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[Jul 12,2004 8:44pm - powerkok ""]
little place in concord, I just got 10 for the band and a few friends, and the screen. now I can have em done anywhere when were ready to get quantity.

[Jul 12,2004 8:49pm - RustedAngel ""]
it looks like the pentagram is warped though.
[Jul 12,2004 9:43pm - hoser ""]
Warped?....you're warped....assclown..
[Jul 12,2004 9:56pm - powerkok ""]
ya thats not the actual print pic, its straight on the shirt.
[Jul 12,2004 10:02pm - Nolin04 ""]
Kok, those are some Hott T\'s.

You\'ll have to hook me up wit one of em.:whipper:
[Jul 12,2004 10:02pm - hoser ""]
YEAH!!!...so there!!!!
[Jul 12,2004 10:29pm - powerkok ""]
Thx Nolin....you guys were sick as hell the other night, I wicked dug it. when you guys r ready for a show lemme know, we'll book one together.
Ya I should hopefully have 1 or 2 xl left outta this batch but if ppl want em, ill make more and get ya one. u goin to berlin saturday?
[Jul 12,2004 11:10pm - Nolin04 ""]
Uh, Thanx KoK. yeah I\'ll prolly be at that show.
Had a kickass time up there last year.
I\'ll go check you guys on Wed. if your practicing.
[Jul 13,2004 9:01am - RustedAngel ""]
[Jul 13,2004 10:42am - Hoser ""]
Rev you gonna be here for this show??
[Jul 13,2004 11:11am - RustedAngel ""]
no, he's going to be shooting some other gay indie show or something. gay and gay.
[Jul 13,2004 1:17pm - Dissector ""]
I might go to this. I'll be in NH that week so if it's close to my condo I'll definately go.
[Jul 13,2004 1:23pm - Siberian  ""]
RustedAngel said:no, he's going to be shooting some other gay indie show or something. gay and gay.

I thought I saw a thread where he said he was going to the Converge show, I personally wouldn't call Converge gay.
[Jul 13,2004 1:34pm - RustedAngel ""]
Siberian said:

I thought I saw a thread where he said he was going to the Converge show, I personally wouldn't call Converge gay.

i would, heh.

as far as cave in's new material. gay too. hehehe.
[Jul 13,2004 3:57pm - Siberian  ""]
A band such as Converge, who have been in existence for well, 13 years doing what they do, have had my respect for a long time. I can actually remember playing a show with them probably 10 years ago up here in VT. They were really nice guys and they tore the place apart.

Speaking of gay, wasn't your flyer just a tad on the gay side? I see you removed the mechanical *parts............ (request from Dave????)

[Jul 13,2004 4:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
lots of bands have been around for a while, doesn't mean I'm required to like em.

the flyer is gay too.
[Jul 13,2004 4:19pm - RustedAngel ""]
scroll up, is that evil enough for this show?
[Jul 14,2004 8:21am - bludgawd ""]
[Jul 14,2004 10:45am - Siberian  ""]
Yeah, that looks pretty cool Tom.

I didn't say you had to like Converge either, it's just rare to hear a positive comment about anything coming from you (haha), pessismist. Anywho, we'll see ya saturday, thanks for making the flyer too, our promotional agency (aka Alex's father) has them all over central VT, they've been up pretty much since you created them. \m/
[Jul 14,2004 10:53am - RustedAngel ""]
I love everything.
[Jul 14,2004 4:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
this weekend bonehards!!!!

be there early!!!
[Jul 14,2004 4:22pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
What is the set up like for this, what kind of PA ? is there a stage? Will Tom be dressed in drag???:thescream: and on a side note Converge is fricken amazing, but i can understand why some people dont like them.
[Jul 14,2004 4:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
converge isn't metal enough for me anymore, their vocals have always been annoying, their shows are crazy, they've been around for a while... but i'm not really a huge fan. i do own a baseball jersey of theirs though.

as far as i know there is a stage, and a pa with a pro soundguy.
[Jul 15,2004 9:09am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
pmub........lets hope for good weather
[Jul 15,2004 9:16am - RustedAngel ""]
oh, WTF.

