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Metal in Manchester no cover on Friday night

[show listing]  _______________________________
[May 23,2013 9:08am - GregS ""]
Code 7 at 245 Maple St Manchester NH has a free show on Friday nights. We book the best and most brutal bands including Abstract Paradigm and Infera Bruo and Don't cross the Streams. Come in for the full bar.
[May 23,2013 9:15am - quick and easy joke man  ""]
Infera Bro

And I'm out
[May 23,2013 10:47am - Din Black Metal  ""]
Be sure to like us on facebook and check us out when we inevitably get booked on this
[May 23,2013 11:07am - GregS ""]

Din%20Black%20Metal said:Be sure to like us on facebook and check us out when we inevitably get booked on this
. If anyone wants in on this let me know gspillane.gs@gmail.com
[May 23,2013 11:17am - attn  ""]

Din%20Black%20Metal said:Be sure to like us on facebook and check us out when we inevitably get booked on this

Bring your girlfriends!
[May 23,2013 11:21pm - RTTP cleanup crew  ""]
[May 24,2013 9:33am - Barren_Oak ""]
You should give Closed Casket a listen, we would love to support the local scene in Manchester.
[May 24,2013 10:30am - Brnci  ""]
Des U lke Dinz on fcbk yt?
[May 25,2013 12:28pm - Southie Paul  ""]
How can my new band Rhetoric get paid with no cover charge ? Copies of our new 8 song will be available
[May 26,2013 1:14pm - GregS ""]
We only do free shows on Friday nights. Saturday we have a cover for us all to split up
[May 26,2013 4:15pm - The_reverend ""]
Awesome. Trolls are dicks, but this is cool.
[May 27,2013 10:26am - GregS ""]
We only do free shows on Friday nights. Saturday we have a cover for us all to split up
[May 27,2013 11:30am - Dan Hammer  ""]
Can Sonic Pulse get on this?

[May 27,2013 1:37pm - GregS ""]

Dan%20Hammer said:Can Sonic Pulse get on this?


. Anyone who wants to book a show can contact me at gspillane.gs@gmail.com. we can make something happen for alot of different kind of acts so don't hesitate
[May 27,2013 1:51pm - fernando ""]
[May 27,2013 2:52pm - GregS ""]
I should say only have a nice day
[May 27,2013 3:21pm - samson  ""]
so the dude is new at booking,so what? Gotta start somewhere. Just take care of the bands.
[May 28,2013 8:10am - GregS ""]

fernando said:http://nh.craigslist.org/muc/3832182395.html
one thing he forgot to mention was that they didn't bring gear because of personal issues. Also if you Dont play there's no cover to split. Pros play no matter what. I never expect to get a shake down for gas money for your mom, girlfriends or whatever. that's ridiculous and you should be ashamed.
[May 28,2013 9:02am - fernando ""]
Lol at "personal issues." We didn't bring gear (a PA) because we weren't told to bring gear. Also, if you don't promote, there's no cover to split. The whole evening was a waste of time, and time is money. I will not be ashamed for sticking up for my band when a promoter tries to fuck us.
[May 28,2013 9:52am - DYA is KENDER KILLING HATE MACHINE  ""]
*thread suddenly interesting*
[May 28,2013 10:11am - Jerry LOLer  ""]
I don't know either of you but here's where both of you jabronies went wrong.

Fernando - No idea what band you're in but this is what you get for opting to play any and every show just because it's offered to you. The proper thing to do when a promoter won't pay you is to just swipe a few microphones but OH WAIT... there was no PA because you agreed to play a show booked by a retard.

GregS - How did you seriously not know there wasn't a PA? That's literally the first thing you ask before you take to the internet and brag about all the awesome music you're going to book. You sound like a useless piece of shit. "Pro's play no matter what," says a guy who has never booked anything in his life and has no business telling anyone what "pro's" do with their time.

Also I'm fining you 1000 RTTP points for trying to make it seem like the band didn't bring any gear. I'm sure they brought their amps and instruments. They didn't bring a PA to a club show because that's your job. I've also never heard of an entire show's worth of bands dropping off the bill without anyone even taking notice and trying to replace them.

FINAL VERDICT: Fernando should have known better but Greg should have comped the band $20 out of his own pocket for gas. The whole night was a disaster and it was 100% his fault. He's a new promoter trying to get some credibility. You do that by taking care of your shows and not dicking bands around.

