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battle for ozzfest

[Nov 8,2004 11:15pm - moran ""]
That guy sucks. He said he was an attorney before being in a band too. He was serious about that.
[Nov 8,2004 11:18pm - dirteecrayon ""]
pimp my ride is insane --- this guy just put a 40inch tv into this crappy van. amazing!
[Nov 8,2004 11:22pm - dirteecrayon ""]
they just put a wahing machine in it too --- crazy!
[Nov 12,2004 7:02pm - anonymous  ""]
Not all of the bands sound the same. Manntis is fuckin sweet too.
[Nov 12,2004 7:04pm - swamplorddvm ""]
what im hearing now SUCKS!
[Nov 12,2004 7:07pm - anonymous  ""]
everyone's a critic
[Nov 12,2004 7:12pm - the_reverend ""]
your deliver there was subpar.
and let's not get started on your choice of usernames!
[Nov 12,2004 7:14pm - swamplorddvm ""]
We talking about me here?
[Nov 12,2004 7:18pm - adf drummer  ""]
this better?
[Nov 12,2004 7:20pm - the_reverend ""]
I guess you just served me...
I didnt read the thread at all.
[Nov 12,2004 7:22pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Theres one dude on this show that looks like such a tool, that I want to kill him.
[Nov 12,2004 7:33pm - adf drummer  ""]
haha i wasnt trying to 'serve you'. i know the anonymous thing is shit so I was fixin that.

yea, ahmad is a tool.
[Nov 12,2004 7:36pm - swamplorddvm ""]
which one is ahmad.

The one I'm talking about is that dude who wears sports Ts and has little braids stiking up from his retarded head.
[Nov 12,2004 7:44pm - adf drummer  ""]
thats kelly.
[Nov 12,2004 7:45pm - swamplorddvm ""]
he looks gay.

let;s kill him.
[Nov 12,2004 7:48pm - adf drummer  ""]
haha i doubt he's gay, just from watching the show. we'll spare him.
[Nov 12,2004 7:51pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I don't care if hes actually gay. he just looks like a tool.
[Nov 12,2004 7:59pm - adf drummer  ""]
hahaha right on
[Nov 12,2004 8:05pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
you all fucking lose for watching mtv.
[Nov 12,2004 8:26pm - rev aaron  ""]
um.. I haven't watched MTV since real world england
[Nov 13,2004 11:49am - JayTUS ""]
I actually watched this show a couple times. I hope Zakk Wylde kicks that kids ass for wearing the vest. That kid, I think he's Ahmed, will probably get kicked out of his band once the other members see how he represented them.

This A Dozen Furies band is ok. Better than the other bands I've heard on the show I think. Kind of funny seeing the dude from Trauma Concept on there. Good for him though...
[Nov 13,2004 12:14pm - dirteecrayon ""]
what was up with the vest? how was it offensive?
[Nov 13,2004 12:32pm - JayTUS ""]
It belongs to the dude that is "in charge" of their bus and he like puts it on and marches around in it, it's very disrespectful. It's one of those Black Label leather vests and they show a commercial with Zakk Wylde going off on the dude as a teaser...
[Nov 13,2004 1:29pm - jake  ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:you all fucking lose for watching mtv.

why's that?
[Nov 13,2004 1:33pm - swamplorddvm ""]
mtv sucks, that's why!
[Nov 13,2004 1:46pm - JayTUS ""]
I wouldn't have even seen the show if it wasn't for my brother. Our computer is in his room and the TV is right next to it. It's not bad.
[Nov 16,2004 9:13am - RustedAngel ""]

before I went down to RTTP, stacie and I watched Battle for Ozzfest...TAUMA CONCEPT IS A GONNER.

They try making it seem like that annoyin ahmad kid is going to lose by disrespecting zack wylde by putting on daves BLS vest. They make them all think they have to bite the heads off live bats, but they were hot dogs with a kiwi on the ends of them. They had to bite them blindfolded, and none of them realized they weren't biting REAL bats. idiots. how do you not taste kiwi?

