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[Jul 14,2010 3:45pm - W3 nli  ""]
we are currently looking for a new drummer, we have a fill in drummer helping us finish our three splits for this year but are still very seriously looking for someone to step up and be our drummer. hit us up with an email not a comment if you are interested.

[Jul 14,2010 3:47pm - FIRST  ""]
[Jul 14,2010 3:48pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I wish you guys the best of luck, and I support your decision.
[Jul 14,2010 3:48pm - Archaeon ""]
in b4 ruckus.
[Jul 14,2010 3:50pm - Pires ""]
Someone has to pass the chinatown test before being admitted into the band. This might not go so well. Best of luck dudes.
[Jul 14,2010 3:52pm - XThankgodX  ""]
Dude was a fucking asshole, just saying.
[Jul 14,2010 3:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 14,2010 4:19pm - xbackedx  ""]

XThankgodX said:Dude was a fucking asshole, just saying.

you can do it put your back into it
[Jul 14,2010 4:22pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Elevated risk of Chinatown related fighting injuries detected.
[Jul 14,2010 4:24pm - ouchdrummer ""]
dude obviously just got booted from a band, be nice, huh?
[Jul 14,2010 4:24pm - Sacreligion ""]
I'll play drums. The only problem is that I can't play drums.
[Jul 14,2010 4:26pm - xMothrax  ""]
yessssss here is my chance to be the best villain everrrrrr muhahahahahahaha!!!!!
[Jul 14,2010 5:39pm - W3 nli  ""]
thanks jim, if you stop playing in 5million band and wanna come jam some grind hit me up with a call.
[Jul 14,2010 5:40pm - Lamp ""]
I wish I still had a drum set (living a bit closer to Boston wouldn't hurt either), I'd go try out.
[Jul 14,2010 5:49pm - booleygibbs  ""]
we have a kit you could use it's not the best but it works
[Jul 14,2010 5:50pm - booleygibbs  ""]
lamp just hit us up if u wanna give it a shot
[Jul 14,2010 6:06pm - Heterosexual Lamp  ""]
I play the drums. aaarrgghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
[Jul 14,2010 6:18pm - Lamp ""]
I'm not really getting the point of this troll, but okay...
[Jul 14,2010 7:03pm - xFuck Loggin Inx  ""]

Lamp said:I'm not really getting the point of this troll, but okay...

I think you're being called out as a gay pansy.
[Jul 14,2010 7:38pm - W3 nli  ""]
Lamp if you wanna come try out hit us up on facebook or myspace. we have a kit and only pretty much practice 2 -3 times a week so let us know whats up
[Jul 14,2010 7:41pm - W3 nli  ""]
also I should mention that Alex from Nachzehrer and 26 Beers is currently playing drums for us as a studio and a few live shows. he is not a perm. drummer but he is showing us our music can and should be faster and tighter when we find whoever is gonna join the band.
[Jul 14,2010 8:36pm - Lamp ""]
I don't have a Facebook or Myspace.
[Jul 14,2010 8:37pm - Archaeon ""]
[Jul 14,2010 8:53pm - nekronaut ""]

W3%20nli said:also I should mention that Alex from Nachzehrer and 26 Beers is currently playing drums for us as a studio and a few live shows. he is not a perm. drummer but he is showing us our music can and should be faster and tighter when we find whoever is gonna join the band.

Oh word. News to me... umm he's not playing the August 28th show is he? We kinda have a show in Upstate, NY that day... eek!
[Jul 14,2010 9:05pm - xFAT DOUCHEBAGx  ""]
Wait. I'm not in the band anymore? You can't tell me what to do.
[Jul 14,2010 9:06pm - booleygibbs  ""]
nah i dont think were doing that 28th show if alex has another commitment so no worries, but lamp just email us at intheshitboston@gmail.com it u wanna try out
[Jul 14,2010 9:08pm - xFAT DOUCHEBAGx  ""]
Lamp cannot take my spot until he gains 300 pounds.
[Jul 14,2010 9:08pm - nekronaut ""]
Word alright, I didn't want to have to call him up and get all Mel Gibson on him.

Good luck on the search by the way!
[Jul 14,2010 9:10pm - xFAT DOUCHEBAGx  ""]
Ugh. It seems that I have neglected my drumming duties in favor of challenging Kobayashi to an eating contest.
[Jul 14,2010 9:30pm - Lamp ""]

booleygibbs said:but lamp just email us at intheshitboston@gmail.com it u wanna try out

[Jul 14,2010 9:49pm - zyklon ""]
So what happened with fattie?
[Jul 14,2010 9:54pm - xFAT DOUCHEBAGx  ""]
I had a goddamn heart attack in preparation for my duel with Kobayashi. Back off, or I will threaten you. Mark my words! Although my only real attack is sitting...
[Jul 14,2010 9:59pm - Heterosexual Lamp  ""]

Lamp said:I don't have a Facebook or Myspace.

