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New England Heathen Metal Fest (outdoors)

[May 20,2009 5:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
myself and a few other people here have a pipe dream of having a New England metal show outside.. with meat being cooked over flame, bands playing on a stage, people camping over night, and lots of booze. This kind of stuff doesn't happen to often around here.

this has been mentioned before.. and I am hoping it would happen sometime towards the end of summer - Aug, Sept.

There will be local black/heathen/pagan bands as well as any thrash and/or death band that wants to play it. The primary focus outside of the music will be the atmosphere - mainly the booze, food and being outdoors in nature.

There is a spot up in Berlin NH (way up) that could be a possible location for this. It is nestled between some mountains, in an open field surrounded by trees.

Perhaps a few national acts would be interested in playing it as well.

It's time we make this happen and start talking about it! We need location ideas, and band ideas.

Thoughts, suggestions?
[May 20,2009 5:37pm - RichHorror ""]
I think it would be cool. This ends my thoughts on the matter.
[May 20,2009 5:38pm - boblovesmusic ""]
YES! THANK YOU! Not sure what assistance I could bring, but let me know!
[May 20,2009 5:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
it's gonna have to take a group of people to get it done so anyone is more than welcome to contribute any input!
[May 20,2009 5:43pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Cold Northern Vengeance is a given


we could try to get that Oakhelm band (from Portland)

if we timed it right, Hekseri

Shroud Of Bereavement would be great for this setting.
[May 20,2009 5:43pm - moenli  ""]
you would need WAY more time to get this done by this fall...i'd get started on this in like 4months for next summer
[May 20,2009 5:45pm - arilliusbm ""]
true - but sometimes things work out unexpectedly. ultimate goal is to have it before it starts getting too cold out. if it doesn't happen this summer, then next spring. if it doesnt happen then, then next summer. if it doesn't happen then.. well its a failed project!
[May 20,2009 5:46pm - boblovesmusic ""]
we could do a proto-fest. Just like four or five bands to get things started and then next year do something bigger.
[May 20,2009 5:48pm - arilliusbm ""]
yea. just need a location. I'm pretty sure I know about 3-4 local bands (including mine) that already expressed interest in playing it
[May 20,2009 5:52pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Also, needs a different name... haha
[May 20,2009 5:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
hahaha yea.

I was thinking that i could ask some canadian bands too, but we all know how canadians are
[May 20,2009 5:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
Montreal and its surrounding area has some decent bands.. and it's really not too far away.
[May 20,2009 5:58pm - boblovesmusic ""]
The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Music Fest
[May 20,2009 6:06pm - HeavensJail_nli  ""]
Would love to see this happen; following suggestions:

1) Don't be afraid to start small. It's more important to have 100 people show up than to have 20 bands play. Wacken started out with like 200 people, five bands, and a DJ.

2) Make sure that the landowner is cool with every aspect of the fest AND has a good relationship with local law enforcement. The last thing that you want is late-breaking venue change because the guy flakes, or the cops decide to shut it down. Coos Chaos Fest seemed to work, so this if this is the same place as implied in that other thread, this is probably under control.

3) If you do 2 days, do Friday and Saturday. This allows people to have a bang-up time on the last day, sleep over, and drive home in time to be ready for work Monday. It's better to have people straggle in Friday than to straggle out on Sunday to build good vibes if you want to do this again.

4) Similarly, you want to do two days, even if you can only rent/afford to power the PA for one day, so that people can get settled in for a decent day of music. Big fire + acoustic guitars if you want to do an 'event' the first night instead of people just hanging at their campfires, drinking, and playing their car stereos loud...which is going to be in the mix too regardless.

5) Be prepared and work with law enforcement and emergency services from the area going into the fest. If you're able to get a good turnout, something is *going* to go wrong, just from the law of large numbers: some 16-year-old kid will get alcohol poisoning, some idiot will set their tent on fire, somebody will trip over a rock going to piss and break a bone or something. Being prepared for this means that when they get called in, they'll be more inclined to see it as idiots hurting themselves rather than you enabling reckless behavior. Nobody wants cops walking around site to site checking IDs, but they also don't want the campground going up in flames because the fire truck can't get in.

6) Embrace shitty weather. Fest is on rain or shine. Have a tarp or something over the stage to keep the equipment dry in case it rains, and let the audience play in the mud.

Still thinking; maybe more later.
[May 20,2009 6:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, man.. thanks for those suggestions. Those are things I was thinking about. The key to making something like this happen is to make sure the landowner is cool with it and the cops know about it.
Of course one must focus on the risks of having something like this. One person could ruin the whole fest and make a lot of people very unhappy.
[May 20,2009 6:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
I know there are some people here that have gone to the Gathering of Shadows in Colorado... anyone with suggestions from experience with that?
[May 20,2009 6:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Pam tried to put something like this together a couple years back...almost worked.
[May 20,2009 6:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
perhaps she can try to help?
[May 20,2009 7:04pm - blue ""]
Just letting you know, your proposed date is pretty much when New England Deathfest is happening. In an effort to keep your turnout high, I'd consider a date at least a month apart. Just a thought.
[May 20,2009 7:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
didn't realize! thanks man.
[May 20,2009 7:12pm - moenli  ""]
[May 20,2009 7:33pm - sinistas ""]
I don't know if we fit your musical vision, but I'd love to get Dreaded Silence on this.
[May 20,2009 7:38pm - arilliusbm ""]
yes, I enjoy you guys
[May 20,2009 7:38pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I second this inclusion.
[May 20,2009 8:32pm - RustyPS ""]
very good idea...and very good points so far....i would say wait till next year just because i would think finding an open field venue alone would take a long time

