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Dissection vocalist killed himslef. Jon Nödtveidt 1975-2006

[Aug 21,2006 11:01am - DreamingInExile ""]
the_reverend said:oh shnit.. I was born in 75 and this is 06. I need to magic 8-ball this shizzle.

here, I have just the solution to your Magic 8-Ball defecit:


(work gets boring at times)
[Aug 21,2006 11:32am - hungtableed  ""]
anonymous said:noone here should have any opinion on suicide untill its something you've been through.. and see someone do.. i'm sure you'd all feel differently if that was the case

My dad used to drive 18 wheelers and was in the moving business for some time. On one move they were working for some lady who was trying to leave her husband with all his belonging while he was at work, naturally, he showed up and was fucking pissed. He pulled out a shotgun and threatened my dad, saying shit like "you touch any more of my shit and I'm going to fucking blow your head off" - and then, out of no where, the guy put the shot gun in his mouth and blew his head off all over my father's truck. My dad's helper apparently said: "Whoaaaaaa, bet you can't do that again!"
[Aug 21,2006 11:48am - Troll ""]
[Aug 21,2006 11:50am - davefromthegrave ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Killing yourself takes guts, you choose to end it your way, I respect suicide.

Might just do it myself someday, cross your fingers.

No. Dealing with your shit takes guts, you goddamn pussy.

Do you have a family or any loved ones? How do you think they would feel if youoffed yourself? pretty shitty, I imagine. And that would be entirely your fault, because you were too much of a cunt to just deal with your fucking problems.
[Aug 21,2006 12:10pm - CNV  ""]
kill yourself

it will be fun
[Aug 21,2006 12:18pm - Troll ""]
It seems rather selfish on anyones part to standby and let there loved one be fucking miserable. Let em' off themself. It's whats best for them not us. If you got an old sick dog you put it out of its misery right?

Heres my bumper sticker.


Friends don't let Friends live miserable
[Aug 21,2006 12:45pm - anonymous  ""]
thank you.. dave from the grave.. i highly agree... i dont think any of you realize the guilt that isleft behind when someone kills themself.. my ex boyfriend hung himself b/c i left him.... pussy yah.. but i seriously doubt thats what his son's gonna think some day when he grows up without a dad... all it is.. is they couldn't deal with their problems.. well guess what we all deal with shit everyday.. what makes you them so fucking special...
[Aug 21,2006 12:51pm - anonymous  ""]
I doubt it was because you left him, but since you're posting about it, you must get off on the fact that he did it. You are a stupid cunt
[Aug 21,2006 1:01pm - anonymous  ""]
i'm a stupid cunt? explain? .. it was cuase i left him.. he left a note.. and no i def do not get off on picturing his dead body... which i saw shortly after he did it... your a fucking asshole.. for saying something like that and i hope you fucking rot in hell...
[Aug 21,2006 1:03pm - anonymous  ""]
i was only posting about it.. as proof that speaking about with such immaturity is fucking lame and childish... and mostly insensitive to those who have lost poeple to it
[Aug 21,2006 1:49pm - pam nli  ""]
*sigh* The misuse of 'you're' and 'your' kind of makes me want to put a gun in my mouth...

Also: Don't air your personal buisness on this message board if you don't want to be ridiculed. If you are capable of being offended in any way, this is not the board for you.
[Aug 21,2006 1:52pm - anonymous  ""]
Pam rules, you on the other hand are a dumb cunt. You can't spell, have a baby and you're in junior high?
[Aug 21,2006 1:54pm - pam nli  ""]
I don't think you should be able to graduate if you can't grasp 'you're and your' or 'their, there, and they're'. Just a thought.
[Aug 21,2006 2:05pm - Troll ""]
[Aug 21,2006 3:26pm - anonymous  ""]
it was not offended... merely stating my opinion... i could give a shit less what you think.. and no i'm not in junior high
[Aug 21,2006 4:31pm - hungtableed  ""]
pam nli said:

Also: Don't air your personal buisness on this message board if you don't want to be ridiculed. If you are capable of being offended in any way, this is not the board for you.

Pam wins.

[Aug 21,2006 6:23pm - ROFL Master  ""]
all hail the mighty dissection.
all hail nodveidt.
all hail satan
[Aug 21,2006 10:21pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
Yeah, I think this thread went far beyond its intention.