Berlin, NH
Jul 17 Isolated T-Storms 78°/56° 30 %
[Jul 15,2004 9:21am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
[Jul 15,2004 9:24am - RustedAngel ""]
but only 30% chance.... and it's 2 days away... it will probably be fine.
[Jul 15,2004 10:11am - Siberian  ""]
Tom, you know you're a peace loving hippy underneath the hard exterior. I'm thinking the weather this weekend will be okay, plus, if there's a soundsystem and someone running it who knows what they're doing there must be a roof over this stage?!?!?! Meh, fuck it, it'll be fun either way.
[Jul 15,2004 10:33am - RustedAngel ""]
there is a roof over it, no worries ;)

hard exterior? i'm a pussy... everyone should know that by now. :spineyes:
[Jul 15,2004 10:52am - Siberian  ""]
Well fine then Mr. Softee, you said it!

I'm also wondering, is anyone going to post the lineup????? That'd be a grand idea.
[Jul 15,2004 2:18pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jul 15,2004 3:08pm - bludgawd ""]
[Jul 15,2004 4:30pm - bludgawd ""]
so who is actually bringing a tent to sleep or "camp" in?
[Jul 15,2004 6:10pm - powerkok ""]
I might, but I also might leave that night, depends on my ride, but if I stay, bring lots of buttplugs, cuz im a tent hoppin rapist.
[Jul 16,2004 9:43am - RustedAngel ""]
hump bump a-stump
[Jul 16,2004 4:22pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
i heard rumor that.....omm ok mabye i didnt - bump
[Jul 16,2004 5:34pm - RustedAngel ""]
this is tomorrow, go.
[Jul 17,2004 11:19am - ra @ cafe  ""]
people best be going to this! today!
[Jul 17,2004 11:24am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
ill be taking off for it at about 4 so expect 5 MH around 6 or so
[Jul 17,2004 12:24pm - bludgawd ""]
see ya all there, we're taking off at 1pm and it's going to be a hike but we'll be there.... pieces out!
[Jul 18,2004 10:52am - Nolin04 ""]
So how did the show go people??

I couldn\'t get a ride, otherwise I woulda went??
[Jul 18,2004 12:52pm - Nolin04 ""]
Well, did anyone go this fucking show???

Hello??? RustedAngel, Siberian, bludgawd, anyone???
[Jul 18,2004 12:53pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
everyone who went got sucked into the coos country triangle, it's similiar to the bermuda triangle, no one survived.
[Jul 18,2004 1:58pm - Nolin04 ""]
Ohhh, i see, so it musta sucked ass, then!!

[Jul 18,2004 2:00pm - mikeatzero ""]
tom, gots the tittie pics!~
[Jul 18,2004 11:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
yes, I do have the titty pics, so do you, and tim

well, the fest is over with... I had a great time at this! The sound system was awesome, the weather was awesome (no rain at all)... we got there around 3:30 or 4... I didn't get to watch the first couple of bands cause I was too busy being social.

Life At Zero: the first band I actually watched (obviously)... I don't know why they got put on so early, I think all the death bands should have been bunched up at the end when it was dark. I had nothing to do with the the lineup though. Sick fuckin set though, Mike is getting better vox everytime! Nicks drumming is rediculous! where the hell have you been all my life? Andy, you fuckin rock man!

(Insert long ass setup time, cell phone talking, looking for guitar strings, and drinking beer from cups setup neatly on top of your amp)
These guys were what I expected them to be, Wannabee rock stars. They played a full 14 song setlist of generic metallicaish rock and lame dialogue in between songs. Then they played and encore as if people other than their few groupies actually wanted to see. I can't help it but it was horrible. They were the reason why this show went as late as it did and why suicide contest almost didn't play.

Breather: Joel from senseless on drums and doug on bass... just some hardcorish / screamo stuff... not my style, but kids there dug em!

