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good vegetarian recipes

[Nov 30,2009 11:11am - xanonymousx ""]
does anyone have or know of any good places to find them?
[Nov 30,2009 11:12am - arktouros ""]
i clicked thinking this thread would contain answers. my bad.
[Nov 30,2009 11:13am - xanonymousx ""]
hopefully it will soon.
[Nov 30,2009 11:14am - Martins ""]
The internet.
If you want something wicked simple just boil or steam some kale, then roast it in the oven with some cheese on top till the cheese caramelizes.
[Nov 30,2009 11:16am - arktouros ""]
here's one - steamed broccoli
[Nov 30,2009 11:17am - Martins ""]
Mashed cauliflower and garlic (not too much garlic because it overpowers the cauliflower) and butter.
[Nov 30,2009 11:18am - Martins ""]
You have to steam the cauliflower.
[Nov 30,2009 11:19am - xanonymousx ""]
steamed cauliflower...
sounds good.
[Nov 30,2009 11:19am - pam ""]
Moosewood restaurant cookbooks are amazing.
[Nov 30,2009 11:20am - pam ""]

Martins said:The internet.
If you want something wicked simple just boil or steam some kale, then roast it in the oven with some cheese on top till the cheese caramelizes.

I am obsessed with kale lately. Shit is so good.
[Nov 30,2009 11:20am - xanonymousx ""]
[Nov 30,2009 11:20am - blue ""]
Mashed cauliflower is the shit when done right, easily holds it own against mashed potatoes.
[Nov 30,2009 11:21am - aril  ""]
Plants have feelings too.
[Nov 30,2009 11:23am - Martins ""]
I don't agree with vegetarianism from a dietary standpoint. I get from a moral standpoint but there are ways to get meat that was treated well and killed with uh... dignity.

Either way, vegetables taste good.
[Nov 30,2009 11:25am - pam ""]

Martins said:I don't agree with vegetarianism from a dietary standpoint. I get from a moral standpoint but there are ways to get meat that was treated well and killed with uh... dignity.

Yeah, by either killing it yourself or paying a fucking fortune for free-range meat. I'd rather just not eat it.

Besides, how can you disagree with what someone else wants to eat?
[Nov 30,2009 11:27am - aril  ""]
They do. I love all food.. But ribs and a nice steak are too good for me to quit eating meat. I had chicken fried steak the other night with some nice fried okra and veggies. okra is great.
[Nov 30,2009 11:28am - Martins ""]
Maybe "agree" isn't the best way to put it. I don't get it, maybe. I just think humans evolved as omnivores, not just carnivores or herbivores.
[Nov 30,2009 11:32am - pam ""]
I thought I'd miss steak and stuff, but I don't. I dunno...just not for me.

I'm healthier than I've ever been, I've lost almost 50lbs in the last year (killed all the baby weight and then some) and I actually know what foods give you iron, protein, etc. I know way more about food than I ever did, and I'm even starting to like cooking.

Best decision I ever made after quitting smoking. You can all lick me.
[Nov 30,2009 11:33am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Actually Brian, vegeterianism is the healthiest diet one can have IF done right. Ask a registered dietitian.
[Nov 30,2009 11:33am - pam ""]

Martins said:Maybe "agree" isn't the best way to put it. I don't get it, maybe. I just think humans evolved as omnivores, not just carnivores or herbivores.

We're built to breed, too...but having kids isn't for everyone, right?
[Nov 30,2009 11:33am - aril  ""]
juicy steak... Nothing in the veggie world compares.
[Nov 30,2009 11:34am - pam ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Actually Brian, vegeterianism is the healthiest diet one can have IF done right. Ask a registered dietitian.

Hey Mark, we've cleared our 1-year recently. I think we both went veggie the same time, right?
[Nov 30,2009 11:34am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i been eating cucumber salad recently. wicked easy to make too - just slice up cucumbers and mix in italian dressing. yum.
[Nov 30,2009 11:36am - pam ""]

aril said:juicy steak... Nothing in the veggie world compares.

My daughter calls it "juicy steak" all the time. Never just "I'd like a steak", it's always "I want juicy steak". She's not on board with the veggie thing, to say the least.
[Nov 30,2009 11:37am - Martins ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Actually Brian, vegeterianism is the healthiest diet one can have IF done right. Ask a registered dietitian.

Well, I'm not going to get into dietary things here because I'll just get trolled. I will agree that if you're eating vegetarian, you are MUCH MUCH healthier than the standard american eating the standard american diet. As for it being the HEALTHIEST - I disagree. Though I can't say that each person should be eating the same kind of diet.
And yes, it is possible to get what you need for macro- and micro-nutrient intake from vegetarianism but you're probably missing out on some good ole saturated fat. Unless you eat like two avocados a day and only use coconut oil to fry things.
[Nov 30,2009 11:37am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I believe you're correct, Pam. 1 year and 20 days for me.
[Nov 30,2009 11:39am - pam ""]
...vegetarians eat things other than vegetables. Good fats aren't hard to come by. ;)
[Nov 30,2009 11:40am - pam ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:I believe you're correct, Pam. 1 year and 20 days for me.

[Nov 30,2009 11:41am - Martins ""]
Actually, yeah I guess I'm kind of lumping you guys in with vegans. Fuck vegans. I'm down with vegetarians.

Do you eat eggs? If so, you're pretty much all set. Do you take Omega-3 or fish oil supplements?
[Nov 30,2009 11:41am - pam ""]
Post more recipe sites or GTFO. I need some new sites.
[Nov 30,2009 11:42am - Martins ""]
Let me know if this works:
[Nov 30,2009 11:42am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

Martins said:
MarkFuckingRichards said:Actually Brian, vegeterianism is the healthiest diet one can have IF done right. Ask a registered dietitian.

