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CONVERGE club lido

Club Lido (Revere, Ma) - [blacklisted][converge][energy][modern_life_is_war][randomshots][some_girls]
[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Oct 8,2006 4:55pm - xanonymousx ""]
some girls
modern life is war

december 3rd
[Oct 9,2006 1:49am - corrado_images ""]
yea i shit myself when i saw this
[Oct 9,2006 2:00am - the_reverend ""]
mliw is like a dark secret of myne.
[Oct 9,2006 2:07am - the_reverend ""]
So what the fuck are you going to do, kid?
Still ratting at the chains of the gates of the world...
But you can't quite pretend.
[Oct 9,2006 10:16am - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
this show is gonna rule!
[Oct 9,2006 10:51am - anonymous  ""]
+ energy
[Oct 9,2006 11:21am - blue nli  ""]
im all over this.
[Oct 16,2006 1:16am - Its a Black person  ""]
This show can't be real.
[Oct 16,2006 10:37am - NippleViolater ""]
Belee dat shit.
[Oct 19,2006 11:03am - anonymous  ""]
Where is it?
[Oct 19,2006 11:19am - the_reverend ""]
club lido = revere
[Oct 19,2006 6:48pm - metalguy ""]
revere rawks!
[Oct 19,2006 7:19pm - xanonymousx ""]
the violence in revere may be ultra high that december night
[Oct 20,2006 12:31pm - cyborg gym  ""]
club lido is fucking horrible, hopefully they wil have someone working there that knows what to do when all the power turns off, which it will cause every show i've been to there they've had to stop the show 3-4 times cause there heads are too far up there asses.
[Nov 7,2006 2:56pm - xanonymousx ""]
found this flyer
[Nov 7,2006 2:57pm - ralphie  ""]
why do they always play with gay?
[Nov 7,2006 2:58pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I'll go so long as they only play stuff from Petitioning the Empty Sky and earlier
[Nov 7,2006 3:01pm - xanonymousx ""]
i'm guessing they will play mostly jane doe, you fail me and, the new one but if they played anything from or earlier PtES that would kick ass... saddest day is a must
[Nov 7,2006 3:03pm - W3 nli  ""]
id be fine hearing jane doe and no heroes both are great records.
[Nov 7,2006 10:56pm - blue ""]
DreamingInExile said:I'll go so long as they only play stuff from Petitioning the Empty Sky and earlier

thats what i like about their live sets...they mix it up halfway decently, as long as it isnt sounds of the underground or shit like that.
[Nov 12,2006 12:02am - xanonymousx ""]
they only got to play a few songs at sounds of the underground i was quite upset
[Nov 12,2006 5:54am - Robin NLI  ""]
stoked the day after Regan Youth at the Elks Lodge.
[Nov 12,2006 9:50am - tbone_r ""]
energy cd release. band's awesome.
[Nov 12,2006 8:12pm - lollercopter  ""]
energy sucks. BOOOOORING.
[Nov 12,2006 8:40pm - tbone_r ""]
lollercopter said:energy sucks. BOOOOORING.

great, don't watch them then.
[Nov 12,2006 9:33pm - lollercopter  ""]
hey, sorry to upset you.
[Nov 12,2006 9:56pm - tbone_r ""]
lollercopter said:hey, sorry to upset you.

i'm not upset, i just saw it as somewhat of a shot directed towards me because i backed up brockton shows before. i guess i fail to understand why you feel the need to continue to badmouth local hardcore, or read threads about it if you hate it so much.
[Nov 12,2006 9:59pm - lollercopter  ""]
please, i don't wish to cause a stir. i just want you to lower your voice, i'm sorry.
[Nov 13,2006 9:48pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i do belive ill actually go to this show.
[Nov 13,2006 9:55pm - W3 nli  ""]
he's only interested cause his GF said no more sex till he takes her to see horrible bands....well ok there's Converge too.
[Nov 13,2006 9:57pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i get sex no matter what i do, so thats ok.

but this situation works, shes gets all her shitty bands and i get to see converge while she complains that she wants to leave.
[Nov 13,2006 10:03pm - W3 nli  ""]
KeithMutiny said:i get to see converge while she complains that she wants to leave.

and i will be there to point and laugh
[Nov 20,2006 8:52pm - xanonymousx ""]
less than two weeks away.
[Nov 20,2006 10:01pm - anonymous  ""]
this time its war, crackahs
[Nov 20,2006 10:50pm - W3 nli  ""]
im gonna be at this, converge's new cd is amazing.

i loves it so, must see them play plagues and grim heart/black rose
[Nov 21,2006 9:22am - Lamp ""]
Anybody else going to the New London show tonight?
[Nov 21,2006 9:45am - xmikex ""]
all of you, lower your voices
[Nov 21,2006 9:49am - davefromthegrave ""]
Lamp said:Anybody else going to the New London show tonight?

I might, not sure yet.
[Nov 21,2006 10:42am - Anthony ""]
4 pm doors and 5 bands? This thing gonna be over by 9 or something? I'll probably go. I wanna see Converge, but I don't wanna deal with the mosh ninjas that will inevitably show up at this.
[Nov 21,2006 12:03pm - xanonymousx ""]
they need to clear out for the latino dancing
[Nov 21,2006 3:45pm - Lamp ""]
Last time I saw Converge there weren't any ninjas(at least not during their set), just a lot of stage crowding and diving which was sweet. Considering the sheer number of opportunities I got to stage dive, I'd say that was one of the best shows I've ever been to.

I know the show at the El 'n' Gee tonight starts at 7 and is 13 bucks(ouch), I will be headed down soon.
[Nov 21,2006 4:35pm - intricateprocess ""]
energy is so f'n good

you will also go to Guns Up!,Shipwreck,Down To Nothing,Bracewar,and Wake Up Call the day before at mass art if you know whats up
[Nov 21,2006 10:05pm - xanonymousx ""]
this will happen
hopefully this does not
[Nov 21,2006 10:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I would almost bet they will not play the saddest day.
[Nov 21,2006 10:14pm - jim is to lazy to get his password  ""]
i saw them play at romans and it was awesome
[Nov 21,2006 10:15pm - the_reverend ""]
wow.. seeing jake jump in there and nate drop his bass.. weird...
[Nov 21,2006 10:16pm - xanonymousx ""]
i wanted to go to that but car problems prevented me from going... but i will go to this.

it will be a sad day if they do not
[Nov 21,2006 10:16pm - the_reverend ""]
they didn't play the saddest day at romans.
[Nov 22,2006 12:34am - Lamp ""]
They played The Saddest Day when I saw them at the Living Room a year and a half ago.

They didn't play it tonight but it was still a great set nonetheless. The only songs they played from before Jane Doe were Locust Reign and Forsaken. I can still smell all the sweat.
[Nov 22,2006 12:39am - davefromthegrave ""]
I just got back from the El n Gee, this show was great.

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