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The Official John Dwyer suck it suck suxxx thread. You Suck.

[Mar 16,2009 1:03am - spacecorpse ""]
you fear Dwyah if you don't post !!! pussies !!!! i'll start off with my first post here ya go-
spacecorpse said:
AUTOPSY_666 said:I like it cuz i only shave once a week and beards rule.


Kissy face!

No doubt that girl is either a total whore that literally does it for money, or she's into dead beat guys. No smart, decent girl would even be with john once they find out that he's lyin about everything. Woo hoo, He makes pennies a day on his label, his house is owned by his mother who also happens to give him an allowance to fund his gay-ass tattoos etc. He's in and out of mental wards every few months because of his manic episodes. But yet... He finds plenty of stuff to down other people with namely me, by saying Oh well what do you have to offer a woman? Hey for starters man I may not own my own house just yet, but when I will it'll be better than that dump your mom pitties your ass by letting you stay at. And hey, i'm a good hearted guy and you're just a self absorbed prick with no friends. No REAL friends that respect you anyway, only friends that used to buy weed off you or that you keep coming around because you promise them stuff and never deliver. You have to down other people to make your sorry insecure ass feel better. You fucking giving nasty whores weed and money to suck your disease ridden cock and make you look cool in front of friends, that's not cool to brag about all the cheap ass you can score. Your sorry ass trying to get me to fuck girls that I wouldn't touch at my horniest and you trying to make me feel bad about it saying I can't get it up, fucking nasty skanks, who wants em besides you? You'll fuck anything with a vagina doesn't matter how fat and ugly now that's pitiful. I have more class than that. You are no man of honor John Dwyer, you're a fucking disgrace and i'm through with you for good. Good riddance asshole. With your fucking dishonest, greedy, back stabbing ways. No wonder why bands like Embalmer had beef with you. I was on your side but was foolish to be because they are right and I just didn't want to see it. Have a fun life pretending to be people you're not and finding out what happens when people find out the truth. Sad to be you man. I'm not the only one that pitties your dumb conceited ass either. Your fucking 2 dolla face just cheapens this whole site. Your face looks like a fucking dick, you're a dick head/face.

[Mar 16,2009 1:07am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Get a life, pathetic crybaby limp-dick Jewboy.
[Mar 16,2009 1:15am - spacecorpse ""]
Hey man I figured Relapse board could use some competition in the hating on you stuff. And frankly, you have no real ammo to use against me.... except for that holy water bit? hahaha so what?
[Mar 16,2009 1:16am - spacecorpse ""]
no doubt you are crying to Rev already for him to remove this thread because you're all butthurt about it.
[Mar 16,2009 1:17am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Where is the love?

No Dave & Busters fun, midwest roadtrip Brokeback buddie?
[Mar 16,2009 1:18am - spacecorpse ""]
dude I totally hope Rev keeps this thread up here so you can go kill yourself out of humiliation and shame LOL. It;s all fucking true too, every word I have spoke/typed here about you.
[Mar 16,2009 1:35am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Misanthropy is king.
[Mar 16,2009 1:42am - spacecorpse ""]
I was over johns house one night after a night of playing pool and drinking at Jimmy's and some whore into group sex met us there and we were all hanging out. John went and put sweatpants on so she could start sucking his dick easier. They eventually took it to the bedroom with another guy and John was calling me in saying she wanted a cock in her mouth... so in my drunkenness I was thinking oh well let me check it out. Now this chick is not good looking, hot, etc. in any way. She was overweight, had kinda a weird face, and totally smelled like fish to the point where I could smell it from a few feet away... fucking gross... I don't know what possessed me to put my dick in her mouth but I was like eh, let's see how she sucks cock. She didn't do a good job too much teeth and not enough tongue so i'm standing there with a half hard dick in this chicks mouth looking over at john drilling her pussy and making all the porno faces and sounds and I just couldn't get into it. Just wasn't my thing. That was that but I was thinking to myself man, so sleazy even for myself, a devout Sextrash fan. That chick wasn't hot or anything and John was constantly going what's wrong with you man, get her number and fuck her sometimes and i'm like dude leave me alone I'm not interested in her. John's fucking NASTY! If I ever see him and a girl around again and the girl looks clean and decent for a change i'm gonna go tell her about this and other stories you wait.
[Mar 16,2009 1:45am - spacecorpse ""]
Then there was the motel thing in Illinois where it was both John and i's bright idea to call an escort over to the room for erotic massage. Oh man, when I saw the girl I freaked. Fat and ugly blonde we got ripped off!! Or I should say John did anyway as I got dressed and left the room while she did him, it was so pitiful and gross. He told me all about how he got ripped off by this lowlife crack ho and to please never tell anyone about it.
[Mar 16,2009 1:48am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
My life sounds fun, nice stories, Georgie!
[Mar 16,2009 1:50am - spacecorpse ""]
fun? fucking pathetic man. And not only are you a sleazy nasty fucking fucker, you're not even gracious about it. You go around claiming to be what you're not to people and you know it.
[Mar 16,2009 1:53am - the_reverend ""]
that really is a good story... well both of them are great stories.
[Mar 16,2009 2:00am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I thought I had the monopoly on drama threads. WHAT THE FUCK
[Mar 16,2009 2:01am - SermonOfCockery  ""]
"...so i'm standing there with a half hard dick in this chicks mouth looking over at john drilling her pussy and making all the porno faces and sounds and I just couldn't get into it."