Either way, however you view suicide ( judging on mr. anonymous' prerequisite of 'having to know someone who did it' I quess I qualify to speak on the topic because my uncle did so ) I say we celebrate what Nodviedt did accomplish rather than what he destroyed.

In this place so sinister I shall find my dreams
Illuminated by the blackest flame
To transcend with dragon wings
[Aug 22,2006 10:36am - anonymous  ""]
do you not agree then... to hear idiots say" hang yourself its fun"
is aggrivating?
[Aug 22,2006 10:39am - CNV  ""]
ahhhh, shut the fuck up you whining fucking cry babies

No one gives a fuck about your moral value judgements

Kill yourself now!!!
[Aug 22,2006 10:40am - Yeti ""]
on the opposite end of the spectrum, who is to judge what Jon Nodtveidt wanted to do with his life? its HIS life, if he didnt want to continue, then he shouldnt be condemned for it. he shouldnt feel life is necessary just to appease those still alive. he accomplished what he wanted to do, and felt it was necessary to exit this world. there is no right or wrong in this situation.
[Aug 22,2006 10:44am - anonymous  ""]
fair enough... and agreed
[Aug 22,2006 10:45am - Yeti ""]
plus i salute him in his passing for providing me with "Storm of the Lights Bane"
[Aug 22,2006 10:56am - hung_to_bleed ""]
Yeti said:plus i salute him in his passing for providing me with "Storm of the Lights Bane"

+ The Somberlain. I fucking love that album.
[Aug 22,2006 12:16pm - anonymous  ""]
Troll said:[img]

im gonna get this wicked grim picture as a tattoo on my back...
[Aug 22,2006 12:18pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
[Aug 22,2006 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
that would make a devastating tattoo
[Aug 22,2006 12:48pm - hung_ta_bleed  ""]
that is pretty fucking grim.

[Aug 22,2006 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
that would be even better
[Aug 22,2006 2:20pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
so grim
[Aug 22,2006 3:51pm - Josh_Martin ""]
dwellingsickness said:powerkok said:AUTOPSY_666 said:Killing yourself takes guts, you choose to end it your way, I respect suicide.

Might just do it myself someday, cross your fingers.

Sooner than later, please.

Suicide is the pussy way out.
You feel no pain (by gunshot to the melon), and leave any family, friends in disarray for your own selfishness.

Ive read the satanic bible, and, woo hoo, big deal, Anton LeVey says....blah blah blah.
who is he to say this is the way satanists are to think.
Fuck that shit.
Fuck this guy.

Watch out man, I got a bashin from Josh" I am in AC,worship me" Martin , In the other thread for saying suicide is the pussy way out. haha

All I said was you were wrong. Dwyer explained my position better than I did. See his post.
Since you want to make this personal though, its not my fault you're in a band no one will ever give a fuck about..

Fuck you.

[Aug 22,2006 3:55pm - Josh_Martin ""]
powerkok said:Fuck Josh Martin in his filthy cunt, and anyone like him.
I beg Josh to say shit to my face.

Fuck you. I dare you to say something to MY face. I am way easier to find than you are. I guess I could follow the tumbleweeds to a Hand Choke Neck show but its easier if you just show up to Harpers Ferry on the 30th. I'll even put you on the guest list. If you can take Hoser's cock out of your mouth for a few hours, that is.

Hurry up and get killed in a hunting accident already you stupid rat narc faggot redneck.

Fuck you.

[Aug 22,2006 5:03pm - succubus ""]
Wow..I'm on the train on my way to a show and was reading this thread....oh so many turns....I think it's time for someone to quote christian slater from pump up the volume...something abt shitting yourself....
[Aug 22,2006 7:17pm - DomesticTerror ""]
DJ Death said:
Fuck off Domestic Terror, his beliefs was that he was alike the "Transylvanian Son".... The son who lived death like on this earth. You wont understand. My regards go to Jons family, and his friends, as well as his very sadened girlfriend. I understand why he did this though. Reversal of life, that was his belief, and you cant take that away. I hope you wonder about life every day when you eat your cereal, and do the same thing over and over and over.

