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Did you know the new darwor cd "foederati" was actually written by some bitter geek who got throw out of the band 3 years ago. also some "original" goratory guitar player takes credit for all of those guy's careers pre and post goratory?

[Apr 1,2010 1:32pm - josh_hates_you ""]
True story. I met the "original" darkwor and goratory guitar players last night. Both seemed like bitter little men who did absolutely everythin for both of these bands. wrote all their songs. got the record contracts. that kid even wrote all DYA's bass lines tooo. I kept asking goratory dude which cd's he was on. no answer. asked him why he's not on tour with job for a cowboy. no answer. i asked why he talks shit instead of playing his guitar. dude "really" he says. gtfo of my house wah wah wah. so i began to ream him out for being a faggot while getting dragged out of the house by the people i went with. darkwor boy grew up with pat and john and now claims to be friends with them and yet talks shit for 2 straight hours. i know i ranting. long live Jager.
[Apr 1,2010 1:35pm - Did you know...DICK?!  ""]
Cool spelling and grammar, Einstein.
[Apr 1,2010 1:36pm - brian_dc ""]
in b4 shitstorm
[Apr 1,2010 1:36pm - arktouros ""]
[Apr 1,2010 1:40pm - Slag NLI  ""]
I think I know who that might be. LOL.
[Apr 1,2010 1:42pm - Slag NLI  ""]
[Apr 1,2010 1:42pm - rabbi  ""]
I created RTTP 5000 years before this reverend.
[Apr 1,2010 1:42pm - josh_hates_you ""]
cool spelling and grammar courtesy of jager meister and the fack that i just woke up.

i guess goratory dudes name was dane and is a perpetual shit talker in gerneral. guess he actually was on sexualy intercorpse. doesnt make him any less of a faggot.

i invited darkwor boy to ralph's tonight. hope he shows up or he is a pussy.
[Apr 1,2010 1:44pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Did he look like a vampire? was he wearing crushed velvet?
[Apr 1,2010 1:48pm - arktouros ""]
please. it's obvious who it is.
[Apr 1,2010 1:50pm - josh_hates_you ""]
ding ding ding.
[Apr 1,2010 1:52pm - Slag NLI  ""]
ps, josh, I still need to get back to you about the PA issue. Trying to figure plan of attack.
[Apr 1,2010 1:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
lol too long, will read later
[Apr 1,2010 1:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
FALSE. Larry Graham wrote all Darkwor's bass lines.
[Apr 1,2010 1:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
all your basslines are belong to us
[Apr 1,2010 2:08pm - brian_dc ""]

[Apr 1,2010 2:09pm - brian_dc ""]


[Apr 1,2010 2:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'm asuming this thread is an April fools joke?
[Apr 1,2010 2:11pm - arktouros ""]
josh hit the nail on the head about that kid.
[Apr 1,2010 2:14pm - blue ""]
are you talking about dana (original goratory guitarist)?
[Apr 1,2010 2:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'm still bitter a darkwor for stealing our bassist.

[Apr 1,2010 2:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arktouros said:josh hit the nail on the head about that kid.

So wait, which dude is this exactly?
[Apr 1,2010 2:17pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]

blue said:are you talking about dana (original goratory guitarist)?

Cut-sleeve Slipknot shirts FTW.
[Apr 1,2010 2:18pm - josh_hates_you ""]

arilliusbm said:I'm asuming this thread is an April fools joke?

no joke. too awesome to make up. serious thread is not a zackkattck or haxors.

i have never met 2 more bitter shit talkers in my life. after i got all loud and aggressive darkwor boy shut up and wouldnt even look at me. eyes glues to the floor. goratry backed up almost into the wall yelling at me to leave his apartment. 300 smithfield ave providence according to my gps.......who the fuck's idea was it to go there? i really dont remember arriving there too well.

did i mention yay for jager?
[Apr 1,2010 2:18pm - Sacreligion ""]

Slag%20NLI said:ps, josh, I still need to get back to you about the PA issue. Trying to figure plan of attack.