Then you are gay. Sodomite!!!
[Jul 14,2010 10:44pm - xmikex ""]

XThankgodX said:Dude was a fucking asshole, just saying.

say it somewhere else. stfu drama llama.
[Jul 15,2010 9:59am - xHOGZILLAX  ""]
ANY new drummer will be un upgrade.
[Jul 15,2010 11:55am - xmikex ""]
We played plenty of shows with Nick on drums, and I didn't see any of you big studly studs in a rush to say any of this to us then. Nobody's impressed. Take a walk.
[Jul 15,2010 12:06pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

xmikex said:We played plenty of shows with Nick on drums, and I didn't see any of you big studly studs in a rush to say any of this to us then. Nobody's impressed. Take a walk.

I agree that anonymous internet shittalking is the scourge of our 21st century. It's also lame to go after someone during a hard time.

But honestly, though, I mean I am in awe that your band can't understand why people are latching on to this opportunity. Nick said some massively bridge burning stuff to people, including, though not limited to telling me my wife will divorce me, making various rape comments and jerk-off jokes, and all around taking a stab at EVERYONE he could get his hands on.

I'm trying to let the shit that happened with him go to rest, but let's call a spade a spade. You guys stayed with him through that for way too long as he took pot shots at everyone and everything he could, and for whatever reasons you guys parted ways, I wouldn't dismiss the fact that people that were hurt by him are coming out of the woodwork. Kid cut up a lot of people for little to no reason but his own pleasure and what he though would build his rep. I got like 3 emails of that kid threatening "street justice" when I asked him why he's always giving me a hard time.
[Jul 15,2010 12:10pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Again, I am not supporting people posting ANON to get their kicks, it's bad form and kinda lame. I also think this is the wrong thread to do it in and the wrong WAY to do it.

I just also don't think the answer to what they are saying is "Well you never said anything before!!"
[Jul 15,2010 12:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
For the record, Im not any of those anons... not like it matters I guess. What's funny to me is at least Godzilla had the balls to talk smack logged in.
[Jul 15,2010 12:15pm - RichHorror ""]
Lotta feelings in this thread.
[Jul 15,2010 12:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Can I borrow a feeling?
[Jul 15,2010 12:20pm - C.dEaD  ""]
[Jul 15,2010 1:03pm - Yeti ""]
[Jul 15,2010 1:18pm - xmikex ""]

the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I am in awe that your band can't understand why people are latching on to this opportunity.

I understand the circumstances perfectly fine. I've probably done the exact same thing before if you'd really like the truth. But like Positive K, I'm not tryna hear that see. Speaking only for myself here, on any given week Nick did more for INTHESHIT than I've done in my entire time in the band. I'd have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror if I didn't show at least a modicum of respect, and drop a few stfu's on opportunistic haterz.

[Jul 15,2010 1:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
haterz gonna hate
[Jul 15,2010 1:25pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

xmikex said:
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I am in awe that your band can't understand why people are latching on to this opportunity.

I understand the circumstances perfectly fine. I've probably done the exact same thing before if you'd really like the truth. But like Positive K, I'm not tryna hear that see. Speaking only for myself here, on any given week Nick did more for INTHESHIT than I've done in my entire time in the band. I'd have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror if I didn't show at least a modicum of respect, and drop a few stfu's on opportunistic haterz.

Point well taken. Despite all the drama that follows around xITSx, it shouldn't reflect on all the members, you're all individuals.
[Jul 15,2010 1:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
unfortunately one member's actions can reflect poorly on a band however. Mr Godzilla's general attidude is one of the main reasons i never tried to set up a show with this band.
[Jul 15,2010 1:34pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I made this suggestion via facebook: "Before you find this new drummer you guys should let me do guest vocals for a show just to set the record for "Fattest Grind Band Ever" like that episode of Bill Swerski's Superfans where they brought in Brian Dennehy as a ringer."
[Jul 15,2010 1:50pm - dramallama  ""]
did he cry when you kicked him out? i bet he did.
[Jul 15,2010 1:52pm - xmikex ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:unfortunately one member's actions can reflect poorly on a band however. Mr Godzilla's general attidude is one of the main reasons i never tried to set up a show with this band.

Well now you can book that blockbuster show with us and Quiet Riot you've been dying to book at this time.

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