb 13,2006 6:12pm - Otto_B.O.L. ""]
hey Josh, you can count Bluntface Records in again as a sponsor, if that's needed/helps.
[Feb 13,2006 6:13pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we want in on the live disc.
[Feb 15,2006 9:42pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:we want in on the live disc.

I was under the impression that aaron might choose the live portion being his site, radio show, recordings from the studio. unless by live disc you just mean live stuff in general.

[Feb 15,2006 11:23pm - infoterror ""]
Please, no Emo or metalcore.
[Feb 23,2006 11:16pm - anonymous  ""]
any news on this as of late?
[Feb 23,2006 11:23pm - the_reverend ""]
this is an awesome idea. I'm sorry if I seem "hands off"ish about the whole thing, but I will lend my "brand" to the, but I don't want to "taint" it.
[Feb 23,2006 11:39pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i'll just go ahead and confirm us on that one for whenever it's set to go...is there going to be a maximum length the song can be?
[Feb 23,2006 11:47pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
it should happen in time for the metal fest. that would be ideal again.,
[Feb 23,2006 11:54pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
getting them out for that would be optimal but i believe the idea was to take the time to make sure it comes out incredible
[Feb 24,2006 12:13am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
true dat
[Feb 24,2006 12:15am - Josh_hates_you ""]
putting it together in 3 weeks again? no thanks. I don't know if it was really that beneficial to do it super quick in time for the fest. We did (and by we I mean Rich from Lost Disciple Records) get 600 copies distributed at the metalfest and I don't know how much exposure it actually got people. More copies to the bands to hand out in a more personal atmosphere might be better.

is it gonna be NEIWP V2?
or RTTP comp?
who is directing the fiasco?
Do we really wanna push for 2 discs or can we settle (yes we settled for time last time around) for one like last time?
Is the departed guy or dreaming in exile doing the art/layout?
Mastering by who?

making decisions sucks.
[Feb 24,2006 12:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
my main focus is I want a compilation of live stuff from RttP. we had a great set on that and so did a lot of other bands, and it's worth doing up a comp of all this diverse underground (sometimes above ground) music.
[Feb 24,2006 12:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Unless Aaron is somehow more involved this time around, I am not going to get involved with it. I feel that allowing whatever band who comes up with the $$ the fastest is not really a good way to have a compilation that represents 'the scene'.

The cover should be RTTP graphics, taken directly from the site...the layout should be similiar to the site and Aaron should be directly involved with everything minus the cost of putting it out.

If you guys are going the same route the first compilation did, then it shouldn't be associated with RTTP because that doesn't make sense. If it's blatantly obvious it's from RTTP then more people will pay attention to it. I would bet money there are alot of people coming to this site who are not active on the message board, either because they don't care or are frightened off that everyone knows everyone else but them.

Last year, as a sponsor, I felt my money went to promoting bands I could give a fuck about and it didn't help my label at all. I doubt very much it raised any new awarness of this website either, which to me as a promoter and as a label would be very helpful.

[Feb 24,2006 1:02am - BornSoVile ""]
Yeah Rev should definately pick the bands instead of pay to play shit. I feel the same as Joe, good post.
[Feb 24,2006 7:04am - Josh_hates_you ""]
Understood. But then how does it get paid for since Aaron is not financing it? It would be ideal if one person paid for it and then sold enough to break even or even turn a profit. Then said person would have total creative control and be able to choose bands as they see fit.
[Feb 24,2006 10:03am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Aaron should say which bands he wants, then those bands should pay for their track still. If they aren't interested Aaron can ask a different band to take their spot.

If Aaron is responsible for selecting bands, then the CD will have a wide variety (judging by the playlists of his radio show) and would definately raise my interest in being involved in whatever way.

The last comp had decent artwork, but it didn't remind me of RTTP at all. The cover should maybe be the background of this site with the bone and faded blue color and the RTTP logo behind it.
[Feb 24,2006 10:23am - RustedAngel ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:my main focus is I want a compilation of live stuff from RttP. we had a great set on that and so did a lot of other bands, and it's worth doing up a comp of all this diverse underground (sometimes above ground) music.

I know that if we participate we do not want our return to the pit live stuff on the cd.
[Feb 24,2006 10:27am - RustedAngel ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:
The cover should maybe be the background of this site with the bone and faded blue color and the RTTP logo behind it.

ewwwwww, that would be ugly, way to have taste. The background is pixellated enough on the web, if you used it for print you probably couldn't even make anything out.

The layout for the last comp was more professional looking than expected and I'm glad it didn't incorporate graphics directly from the site. Dumb idea.

[Feb 24,2006 10:29am - RustedAngel ""]
yeah, let's put 72dpi graphics on a 300dpi layout, it will l00k sw33t d00d!
[Feb 24,2006 10:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I've been making cd layouts for 6 years, I know how it works little girl.

I figured Aaron had a hi res version because he always has everything.

Either way, if it's not directly tied to RTTP, but just uses it's name but consists of first come paying bands then I am not interested in being involved. I am sure it doesn't matter but Heavy Rotation doesn't exist anymore which leaves only BluntFace records as a sponsor. I don't recall anyone else stepping up last year.
[Jul 2,2007 3:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 2,2007 5:41pm - B  ""]
The real question is how much free time does this guy have to go back to a thread posted in feb. lol although this could be a good idea if the right local bands got on it.
[Jul 2,2007 6:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
B said:The real question is how much free time does this guy have to go back to a thread posted in feb. lol although this could be a good idea if the right local bands got on it.

i used the "search" feature. i'm willing to help out in anyway necessary to accomplish this fete.

[Jul 2,2007 11:59pm - Whoremastery ""]
i was lucky to have my band(teratism) on the wickid pissa comp...i would love 2 hear all our live shit on a comp as well!

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