Well, I'm not going to get into dietary things here because I'll just get trolled. I will agree that if you're eating vegetarian, you are MUCH MUCH healthier than the standard american eating the standard american diet. As for it being the HEALTHIEST - I disagree. Though I can't say that each person should be eating the same kind of diet.
And yes, it is possible to get what you need for macro- and micro-nutrient intake from vegetarianism but you're probably missing out on some good ole saturated fat. Unless you eat like two avocados a day and only use coconut oil to fry things.

Thus why I said "if done right" it is the healthiest. It's just hard.

On another note, I'm in Qdoba near South Station and they're playing "Pop That Pussy" by 2 Live Crew. Best lunch break ever.
[Nov 30,2009 11:43am - Martins ""]
You might need a gmail account to see that, not sure.
[Nov 30,2009 11:43am - pam ""]

Martins said:Actually, yeah I guess I'm kind of lumping you guys in with vegans. Fuck vegans. I'm down with vegetarians.

Do you eat eggs? If so, you're pretty much all set. Do you take Omega-3 or fish oil supplements?

I'm actually a pescetarian, I eat dairy and the occasional wild fish. I don't eat most seafood because I have damage with dragger fishing, but wild salmon? SO good.

I could never do vegan, fuck that noise.
[Nov 30,2009 11:43am - pam ""]

Martins said:Let me know if this works:

Score! thanks!

I'm fucking starving now.
[Nov 30,2009 11:44am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Taking fish oil technically would negate vegeterianism...I eat a fuckton of eggs.
[Nov 30,2009 11:44am - aril  ""]
Juicy steak. Pams daughter knows what's up.
[Nov 30,2009 11:45am - Martins ""]
I still don't think that "if done right" or not, it's the healthiest but it falls into some of the healthier ones. It all depends on if you eat grains and legumes. But hey, what do I know? I'm just a curious fatty.
[Nov 30,2009 11:45am - xanonymousx ""]
this guy has some really good recipes.
and pop that pussy at qdoba is great.
[Nov 30,2009 11:46am - pam ""]
She's as carnivore as they get. We don't eat meat here really, but at school and at her dads she eats every dead animal she can get her hands on to make up for me torturing her with healthy food at home.
[Nov 30,2009 11:48am - Martins ""]
Has anyone here read The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith. She was an intense vegetarian before doing some research. I haven't read it myself but I keep seeing it recommended to vegetarians.
[Nov 30,2009 11:50am - martins the wannabe vegan slam god rttp whore  ""]
lol hey gauyz I heard this thred was about food. Lol I eat almonds haha and one big meal at night lol haha my shits are bigger then the shits blue did in raising cubrix lol hahaha
[Nov 30,2009 11:51am - pam ""]

Martins said:I still don't think that "if done right" or not, it's the healthiest but it falls into some of the healthier ones. It all depends on if you eat grains and legumes. But hey, what do I know? I'm just a curious fatty.

Don't get me wrong, I agree that a lot of veggies eat like shit and get all snotty on other people as if they're eating healthy just because they don't eat meat. Eating well IN GENERAL is a lot of work and requires you know really know what you're eating. I think it's pretty cool when people know what they're putting into their bodies regardless of whether it's the diet I chose for myself.

I don't give a shit what anyone else eats. But the 300lb bitches I've met that try to tell me they are veggie and eat well drive me insane.

No you don't, or you wouldn't be fucking huge.
[Nov 30,2009 11:52am - pam ""]

Martins said:Has anyone here read The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith. She was an intense vegetarian before doing some research. I haven't read it myself but I keep seeing it recommended to vegetarians.

Why read that when I could just come here and be told why what I eat is stupid?

Where's hoser to call me a faggot?
[Nov 30,2009 11:52am - Martins ""]

martins%20the%20wannabe%20vegan%20slam%20god%20rttp%20whore said:lol hey gauyz I heard this thred was about food. Lol I eat almonds haha and one big meal at night lol haha my shits are bigger then the shits blue did in raising cubrix lol hahaha

HAHAHA Man I haven't had any almonds in a while. Especially anal almonds.
[Nov 30,2009 11:54am - Martins ""]

pam said:
Martins said:Has anyone here read The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith. She was an intense vegetarian before doing some research. I haven't read it myself but I keep seeing it recommended to vegetarians.

Why read that when I could just come here and be told why what I eat is stupid?

Where's hoser to call me a faggot?

Woah, I was never trying to offend or anything. Like you said, I respect any decision to want to eat healthier. Especially if it's ACTUALLY healthier.
I respect vegetarianism for the point that it is much much MUCH healthier than the refined sugar and carb infested standard american diet. You especially have it all figured out being a pescatarian, seriously.

[Nov 30,2009 11:55am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Nov 30,2009 11:57am - pam ""]

Martins said:
Woah, I was never trying to offend or anything. Like you said, I respect any decision to want to eat healthier. Especially if it's ACTUALLY healthier.
I respect vegetarianism for the point that it is much much MUCH healthier than the refined sugar and carb infested standard american diet. You especially have it all figured out being a pescatarian, seriously.

I was just joking around. ;)
[Nov 30,2009 11:59am - Martins ""]
What you eat is stupid and Hoser wanted me to tell you you're a faggot.
[Nov 30,2009 12:04pm - pam ""]
Ironically, hoser and I completely agree on one thing, I think: if you're going to eat meat, you should kill it yourself. Factory farming is fucking gross and cruel, hunting is at least natural.

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