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Sick show this Saturday at the Safari Lounge in Providence

[Jan 14,2005 12:37pm - KeithMutiny ""]
armageddonday said:Show starts at 5pm, we're doing that Disrupt cover early so be there.

in that case, ill be there at like 3, haha
[Jan 14,2005 12:48pm - SuperFly ""]
so you'll be easy to spot, if you start drinking at 3, you'll be the one on the floor when we arrive.
[Jan 14,2005 12:51pm - KeithMutiny ""]
unfortunately i dont hit the floor, i just get progessivly more obnoxious till i need to go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning... but im gonna behave
[Jan 14,2005 12:53pm - SuperFly ""]
nonsense, drink until you fall down. are you crashing at ann's tomorrow?
[Jan 14,2005 12:57pm - KeithMutiny ""]
nah, i dont know anyone really well enough... well, lets say im not planning on it
[Jan 14,2005 1:00pm - KeithMutiny ""]
wait, is there a flyer made for this show? i wanna lure some people
[Jan 14,2005 1:05pm - SuperFly ""]
not that I know of.
[Jan 14,2005 1:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
WHOA WHOA... i just noticed one band has a member of distraught... fuckin shit, this is like a dream... but from back when i was 15
[Jan 14,2005 1:12pm - SuperFly ""]
when was that last week?
[Jan 14,2005 1:13pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hahahaha, i wish
[Jan 14,2005 1:17pm - SuperFly ""]
just fucking with ya.
[Jan 14,2005 1:19pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i dont think im crust enough to be at this show, haha, ill make due
[Jan 14,2005 1:23pm - SuperFly ""]
when i leave work today i am going to walk home so i get nice and shitty.
should take me about 2 hrs. then i'll be good to go.
[Jan 14,2005 1:33pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im getting used to looking out of place
[Jan 14,2005 1:37pm - armageddonday ""]
You should say nice and stinky...btw I took a shower today.

Plans have change a bit as far as line-up, I have to post that today. The show is most likely going to start a bit later.
[Jan 14,2005 1:38pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ill be willing to bet that ill be clean
[Jan 14,2005 2:11pm - armageddonday ""]
The Fuzz are not playing.
[Jan 14,2005 2:29pm - SuperFly ""]
will mr. otis still be attending?
[Jan 14,2005 3:17pm - armageddonday ""]
I have no idea.
[Jan 14,2005 5:24pm - armageddonday ""]
Anybody come down for that? Big party afterwards, I have to call the neighboor to let her know.
[Jan 14,2005 5:30pm - pisscup ""]
I have a box of wine. moon bag
[Jan 14,2005 6:37pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ill be there, but you already know this
[Jan 15,2005 3:10am - KeithMutiny ""]
hey anne, if i get shitty, can i sleep on your floor... ill bring beer
[Jan 15,2005 9:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I won't be able to make it, sorry
[Jan 15,2005 1:52pm - armageddonday ""]
You told me last night you could, wtf?

Keith, yeah if you get shitty you can sleep on the floor.

Show starts early around 7ish, we'll be there hanging out most likely around 5/6, drinking beer and smoking pot. Oh yeah.

Final line-up
Nefarious (black death grim)
Necronomitron (on Load Records, spazzed out prog metal)
Noosebomb (stoner doom rock, Grief and Disrupt members)
The Old Men (80's UK punk, Grief and Disrupt members)
The Neoprophets (crust)
Contempt For Humanity (UK crust mix with Swedish hardcore)
The Goners (punk)

At the Safari Lounge, Eddy st downtown Providence
$5 minimum suggested donation, benefit show, 21plus.
[Jan 15,2005 2:45pm - pisscup ""]
Ha ha the Goners!
[Jan 15,2005 2:46pm - armageddonday ""]
Yeah they asked to play that show...have you heard them yet? I have no idea how they sound like.
[Jan 15,2005 2:51pm - pisscup ""]
mid-paced punk type stuff, old fat guys. major misfits worship
[Jan 15,2005 2:52pm - pisscup ""]
did I say fat? I meant well fed.
[Jan 15,2005 2:52pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ill only stick out more at this show if i wore a pink bunny costume...
[Jan 15,2005 2:57pm - armageddonday ""]
Do not worry Keith, a lot a clean looking (I said looking) people will be there.
[Jan 15,2005 2:58pm - pisscup ""]
KeithMutiny said:ill only stick out more at this show if i wore a pink bunny costume...

i will brush my teeth just for you
[Jan 15,2005 3:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
fuck it, im goin down early, and who ever i find that i know (which is one of maybe 2 people that will be there) are bustin out the brew asap... i make new friends fast
[Jan 15,2005 3:18pm - pisscup ""]
yeah i'm goin down early too, but not too early, i have some pre-show drinking to do.
[Jan 15,2005 5:27pm - KeithMutiny ""]
makin a few stops now... but im on my way
[Jan 16,2005 9:34am - pisscup ""]
wine hangovers suck
[Jan 16,2005 9:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
armageddonday said:You told me last night you could, wtf?

Yeah, but then at the end of the same conversation I told you I probably couldn't
[Jan 16,2005 12:33pm - Skullet ""]
OK lets hear some Jeff and Rick party stories. I can just imagine.
[Jan 16,2005 2:53pm - armageddonday ""]
Skullet said:OK lets hear some Jeff and Rick party stories. I can just imagine.

Yep, they just left. I'm hurting BAD, had to call and sick, passed out at 7am. You'll hear the stories....oh yes you will!
[Jan 16,2005 8:05pm - Skullet ""]
I cant wait.
[Jan 16,2005 8:47pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
how does Anne call in sick if she owns the store?
[Jan 16,2005 8:52pm - eddie ""]
i think she co-owns.
[Jan 17,2005 3:41pm - SuperFly ""]
Someone needs to tell me some stories, cause I can't remember shit.
[Jan 17,2005 3:49pm - pisscup ""]
Um, we smoked WEED, I had a skateboard and a box of wine, puked on the sidewalk and slept in my van. Nefarious was drunk and evil, as usual. Noosebomb is going to make me put more mileage on the van in the future. The Old Men kinda looked to be about my age, which is bothering me.
[Jan 17,2005 3:55pm - Christraper ""]
pisscup, are you the guy who hit my drummer in the face with a skateboard?
[Jan 17,2005 3:56pm - pisscup ""]
No I'm not that guy, but I'll tell you what - the next person who asks me that will be getting hit with the skateboard.
[Jan 17,2005 3:59pm - Christraper ""]
I only heard about it this morning. Its like the third fight hes been in this month. I told him to take it easy before he starts talkin like mike tyson
[Jan 17,2005 4:04pm - pisscup ""]
everybody kept asking me if I was that guy on saturday, it was annoying at first, then a little scary later on when everybody was drunk and had already asked me three or four times.
[Jan 17,2005 4:08pm - Christraper ""]
yea i bet dude! did you end up meeting satan john? im sure he had something to say about it.
[Jan 17,2005 4:14pm - pisscup ""]
I have a bad habit of never introducing myself or asking names, the singer from your band was one of them for sure, other people as well, all I can remember is a bunch of hair and black.

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