SENTENCING: Greg is hereby placed on the RTTP shitlist. His show listings on RTTP will be trolled into oblivion. He will be harassed at length and exposed for the useless phony promoter he is until he packs it up like his predecessors before him and quits. So it shall be.
[May 28,2013 10:21am - GregS ""]
He knew i didnt have a PA. I told him six times. He thought he could borrow one from another band but they booked off. Don't know the truth about their gear really but i offered to pay them gas and comp their food and beer but only if they went on stage. They didn't want to play. Could've done something or waited until i got one in but instead they demanded money for nothing. I said no. If your van breaks down and you cant bring all your gear fine we can work it out but the whole pay me or else threats wont fly.
[May 28,2013 10:22am - Jerry LOLer  ""]
Followup Sentencing: Fernando, I just found your band. -1,000 RTTP points as well.
[May 28,2013 10:22am - GregS ""]
Not much to it.
[May 28,2013 10:25am - Barren_Oak ""]
Greg, I emailed you about Closed Casket a few days ago but still haven't heard back. Is there another way to get in touch if your spam filter might be blocking my messages? And ignore the immature has beens on this forum, Aril is just trying to get a rise out of you.
[May 28,2013 10:32am - Do Not Support  ""]
No gas money for moms car, will not support.
[May 28,2013 10:32am - GregS ""]
Its ok thanks for the support. We would really like to get in. If you can send a private message we can work out contact info.
[May 28,2013 10:36am - alcks cskot  ""]
Gerg is nw offcal Bron Ok bkoing agont and Lesion porspect. Gerg is futor. Do nto suprot gai woh sais do nto suprot. (Nce tyr, Arl.)
[May 28,2013 10:40am - Shithead PAfriend Behringer  ""]
Greg man, my B on the no-show. I was totally on my way to the show but then Rebecca needed her insolent?... ensure?.... I dunno whatever man her fuckin diabetes medicine n shit that she just HAD to have. So like I went to go get that at the CVS at the mall which is like of course next to like the last Spencers ever and theyre going out of business and having this siq sale on lava lamps. So I bought like 8 even though one of them was cracked and is like a "fire hazard" or whatever so I figure I'll be a dece' bro-in-lawz and give it to Kim and get her off my back finally but like I ran out of money for the medicine and when i got back home to ask Becks for more she was all gone and shit. I'm totally gonna hear about this one forever... AGAIN. Shit blows but yeah man I keep telling you your'e a terrible promoter just give it up bro, like... grow up already.
[May 28,2013 10:48am - largefreakatzero ""]

DYA%20is%20KENDER%20KILLING%20HATE%20MACHINE said:*thread suddenly interesting*

Quite so.
[May 28,2013 10:55am - Do Not Support  ""]
*Suck*Sex*Ful* Pro*Motor.
[May 28,2013 12:08pm - King Thūndérstøòl  ""]
[May 28,2013 1:36pm - GregS ""]
Not much to it.
[May 28,2013 10:29pm - fernando ""]
You told me ZERO times to bring a PA. No response to my email asking what the Code 7 had for a sound system, not when I told you we were running late. We brought all the gear we were thought we needed. If we were EVER told to bring a PA, we would have. And we would have gladly played for our friends, the three rando's at the bar watching the game, the bartender and the waitress.
You told me you were going to pay us with the cover charge, but since nobody showed up you couldn't pay us. You barely wanted to be there, that's why you hid in the back room while our buddy called music stores to see if they rented PA equipment.
I asked for compensation for a wasted night, you shrugged and said that you didn't know what to tell me. Then I asked you how much you had in your wallet. To which you laughed and said, "Nothing, man." Then I asked how much was on your ATM card, and boy did that strike a nerve, eh? That's when you told me that we better just leave. Never did I threaten you, I was just adamant that you compensate us. The only thing you offered us was some comped beers.
Here's a question. With the zero dollars you raked in from the door, if we played PA-less, how would you have paid us? Monopoly money? An IOU for another show?
[May 28,2013 10:35pm - NewHamshuhBrutality ""]
[May 28,2013 11:42pm - Promoter Bear  ""]



[May 29,2013 7:33am - GregS ""]
One last time... here we go. You refused to play because you didn't have what you wanted. In the real world you work not just show up and throw tantrums if things don't go your way. That is how it goes. Go to construction site say to the foreman that you won't work due to not having your boots and demand to be paid for the day anyhow. See how that flies.
[May 29,2013 8:12am - Ancient Master nli  ""]
NOT a good metaphor. Its more like showing up at the construction site expecting to work, only to find out your boss never arranged for any of the materials, which he proceeds to blame on you. He of course would have to pay you for your time. Stop denying your incompetency and playing the blame game, man up and admit your mistake. Believe me you will get a lot more respect from others if you do.
[May 29,2013 8:12am - the construction worker from the Village People  ""]





Solid gold.

GregS said:One last time... here we go. You refused to play because you didn't have what you wanted. In the real world you work not just show up and throw tantrums if things don't go your way. That is how it goes. Go to construction site say to the foreman that you won't work due to not having your boots and demand to be paid for the day anyhow. See how that flies.

This has often happened to me when I showed up on the job site without my front-end loader and crane, so I know what you mean.
[May 29,2013 8:17am - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Also since when do shitty local acts expect to be paid for shitty shows? You should be THANKFUL if anybody even watches your band. Quit being bitches the both of you
[May 29,2013 8:56am - xmikex ""]
Best analogy possible:

It's like a show promoter booking a show and not having any fucking idea if there's a PA or not then turning around and making some ass backwards analogy about construction with a lecture about the real world from a guy booking a free show at a bar no one goes to.
[May 29,2013 9:26am - hockey puck burger fagget  ""]
Analogy should have been about hamburgers.

[May 29,2013 9:46am - xmikex ""]
"Arill Em All?"

Nice try Aril.
[May 29,2013 10:14am - largefreakatzero ""]

hockey%20puck%20burger%20fagget said:Analogy should have been about hamburgers.


If that's a t-shirt, would wear.
[May 29,2013 10:53am - hockey puck burger fagget  ""]

[May 29,2013 11:41am - ark  ""]
so...should i come next friday?
[May 29,2013 12:53pm - thought  ""]
Anyone else miss the crazy days of King Thunderstool?
[May 29,2013 12:57pm - narkybark ""]
[May 29,2013 1:19pm - No Aril  ""]

thought said:Anyone else miss the crazy days of King Thunderstool?

No Aril.
[May 29,2013 1:34pm - nekronaut ""]
This thread reminds me of the night the Dropkick Murphys got banned from PA's Lounge.

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