Senseless Mutilation: Sick vocals and slams! tore shit up pretty well!! Can't wait for the 24th at milly's!

Porphyria: This was the funnest show we've played so far, as far as tightness goes I'd have to say the least tightest but people said they didn't really notice anything wrong (drunk people, hehehe)... there was a fight during the slam at the end of deprivation, and then a break where tim told them it was their last chance to settle whatever their problem was... it was pretty weird, as long as no one got hurt.

Lukorrehea: so sick!! drove 5 hours to come and play this show, I'm glad they came up, I enjoyed this set 100 x more than the last time I saw them a couple years ago or so. Brutal sheeitt!

5 minutes hate: Also drove a long ways, and by this time it was getting late and everyone was getting tired including me. They started off great, but had a little mishap during the first song when part of lukorreaha's drumset got knocked over... this put a delay on things. They came back on and ripped it up despite the mishap.

Suicide Contest: almost didn't play cause it was so late, but they finally got to play after a long ass day, and the people that are into them had a good time. Not my type of thrash though! I'm and exodus/overkill youngin. We went back to our practice spot and had a good night sleep!

Hope everyone who camped out had a good time and all the bands that drove made it home safely. Cya next time mothafukas!
[Jul 19,2004 8:20am - Siberian  ""]
Yeah, Purenform fucked the entire fest (sorry but it's the truth)! Thanks a lot guys, I know it was your PA system and you had a good hand in organizing the whole thing but a little common courtesy on set timing would have been much appreciated. I didn't get to the fest until 7PM, LAZ had three songs left. By 9:45, Purenform was just finishing up. So, there for three hours and saw only a band and a half. NOT COOL. We were told we were going on between 10 and 11, it was after 1AM when we played. The highlight of my night was Porphyria's set, Senseless was awesome. Luekhorrea was great too, and we're truly sorry for anything that might have heppened to the drums. I beleive a trigger was broken and I know Dave dropped the kid the money on the spot for a new one. If you've found anything else messed up let us know!!!!

Thanks to Doug and Troll for holding things together, next year, you need to be set time Nazis, it's for the benefit of the entire fest. Look into backlining cabs and drums, limit set times (no excuses) and don't tell bands to play for as long as you want, it just doesn't work.

[Jul 19,2004 8:45am - RustedAngel ""]
props to doug and troll for organizing this event, next year will be even better I'm sure!
[Jul 19,2004 8:51am - bludgawd ""]
fuck yeah, that was such a great time. When we pulled in I was surprised to see as many people as I did. And it got better as the night went on. We got there during LAZ and checked out their set. Honestly I think they are at their best right now, they sound really good with the line-up they have. As mentioned Purenform was horrible, and took way to fuckin long!!! Breather was ok, like Tom said though this was not something I got into either. Senseless was great as usual (even down one member cause he was wasted and couldn't be found), Porphyria was the big thing for me that night, I had yet to hear you guys Tom but it was fuckin awesome, I can't wait to do another show with you guys. Our set was fun, we broke in a new bassit and he did what he needed to do. 5MH was great too, the drum thing sucks but what can you do. I don't know if anything else was wrong with the set but thanks for being stand up guys and replacing the triggers that did break. All in all it was a great night and I would fuckin love to do shit like that any night!

Anyone here get pics? Would love to see some!
[Jul 19,2004 9:04am - RustedAngel ""]
nate, I got pics, I will have to post them later on tonight!

I think I got the most shots of you guys than any other band that night. We got a bandmates gf to take pics of us, but most didn't come out well and she didn't take many which I don't understand. The beauty of a digital is you can snap as many as you want. Some people don't understand that I guess. hehe. I was tellling the doods that it would be cool to go down to the cape sometime and play with you guys, I know you guys said the last show there went well. sick!

It sucks that senseless was down a member, I would have liked to hear the 2nd guitar in the mix. I don't understand how people can drink before they play.
oh well!

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