It's running in stereo now. No subs, but it's in stereo.
[Apr 1,2010 2:19pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Apr 1,2010 2:20pm - Slag NLI  ""]

Sacreligion said:
Slag%20NLI said:ps, josh, I still need to get back to you about the PA issue. Trying to figure plan of attack.

It's running in stereo now. No subs, but it's in stereo.

I know. Wanted to see what I could do to help the PA system get back on its feet. I will talk to one of you before the show.
[Apr 1,2010 2:21pm - Sacreligion ""]
It's entirely up to Tam and if I had to guess he won't really do much to help out the situation. Baby steps hahaha.
[Apr 1,2010 2:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
When can I invade a Worcester practice with beers and women?
[Apr 1,2010 2:24pm - Sacreligion ""]
Feel free to come to Wreckoning practice next week. hahha
[Apr 1,2010 2:25pm - blue ""]
well that aint dana youre talking about.
[Apr 1,2010 2:26pm - MetalThursday ""]

arilliusbm said:When can I invade a Worcester practice with beers, show ideas, etc...
[Apr 1,2010 2:28pm - MetalThursday ""]
Josh was the guy tall or short? Might have been Nick not Dana.
[Apr 1,2010 2:31pm - arktouros ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
arktouros said:josh hit the nail on the head about that kid.

So wait, which dude is this exactly?

The guitarist who first started playing with Pat and I. Kicked out for a multitude of reasons and his songs were scrapped. 1.5 songs were recycled/rewritten...

Josh, much appreciated, I can't BELIEVE he still talks about it...it's as if he wants credit for doing something with his life.
[Apr 1,2010 2:32pm - blue ""]

MetalThursday said:Josh was the guy tall or short? Might have been Nick not Dana.

this is what i was thinking.
[Apr 1,2010 2:32pm - arktouros ""]

MetalThursday said:
arilliusbm said:When can I invade a Worcester practice with beers, show ideas, etc...

DUDES...we're practicing Monday for sure and may practice this weekend. Calls will be made.
[Apr 1,2010 2:35pm - Sacreligion ""]
I feel like I should know who vampy douche is but I can't place who it is.
[Apr 1,2010 2:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
I can't wait to play shows again. Th new thing we've got going is pretty rad so far but we need more members.
Also, herugrim may play a show or two at the end of this year or next year, once we have the ep out. Again, we need members but i need to play shows again... Would be interested in a MT.
[Apr 1,2010 2:35pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Nick Parente was in darkwor? LOLWUT??? Guy is a total fucking faggot.
[Apr 1,2010 2:36pm - josh_hates_you ""]
short. like 35 or older. shit talking faggot.
[Apr 1,2010 2:36pm - josh_hates_you ""]
really hates jay from abnormality.
[Apr 1,2010 2:37pm - arilliusbm ""]
Why does that Nick dude ring a bell??
[Apr 1,2010 2:39pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Yeah, that's Nick Parente. Guy runs his mouth freely and when people confront him, he runs away like a total pussy.
[Apr 1,2010 2:39pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Jim, he was one of the original Goratory vocalists.
[Apr 1,2010 2:39pm - arktouros ""]

Sacreligion said:I feel like I should know who vampy douche is but I can't place who it is.

Grew up with us. You know who he is.
[Apr 1,2010 2:40pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
My friend James beat him up at an Opeth show.
[Apr 1,2010 2:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
Fight him or you're a Poosie
[Apr 1,2010 2:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:Nick Parente was in darkwor? LOLWUT??? Guy is a total fucking faggot.


(think this is two different dudes, one night.)

(two dudes, one cup of bitter tears?)
[Apr 1,2010 2:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
honestly, NEBM needs more drama and stabbings.
[Apr 1,2010 2:44pm - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Haha, Oh man, I was gonna say. He hates black metal too, so it makes sense that it wouldn't be him, I guess.

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