Somewhere in the episode all in the sudden fuckin Ken from unearth walks up to all of them (they're not suppose to talk to band members) and the singer of Trauma concept talks to him anyways, gives him a demo and shit. You can hear Ken go "if you want to record just let me know" hahah, what a whore! So then they kick him off because of that and he pretended to be a member of slipknot to sign some chicks boobs.
[Nov 16,2004 10:29am - PaganMegan ""]
all of that is so fucking cliche, from the boobs to the bats
[Nov 16,2004 10:56am - Abbath ""]
i hate that amrand dude more than life
[Nov 16,2004 11:56am - anonymous  ""]
ahmad is like pyle from full metal jacket.
[Nov 16,2004 12:24pm - succubus ""]
i have not watched nor will i

[Nov 16,2004 12:26pm - anonymous  ""]
i think its funny how they all think amhad is gonna get kicked off. of course they are gonna keep him on the show, he is the main source of conflict in the group. getting rid of him wouldnt make for good television.

from what ive heard, im pretty sure that mantis was the winner.

if you go to the trauma concept site, they have a show posted with them and Sicks Deep in Somerville.

I listened to Sicks Deep and I swear they were the most pathetic thing ive ever heard in my life. I seriously recommend listening to thier shit, justt to hear how bad it is.
[Nov 16,2004 12:32pm - RustedAngel ""]
succubus has something to post..... DO IT!!!!!!!!1
[Nov 16,2004 12:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
someone's afraid to post this so I will :spineyes:

From Trauma Concept Guy, to Succubus VIA Myspace:

"Hey, what's up? I saw your profile and i think yer pretty hot! My name is Jesse, and I sing for a local metal band called Trauma Concept. Other than that, I work, go to the gym, hit up the bars with friends, and relax the few time I can. If you want to talk sometime, feel free to write back. You can also check out my band on MTV Monday, Oct. 25th at 10:30pm. "
[Nov 16,2004 3:37pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Nov 16,2004 3:39pm - murderinthefirst ""]
trauma concept with deadgod and good times in somerville ma NOV 20th
[Nov 19,2004 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
my brother just called me to tell me that jesse got kicked off.
[Nov 20,2004 2:48pm - adf  ""]
no one has won yet. it's a vote at the end of the show. manntis are fuckin rad though.
[Nov 20,2004 4:56pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
PaganMegan said:all of that is so fucking cliche, from the boobs to the bats

haha, thats quite the catchy phrase there.
[Nov 22,2004 10:47pm - dirteecrayon ""]
they have to write a 2 minute acoustic song and perform it in front of rob halford
[Nov 29,2004 10:55pm - dirteecrayon ""]
i'm watching this now
[Nov 29,2004 10:59pm - dirteecrayon ""]

those 3 girls that jesse signed thier chest and stuff got his signature tattooed on them

[Nov 29,2004 10:59pm - JayTUS ""]
I love the fact that the dude Marc used to be in Unloco and was already on Ozzfest once haha. I just realized that was him. He's an awesome dude.
[Nov 29,2004 11:00pm - JayTUS ""]
dirteecrayon said:hahaha

those 3 girls that jesse signed thier chest and stuff got his signature tattooed on them


You gotta know it's all a joke to scare them...
[Nov 29,2004 11:01pm - dirteecrayon ""]
which on was marc?
[Nov 29,2004 11:01pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Anyone who is Marc with a C is a total fag, and their parents knew it so they spelled their name that way so everyone else would know right off the bat.
[Nov 29,2004 11:01pm - JayTUS ""]
The dude that was partying with Unearth and LOG and got the lighting bolt shaved on his head.
[Nov 29,2004 11:03pm - dirteecrayon ""]
on the one with the thong and crappy tattoos ----

i'm glad LOG partied with him afterwards cuz i felt so bad for him
[Nov 29,2004 11:04pm - JayTUS ""]


[Nov 29,2004 11:04pm - dirteecrayon ""]
yeah i know it's a joke --- it's just wicked funny

especially when the cop mentioned that one of the girls was jewish ---

i dont know anyone in their right mind who would get slipknot signature tattooed on their chest

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