I think I just pissed myself. lofuckingl!!!!

In all honesty, thats some the gayest shit I've ever heard. Tag-teaming a chick is boderline homosexuality as it is, the fact you did it with John Dwyer makes it even gayer.

Keep those stories comin', this shit is pure internet gold!
[Mar 16,2009 2:01am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'm a dirty-rotten spoiled baby. I fuck nasty whores and listen to SEXTRASH, BURZUM, REVENGE, BLASPHEMY, NAKED WHIPPER, MAYHEM, W.A.S.P. and SARCOFAGO and sell drugs to friends.

I never have to do anything except for what I want, ever.
[Mar 16,2009 2:17am - the_reverend ""]
if I were the admin, I would guess that dwyer made up spacecoprse just to tell awesome stories.

dwyer's a pro. he's been practicing pron faces for years. you should be honored he shared them with you.
[Mar 16,2009 2:19am - spacecorpse ""]
then there was the time we went back to his house with this girl he was supposedly madly in love with at the time, who will remain nameless at this time because I wish to spare her any further humiliation of having been involved with this. and I'm standing in John's spiral stairwell with her while John is doing something in his room that we can be inside his place while he does and she's telling me he's fucking weird! and I asked her then what the hell are you doing with him? and she said he really likes to party and I said umm yeah I know what you mean he he he and she goes hey, now get ready for this one because I myself couldn't fucking believe it either LMAO, she goes as long as he doesn't ask me to stick his G.I. Joes up his ass again!!! and I almost fucking died right there and john comes out to get us and he's like what's wrong? and they go in and get stoned and i'm just like what the fuck GI joe's? He fucks himself in the ass with his family airloom Gi Joe collection?
[Mar 16,2009 2:22am - spacecorpse ""]

the_reverend said:if I were the admin, I would guess that dwyer made up spacecoprse just to tell awesome stories.

dwyer's a pro. he's been practicing pron faces for years. you should be honored he shared them with you.

umm IP check Rev? you will find that these postings are not coming from John's house at all and that the IP matches all my other posts here. This is my moment of Rttp glory i'm not going to jeopardize my credit for bringing these wonderous stories to the Rttp reading public!!!
[Mar 16,2009 2:25am - SermonOfCockery  ""]
GI Joe's in the butt??!?!?!?!

I think I just pooped my pants

[Mar 16,2009 2:31am - spacecorpse ""]
dude I think I actually saw a brown piece of poo on Cobra Commander's head when I was over there once !!!!
[Mar 16,2009 2:35am - SermonOfCockery  ""]
Knowing is half the battle!
[Mar 16,2009 7:25am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
When is the Dwyer/Spacecorpse sex video coming out?
[Mar 16,2009 7:35am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
It's not coming out on Relapse.
[Mar 16,2009 7:43am - corpus_colostomy ""]
Amazing stuff.
and how 'fitting' that Johnny keisteres 'G-I' Joe figures.

[Mar 16,2009 8:03am - the_reverend ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:When is the Dwyer/Spacecorpse sex video coming out?
both too soon and not soon enough.

I was told lastnight that it isn't gay if your gf puts her finger in ur butt. I assume the same is true with dolls. as long as it's not a dude doing it.
[Mar 16,2009 8:48am - douchebag_patrol ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:When is the Dwyer/Spacecorpse sex video coming out?

[Mar 16,2009 8:48am - corpus_colostomy ""]

the_reverend said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:When is the Dwyer/Spacecorpse sex video coming out?
both too soon and not soon enough.