and i know we dont fit the vision of the type of band you would want on this but ill throw HYEO on the list of bands that would play this if youll have us
[May 20,2009 9:01pm - the_reverend ""]
aril, are you trying to give me a boner?
[May 20,2009 9:35pm - soilentgreenispizza ""]
shabti from portland would love to play!!!!
[May 20,2009 9:38pm - RichHorror ""]
I agree that working on this with an eye to have it in 2010 is probably the wisest plan.
[May 20,2009 9:42pm - quintessence ""]
I would love to help in anyway I can to get this to work. I live in NH and have always wanted to do this on my own land here. I own over 30 acres of farm land and forest.
[May 20,2009 9:49pm - boblovesmusic ""]
dude, for real!?
[May 20,2009 10:04pm - RustyPS ""]

quintessence said:I would love to help in anyway I can to get this to work. I live in NH and have always wanted to do this on my own land here. I own over 30 acres of farm land and forest.
maybe finding an open field venue wille be easier than I thought....lol
[May 20,2009 11:37pm - sinistas ""]
That would be awesome.
[May 20,2009 11:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
well folks I'm glad to see i'm not the only one interested in pursuing this. the ideal situation would definitely be 2010 for a real "fest" , however if it is at all possible to have a smaller proto-fest type thing in September or next spring i'd be down for it as well.

I do know the place that that held (holds?) the Coos County Chaos fests (Eagles Field - West Milan Rd, Berlin NH) has a stage set up and is perfect for this kind of thing, although it is a drive for some.

But if this thing is done correctly, it'd be a killer time and would perhaps open the door for more!
[May 21,2009 12:06am - RichHorror ""]
Hopefully it all works out, sounds rad.
[May 21,2009 1:56am - quintessence ""]

RustyPS said:
quintessence said:I would love to help in anyway I can to get this to work. I live in NH and have always wanted to do this on my own land here. I own over 30 acres of farm land and forest.
maybe finding an open field venue wille be easier than I thought....lol

Yeah, honestly I am not too comfortable with this just yet. The land is still used for agriculteral purposes during the summer, and having a bunch of drunken metal heads trampling all over everything wouldn't work out. In a few years when I can do what ever I want with the fields though.... maybe even 2010, who knows? An established place that has had a fest or event before would be preferable. Like coos county or whatever

I'm not sure my town would even allow it. I also still have neighbors. OLD neighbors. BUT I'm going to look into some things and see what I can find out. This town only has 1 cop and hes friends with my dad... so I'll see. I live in far far western NH though. Not really the best place. Could attract some VT or maybe even some NY peeps though.
[May 21,2009 8:01am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Burzum styled jam band or fest shouldn't happen.
[May 21,2009 9:23am - arilliusbm ""]
Hoser's a country-man. Maybe he can help.
[May 21,2009 9:38am - the_reverend ""]
30 acres isn't really a lot of land when you look at it. it just sounds like a lot. I also don't think that a bm fest would be considered "current use"

The coos took a lot of effort from locals to get through.

I hate mosquito.

does a bear bm in the woods?
[May 21,2009 9:39am - largefreakatzero ""]
Have it in October, then I could go grouse hunting up there too.
[May 21,2009 9:50am - arilliusbm ""]
30 acres is way more land needed for a small thing like this.
anything under 10 should work fine. we're not hosting wacken here or anything.
haha, I don't think anyone likes mosquitoes, but they are part of being outdoors. get used to it!
[May 21,2009 9:51am - arilliusbm ""]
personally, I hate ticks even more. those fucking things..
best thing is when you pick them off of your pet and they're all huge and brown. burning them in that stage is almost as fun as putting salt on some slugs
[May 21,2009 9:52am - the_reverend ""]
you are so so so so so so wrong there on all accounts.

2) if you care about neighboors, 30 acres insn't a lot. They will hear everything.
[May 21,2009 9:53am - the_reverend ""]
you need a buffer zone so neighboring farms don't have drunken assholes fucking their cows, drunken sluts passing out and choking on their own vomit on their land, and lastly noise.
[May 21,2009 9:55am - arilliusbm ""]
I was thinking excluding neighbors. of course they'd hear it if people lived there. I used to practice in my parents barn back in the day, and it was about 3 acres back near the woods. complaints.
[May 21,2009 9:57am - the_reverend ""]
my dad's got 48 acres and if the concert was set up at the bottom of the hill maybe. but that's 15-20 acres deep into the woods with 150+ behind it and 400+ to the right of it of all trees.
[May 21,2009 9:57am - arilliusbm ""]
party at your dads
[May 21,2009 10:00am - largefreakatzero ""]
I have 4 acres and none of you are invited over.
[May 21,2009 10:02am - dreadkill ""]
[May 21,2009 10:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
OK, except for members of Dreaded Silence, but only if you bring drugs.
[May 21,2009 10:08am - dreadkill ""]
note to self: find some drugs

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