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July 31st-Harpers Ferry>>Hell Within,Burn in Silence,Pillory,Screams of Erida,The Departed, Farewell Radiance,What Once was,Yours In Murder

Harpers Ferry (Allston, Ma) - [burn_in_silence][farewell_radiance][hell_within][pillory][screams_of_erida][the_departed][what_once_was]
[Jul 29,2005 3:30pm - thedeparted ""]
July 31st Harpers Ferry presents:

Hell Within
Burn in Silence
Screams of Erida
Farewell Radiance
Yours In Murder
What Once was
The Departed

All Ages

Who is coming?
[Jul 29,2005 4:55pm - thedeparted ""]
buy pillorys new cd at this shit
[Jul 29,2005 4:58pm - cdan ""]

this man is making sense people
[Jul 29,2005 5:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah gimme a call so I can buy from you at the party, is there a grill???
[Jul 29,2005 6:08pm - Defnasty ""]
A better show that night look.

[Jul 29,2005 7:50pm - thedeparted ""]
go to harpers first, then obriens
[Jul 30,2005 4:09am - thedeparted ""]
[Jul 30,2005 4:30am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Defnasty said:A better show that night look.


What're you, some kinda dick?
[Jul 30,2005 10:53am - dreadkill ""]
while i have to say i hate most of the bands on the pillory show, i agree that was rather dickish of defnasty to down this show and pump his show up in a thread meant for the pillory show. come on man, there's other threads for that. i know it is hard to respect most of the bands on the show, but pillory doesn't deserve this kind of bush league treatment.
[Jul 30,2005 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
there is no time on this... so do you show up to harper's ferry like whenever?
[Jul 30,2005 11:59am - thedeparted ""]
the_reverend said:there is no time on this... so do you show up to harper's ferry like whenever?

heh sorry, i was told load in is noon, show is at 1
[Jul 30,2005 12:01pm - brian_dc ""]
then I can't go...daytime shows + work = me not there, have fun guys.
[Jul 30,2005 12:02pm - thedeparted ""]
thanks brian, so you guys wanna do the 20th show?
[Jul 30,2005 12:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I might go to this...
still deciding
[Jul 30,2005 12:05pm - thedeparted ""]
ah come on, you should, its gonna be a good time
[Jul 30,2005 12:23pm - the_reverend ""]
I just might...
when is this going to be over?
I have to be at WUNH at some point that night to remove some monitors.
[Jul 30,2005 12:33pm - thedeparted ""]
im not sure when it wil be over, i know we are playing at 130-2, not sure if there is a band before us or not, but id guess like 6 or 7. we'd love to get some nice pics for our presskit from you, if you come, thatd help us out a lot
[Jul 30,2005 2:10pm - Defnasty ""]
I'm a fucking dick sorry.
[Jul 30,2005 2:12pm - Defnasty ""]
Oh and while youre at calling me a dick fuckface my show is at night so go blow it out your ass. "Umm yeah it's rather dickish." I can do what the fuck I want. Deal with it.
[Jul 30,2005 2:13pm - Defnasty ""]
I wish I was drunk I'd really tear into you.
[Jul 30,2005 2:15pm - Defnasty ""]
Oh your band fucking sucks. It's really Original thats what I like most about. it.
[Jul 30,2005 2:59pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
1) dickish - YES! When your own post about your own show fell onto the third page, you might've realized then no one here was interested. Then, to turn around and tout it on our post as a "better show" so you can ride the more perused front page post? Yer a tool. Go bump your own post 8 more times.

2) you could try to tear into me all you like, I doubt any state of intoxication would help you tread water any longer. As for our unoriginal sound? suuuuure. We ripped off Virulence big time, I thought everyone knew that?
[Jul 30,2005 8:20pm - Defnasty ""]
[Jul 30,2005 8:33pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
dreadkill said:pillory doesn't deserve this kind of bush league treatment.

That's just, like, your opinion.
[Jul 30,2005 10:34pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Defnasty said:THE SHOW IS AT NIGHT!

I don't care when it is, it was the crack about "a better show" that's annoyed me. If you're not interested in this show, go promote in another thread.

[Jul 30,2005 10:35pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
BestialOnslaught said:dreadkill said:pillory doesn't deserve this kind of bush league treatment.

That's just, like, your opinion.

It's my opinion as well. You got a point somewhere?

[Jul 31,2005 12:00am - Defnasty ""]
shut up, all of you.
[Jul 31,2005 9:53am - thedeparted ""]
see you all in a little bit, time to hit the road
[Jul 31,2005 11:04am - the_reverend ""]
I guess I'll go.
someone put me on the guestlist.
[Jul 31,2005 11:09am - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
thedeparted said:thanks brian, so you guys wanna do the 20th show?