I was told lastnight that it isn't gay if your gf puts her finger in ur butt. I assume the same is true with dolls. as long as it's not a dude doing it.

is this the start of some gonzo internet porn site?
id like to see some chicks pooping out sgt. slaughter into another chicks mouth.

[Mar 16,2009 9:41am - goatcatalyst ""]
"so sleazy even for myself, a devout Sextrash fan"

Pure gold... And then I read the GI Joe part...


Rev, you ought adopt an Enquirer / Star magazine format. RTTP = supermarket tabloid. I think I'm gonna make a post about the old drummer later.
[Mar 16,2009 9:43am - goatcatalyst ""]
Old Catalyst drummer, that is. My magickal erudite Jewscholar blastfurnace can do no wrong.
[Mar 16,2009 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
first issue would feature bat boy...
[Mar 16,2009 10:07am - goatcatalyst ""]
Someone should really help out that random guy looking for Photoshop on Mac in that other thread...

*wink wink nudge nudge*
[Mar 16,2009 10:10am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Rule 34 request on G.I. Joe / Dwyer porn.
[Mar 16,2009 10:50am - Yeti ""]
Dwyer remembers his first date, he clubbed her and dragged her back to his cave by her hair.
[Mar 16,2009 11:52am - Georgie's mom  ""]
Shame on you all for posting dirty pictures and shame on you John Dwyer for not being a true friend to my Georgiepoo . You should be with him 24/7 and learn to like exactly what he does , you know he'll even pay good . Georgie did attend the "buy a friend classes "you know and he past too.
[Mar 16,2009 11:57am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 16,2009 12:22pm - dwyer should punch spacecorpse  ""]
spacecorpse couldn't get it up because he was expecting dwyer to poke him in the ass, lol..
[Mar 16,2009 12:27pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 12:28pm - W3 @ work  ""]
[Mar 16,2009 12:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I bet Mrs. Dwyer would be down for some MMA action.
[Mar 16,2009 12:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 16,2009 12:35pm - Meathook  ""]
I bet someone is going to bang this spacecorpse guy for holding all this shit to dwyers face and posting picks. Peace out brothas nice knowing ya
[Mar 16,2009 1:40pm - pam ""]
Dumb thread is dumb.
[Mar 16,2009 2:13pm - spacecorpse ""]
this thread rules dwyer's suckin shit. now we just gotta invite john's new love interest over here to hang. anyone who's ever hung out with john knows he's a douchebag. one time there was a guy from a great local band over his house hanging. the dude will remain nameless because it's fucking embarassing. and john made him and I and this other guy all move this bitches furniture out of his garage in the freezing cold and over dangerous black ice without any lights on outside because john got made at her for telling him it's not HIS garage, it's his mom's and that she can keep her stuff in there if she wants. John threw a fit soon thereafter and had to be admitted by his family to the nuthouse for a while. Hey we all helped him out that night because we were his friends and that's what friends do but he didn't deserve our help because he's just a lowlife, a carchee, a used car saleman at best.
[Mar 16,2009 2:18pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 16,2009 2:26pm - spacecorpse ""]
hey you know what my friend it is the truth and even though you may think you're taking the high road by sarcastically admitting it here, I know that you know that this is the truth about you and that gives me some satisfaction. You are an asshole John. You're not good for the scene if anything you give it a bad name because you're like the Billy Mays telemarketer of metal. Where is that guy Billy Mays right about now? when will he show up and post?
[Mar 16,2009 2:41pm - TheGentleman  ""]
Dwyer, is all this delicious drama is becoming A Tragedy Unveiled.
[Mar 16,2009 3:14pm - spacecorpse ""]
john is so self-absorbed he strokes off not to ejaculate but to stroke his own ego
[Mar 16,2009 3:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 16,2009 3:22pm - Pires ""]
I'll hook you up. I can't wait to see AxCx there. It's going to be so much fun!1!1!!!!1!!
[Mar 16,2009 3:28pm - Yet again  ""]
Spacecorpse makes reference to dwyer as having a penis shaped face I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to his dick and dwyers dick I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to dwyer masturbating I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to black ice I guess thats why he was drawn to him he then makes reference to Cocks, dicks, penis, wiener snitch, soft flaccid wiener snitch, wiener snootch, uncircumcised wiener, uncircumsized wiener snootch, cum, semen, dick, dick, dick, and oh dick and more penis I guess thats why he was drawn to only men and wont talk to woman at destruction shows

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