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The Official John Dwyer suck it suck suxxx thread. You Suck.

[Mar 17,2009 11:14am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 17,2009 11:20am - W3 @ WORK  ""]
bu bu bu buuuut i don't wear hats
[Mar 17,2009 11:24am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 17,2009 11:26am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 17,2009 11:26am - W3 @ WORK  ""]
[Mar 17,2009 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
I ALREADY HAD 'IM.....that's right i already had 'im.
[Mar 17,2009 3:26pm - scarial ""]

You FAIL At life



It's You SUCK At Life, And that you do!


WHITE TRASH FOR LIFE YO':middlefinger:
[Mar 17,2009 3:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Georgie has some strange fuckin' fantasies.
[Mar 17,2009 3:33pm - brian_dc ""]


I actually made a pork chop sandwich last night
[Mar 17,2009 3:38pm - scarial ""]
[Mar 17,2009 3:39pm - scarial ""]
[Mar 17,2009 3:39pm - DYA NLI FTW  ""]
[Mar 17,2009 3:41pm - DYA NLI FTW  ""]
[Mar 17,2009 3:47pm - scary vaj  ""]
scarial wants sc because he had secondary sex with a guy that did her mom.
[Mar 17,2009 3:52pm - Inquired mind  ""]
what? dude I think she just wants the corpse for his money and because he's so studdly and doesn't need a chinstrap to cover up his dbl chin, he looks downright proud of it if ya ask me !!
[Mar 17,2009 3:53pm - eye witness  ""]
I saw him iq test some bitch he secondarily had sex with after dwyer
[Mar 17,2009 3:53pm - da lulzinator  ""]

scary%20vaj said:scarial wants sc because he had secondary sex with a guy that beat up her mom.

[Mar 17,2009 3:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Never hit a chick in my life and if I was gonna start it wouldn't be with Scarial's mom, i know better.
[Mar 17,2009 3:57pm - eye witness  ""]
Dwyer why did you make georgeie poo fart german jew have secondary sex with you
[Mar 17,2009 4:00pm - spacecorpse ""]
yeah you tell em you tell em he made me do it! I was drunk and didn't wanna but HE MADE ME!!!
[Mar 17,2009 4:04pm - eye witness  ""]
come on george you should be friends with gayside again like the good old days no hard feelings
[Mar 17,2009 4:04pm - ScArial ""]

scary%20vaj said:scarial wants sc because he had secondary sex with a guy that did her mom.

Why would I wan't somone that's been with a 76 year old women, lmfao. My MOM
[Mar 17,2009 4:06pm - spacecorpse ""]
just admit it scarial, admit you want my 4 inch dick in and around your mouth... just admit it then we be cool baby.
[Mar 17,2009 4:07pm - spacecorpse ""]

eye%20witness said:come on george you should be friends with gayside again like the good old days no hard feelings
yeah if they stop harassig me on here then I may try to smooth it over and if they are cool with me maybe trying out again we'll see what happens. I been practicing my triplets alot and can really chug out a good death riff now ha ha.
[Mar 17,2009 4:11pm - eye witness  ""]
that would actually be pretty cool. This shit usually happens in this metal scene anyway, but you should give it a world.
[Mar 17,2009 4:24pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Mar 17,2009 8:12pm - AnotherMetalDrummer ""]
This is a really good thread!
[Mar 18,2009 12:08am - Reader's Digest  ""]
plooooop !!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaahhh take a shit...
[Mar 18,2009 1:12am - ScArial ""]

spacecorpse said:
eye%20witness said:come on george you should be friends with gayside again like the good old days no hard feelings
yeah if they stop harassig me on here then I may try to smooth it over and if they are cool with me maybe trying out again we'll see what happens. I been practicing my triplets alot and can really chug out a good death riff now ha ha.

[Mar 18,2009 3:57am - fishcakes ""]

spacecorpse said:just admit it scarial, admit you want my 4 inch dick in and around your mouth... just admit it then we be cool baby.

wtf? asshole
[Mar 18,2009 3:59am - Hungtabreeed  ""]
I don't really know him. I bought a few cd's off of him but from RttP - I heard he takes it on the chin...
[Mar 18,2009 8:12pm - mysoulinhell  ""]
Dwyer is a mental midget anyway. The world would be a better shithole if he shit the bed from some green-cock disease. Hey, maybe we could finally grab some of his "fantastic" merch when he goes. hahaha....big joke for such a small pile of shit he is.
[Mar 18,2009 8:49pm - Tired  ""]
I heard Dwyers penis is small and I am interested in knowing that fact I also heard Spacecorpse has a small one in another thread and I am extremely interested in that fact look I am just tired and I need to know dick sizes I said his dickdjhf djhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhfdjhf bdgfbndztgnsdtszxwATEy,mglujo;/y 08;
[Mar 19,2009 1:41pm - Mistress  ""]
I guess this argument is over, no? I heard they made up and are good friends again.
[Mar 19,2009 2:23pm - brian_dc ""]
[Mar 19,2009 3:58pm - gijohn  ""]
who cares, they're both fucking retards anyway.

i will forever associate gi joe's with john dwyers anus.

thanks internet.

[Feb 8,2010 10:00pm - Dwyer  ""]
Fuck this shit
[Feb 8,2010 10:09pm - Dwyer  ""]

[Dec 6,2010 10:04am - goatcatalyst¡®s greatest hits  ""]

goatcatalyst said:My magickal erudite Jewscholar blastfurnace can do no wrong.
[Sep 12,2012 1:57pm - HAMBONE  ""]
[Sep 13,2012 12:39am - superfagaliciousexpialedocious  ""]
[Mar 31,2014 12:41pm - HAMBONE  ""]
[Jul 3,2014 3:06pm - Spacecorpse Insights  ""]

spacecorpse said:then there was the time we went back to his house with this girl he was supposedly madly in love with at the time, who will remain nameless at this time because I wish to spare her any further humiliation of having been involved with this. and I'm standing in John's spiral stairwell with her while John is doing something in his room that we can be inside his place while he does and she's telling me he's fucking weird! and I asked her then what the hell are you doing with him? and she said he really likes to party and I said umm yeah I know what you mean he he he and she goes hey, now get ready for this one because I myself couldn't fucking believe it either LMAO, she goes as long as he doesn't ask me to stick his G.I. Joes up his ass again!!! and I almost fucking died right there and john comes out to get us and he's like what's wrong? and they go in and get stoned and i'm just like what the fuck GI joe's? He fucks himself in the ass with his family airloom Gi Joe collection?

[Dec 21,2014 10:48pm - Cobra Commanders shit helmet  ""]
Bump for Faggot Dwyer banned at Dusk.
[Jul 3,2018 7:17am - Truth  ""]
[Jul 3,2018 7:58am - susurrate ""]
LOL @ group sex anecdote

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