First off, how does one spell "Transylvanian" while completely butchering the rest of the sentence? We'll have to call it ADD&D.
Second, I'm sure his family appreciates that. The wounds are probably healing already...
Third, If you understand, then what are you upset about? You're glad he's dead. I'm glad he's dead.
Fourth, as long as I never find myself playing "Magic, The Gathering" then I'm a happy guy.

You're kind of right though. I'll never understand why this tool "rolled the big d20." Maybe he saw what his fans were like?

[Aug 23,2006 1:52am - anonymous  ""]
curt gobang
[Aug 23,2006 1:58am - BornSoVile ""]
I bought the Rebirth dvd today, it's fucking awesome.
[Aug 23,2006 2:23am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Jon Nödtveidt (Born June 28, 1975 - August 16, 2006) was a lead guitarist and vocalist of a well known Swedish death metal/black metal band, Dissection, which he founded in 1989.

Nödtveidt was convicted of felony murder of 37-year-old homosexual Algerian Josef Ben Maddour in 1997. He was released from prison in 2004 and restarted Dissection.

Nödtveidt also performed in several other projects, including Necrophobic, The Black (as Rietas), De Infernali, Nifelheim, Ophthalamia (as Shadow), Satanized, Siren's Yell, Terror (a grindcore band which featured members of At The Gates).

His brother Emil Nödtveidt is also a guitarist and appeared in several projects with him, including Ophthalamia.

On the 16th of August 2006, he was found dead after an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. He also supposedly placed an open Satanic Bible and lit candles in a circle around himself before death.
[Aug 23,2006 2:23am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 23,2006 3:36am - anonymous  ""]
BornSoVile said:I bought the Rebirth dvd today, it's fucking awesome.

I ordered that from relapse a few days ago
the clip they have on their site looks really fucking good
[Aug 25,2006 4:20pm - Troll ""]
Troll said:the Satanic Bible doesn't seem like his style. Cops don't know shit.
MLO's belief seem far from LaVey's Humanism.Hmm...

"Early reports indicated that he was found with an open copy of the Satanic Bible, but these were later dismissed by Dissection's guitarist Set Teitan. According to him, "it's not any atheist, humanist and ego-worshipping 'Satanic Bible' by Anton LaVey that Jon had in front of him, but a Satanic Grimoire. He despised LaVey and 'Church of Satan'."

20 scene points for me!

[Aug 25,2006 4:34pm - the_reverend ""]
spend them wisely.
[Aug 25,2006 4:36pm - pam ""]
Troll said:Troll said:the Satanic Bible doesn't seem like his style. Cops don't know shit.
MLO's belief seem far from LaVey's Humanism.Hmm...

He despised LaVey and 'Church of Satan'."

20 scene points for me!

That's awesome. Satanists in panda paint everywhere are let down.

[Aug 25,2006 4:37pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I'll never wear my panda paint again. Oh wait...REINKAOS.

Yes, I'll still wear my panda paint.
[Feb 19,2007 3:01pm - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 20,2007 12:39am - NIGGER ""]
We were Vikings, but now we're Christians... (dies)
[Nov 24,2007 6:52pm - anonymous  ""]
Fuck off you lowlife FAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dec 24,2007 2:50am - shadow41989  ""]
you all are fuckin assholes. pay some goddamned respect top a true black metal god. Without Jon Nödtveidt there would be no modern black metal. and it wasnt the satanic bible, it was a grimoire, very different. he wasnt worshiping satan, more testing the afterlife before he joined it. as stated earlier, he hated the satanists. point is, he was a badass singer, and he is greatly missed

Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva
[Dec 24,2007 3:10am - dftg  ""]
shadow41989 said:you all are fuckin assholes. pay some goddamned respect top a true black metal god. Without Jon Nödtveidt there would be no modern black metal. and it wasnt the satanic bible, it was a grimoire, very different. he wasnt worshiping satan, more testing the afterlife before he joined it. as stated earlier, he hated the satanists. point is, he was a badass singer, and he is greatly missed

Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva

are you 14 years old?
[Dec 24,2007 5:42am - satanic slaughter  ""]
dissection is too much for you to handle, it's ok
[Dec 24,2007 5:48am - PaganMegannli  ""]
All I know is the world lost an exemplary musician with Nodveit's death, the rest is politics and I won't argue for or against any of it.

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