hey, dude. are we still doing that with you guys?
[Jul 31,2005 12:15pm - attendmyrequiem forgot his password  ""]
im going to pillory prolly. this other show looks gay.
[Jul 31,2005 1:20pm - the_reverend ""]
ok... I just tried the door and it didn't open.... what the hell? there aren't really any lights on inside either and I gotta piss.
[Jul 31,2005 1:24pm - the_reverend ""]
ok... some dude just came out and told me that its not opening for like 20 minutes. now, I have nothing to do and I drove 80+ all the way to get here early for nothing. its funny though cause I can now watch people try the door and get the same WTF look on their face. honestly, it's not happening nearly enough.
[Jul 31,2005 3:16pm - the_reverend ""]
how ironic.. my first time at harpers ferry was bassically my first show with my D2H and this could be the last. after shooting the departed, it failed to turn on again. time to send it NY to get fixed.
[Jul 31,2005 3:18pm - the_reverend ""]
departed, the: so, this is my first time seeing them and my first time hearing them (Ive been busy and didn't click on the myspace page). So, all I've had to go on as to what they might sound like is stuff I've read from the BSR board with people fighting at (yes I do mean at there) them to which, I've only seen them be polite. Anyhow, from that, I expected them to come out and play godsmack covers for 20 minutes while I thought of creative ways to bash them intelligently. But the was no sully, no phil, and no... um... the guy from powerman 500. They were deathcore. It's odd to hear coming from PVD, but they played well. The singer didn't face the crowd at all. I think at a smaller club with people up against the stage itching to sing along might have been a different story. They didn't move around all that much. Just headbanged and played through their set. In the end, I'm now going to go see what they sound like recorded.
[Jul 31,2005 3:53pm - the_reverend ""]
pillory: are they sponsored by Mesa? they sounded absolutely sick on that stage. Everything was mixed pro from the board. It's their CD release party and they played second. That's a bit weird. I got a copy of it too.

burn in silence: are they sponsored by Mesa? they actually had people dancing for them. Thus far, the largest crowd of the night. Also, this seeme amazingly early for them.
[Jul 31,2005 4:46pm - the_reverend ""]

farewell radiance: I believe this is calyx in ruin minus brendon. They sounded good and loud on the stage. There are some parts to their music that I don't care for (a couple of the breakdowns and the clean singing), but other thab that , they are solid on stage.
[Jul 31,2005 4:46pm - the_reverend ""]

farewell radiance: I believe this is calyx in ruin minus brendon. They sounded good and loud on the stage. There are some parts to their music that I don't care for (a couple of the breakdowns and the clean singing), but other thab that , they are solid on stage.
[Jul 31,2005 5:30pm - the_reverend ""]

screams of erida: all the people who were out front for BIS came back for SOE. Even though some of them were hung over, they played good. I think one of the guitars was out of tune, but whatever. Are one of the guitarists ans the drummer brothers? or do all white guys look the same to me? They also played a new song which was professed to be about balls. towards the half way mark of their set, matt (hell within) tossed a brand new Jewish Cookbook on stage. The book was incredibly thick... <bad joke>how many recipes for bagels can there be?</bad joke>.
[Jul 31,2005 6:22pm - the_reverend ""]

hell within: since their CD came out, they have been touring non-stop. they even have a killer trailer that they made out of spare housing supplies (complete with the vinyl siding). They sounded great live. At one point, they were mad about the drums being miced, but the drums sounded fine for their whole set. Even though there wasn't much movement in the crowd, they still ran around.
[Jul 31,2005 7:03pm - the_reverend ""]
what once was: some how they got pushed to the headliner. I think its cause the show statrted at 2 instead of earlier. I'm expecting to be one of the only people there for their set... Their set was late in the show so it was mostly just their friends there. They all had fun though. This was the first band that had people jumping up on the stage to sing along with them. Something happened to their rum set so hell within let them borrow pieces to make a kit. Then, during the second to last track, all but 2 of the strings on the bass blew out.
[Jul 31,2005 8:29pm - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading as I type
[Jul 31,2005 8:52pm - the_reverend ""]
the show was worth it, even though a $2K camera melted down after I shot the departed and a flash after pillory... a great way to spend a day.
[Jul 31,2005 9:09pm - OLEARY  ""]
I only saw Screams of Erida, Hell Within, and What Once Was.

I was one of the "friends" for What Once Was, we love those guys, and they always play an awesome set, even if their equipment is not always 100%.

Thanks for going and taking some sweet pictures. Our whole group really appreciates it.
[Jul 31,2005 9:52pm - thedeparted ""]
thanks rev, the pictures
look fucking amazing,
heh sorry about the camera,
i guess we are bad luck heh.

thanks for coming out early
[Jul 31,2005 9:59pm - the_reverend ""]
it had been acting up lately...
it's off to NY with it to get fixed.
I'm hoping that they say "this camera sucks! here's the $5K version, no charge"
[Jul 31,2005 10:08pm - thedeparted ""]
hah thatd be very cool
[Jul 31,2005 10:13pm - the_reverend ""]
I bought it in april and it's caused me nothing but headaches.
carina (succubus) has the $5K version of my newest camera.
I've used it at 2 or 3 concerts and they fixed all the issues I had/have with my camera and then a million other things. I want that damn camera so bad!
[Jul 31,2005 10:16pm - thedeparted ""]
sounds like a nice camera...better be for $5k heh
what exactly broke on your camera today?
[Jul 31,2005 10:24pm - the_reverend ""]
well, it's been acting wicked funny.. like turning on and not turning off... turing off when I'm trying to snap a photo with a timer.
then I noticed while it was off the CF light just kept flashing.
when I got back from the palladium yesterday, I felt my camera and it was hot.

I shot your set, put the camera away, got my old camera, shot some shots and then when I went to bring it out for pillory, it didn't do anything. it was like the battery was absolutely 100% dead. Nikon will pay to fix it, but I have to over-night it to them to get it fixed for hellfest.

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