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The status of thrash metal in Boston.

[May 19,2010 1:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Lamp said:The thing about "pizza thrash" as some people like to put it, is that it isn't a purely metal genre. It's crossover. An equal parts punk and metal formula that to me has more to do with DRI than say, Slayer. The only reason it gets called "pizza thrash" rather than "crossover" is because of the lyrical content of the songs, which to me is pretty fucking stupid. So obviously if you like your thrash to be 100% metal then you're not going to dig the pizza bands.


I actually like a heavy helping of punk in my thrash (which is funny in and of itself since you only got thrash by dumping heavy helpings of punk on NWOBHM bands) - the whole crossover thing was huge for me - but from where I stand, what most of these pizza bands are doing is less "punk influence" and more "not playing so good".
[May 19,2010 3:09am - Randy_Marsh kehd  ""]
pizza thrash, an premature offset approach to real thrash metal...real thrash metal being slayer, testament, kreator.

but unlike the predecessors, pizza thrash has to be family friendly. just good ol' family fun.........for the kehds.
[May 19,2010 6:49am - Gabe Horn nli  ""]
This thread is awesome.
[May 19,2010 9:46am - kingthrasher  ""]
hey fuck you guys who think you can dictate what thrash is.
[May 19,2010 9:54am - Jonahathome  ""]
Come argue about it at our show with Ingrowing on may 25th
[May 19,2010 9:55am - arilliusbm ""]
go do an argue about it, the whole thing
[May 19,2010 9:56am - reimroc ""]
theres thrash in new england. you just need to know where to look.

[May 19,2010 10:14am - RichHorror ""]
I love pooping.
[May 19,2010 10:22am - arilliusbm ""]
I love going into O'briens bathroom and collecting Rich Horror's turds. I've got a collection, much like that of Stimpy's nose goblin collection.
[May 19,2010 11:07am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

kingthrasher said:hey fuck you guys whohave no clue what thrash is except what they see on OnDemand and MySpace.

[May 19,2010 11:17am - arktouros ""]
Taken outside of Tortilla Sam's in Worcester yesterday:


Whoever said pizza thrash = family-friendly "not playing so good" crossover, sounds right to me.
[May 19,2010 11:18am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[May 19,2010 11:20am - c.DeAd  ""]
Fuck, I think I want to go to that. That's Entertainment does shows? That totally rules.
[May 19,2010 11:23am - arktouros ""]

Lich_King said:


Yes, people looking for certain things out of a specific style of music...the thought is reviling, isn't it.
[May 19,2010 11:27am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

c.DeAd said:Fuck, I think I want to go to that. That's Entertainment does shows? That totally rules.

Ya that's news to me - curious if it's in the Magic pit or what.
[May 19,2010 11:28am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arktouros said:
Whoever said pizza thrash = family-friendly "not playing so good" crossover, sounds right to me.

calzone crossover?
[May 19,2010 11:29am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

To most thrash fans, the “big four” consists of Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer. To the unsuspecting passerby of a thrash fan, the “big four” consists of indescribable odor, questionable stains, yellow teeth and unkempt lice infested hair.

No neo thrasher would be complete without his “kutte” or “battlejacket” or “smelly vest with way too many patches”. The kutte is the thrash equivalent of a TGI Fridays waitress vest, the more flare the merrier. Spending endless hours scouring ebay for patches and bedazzler replacement parts, he hardly has any time at the end of the day to watch any of his 80’s VHS troma movies. On a number of occasions his mother has snuck into his bedroom in the basement in an attempt to febreze his beloved battlejacket, but has ultimately failed as it seems he never removes the vile vest.

Stuck without a job, a futon covered in beer cans, a Metallica with short hair, a boom box that eats cassettes and a shower that hasn’t felt his presence in months, the Neo Thrasher seems to be at his lowest. Fortunately there is a kegger behind the abandoned gas station this Friday.

[May 19,2010 11:30am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Only the Bay Area was real.
[May 19,2010 11:31am - arktouros ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
c.DeAd said:Fuck, I think I want to go to that. That's Entertainment does shows? That totally rules.

Ya that's news to me - curious if it's in the Magic pit or what.

Yeah, seems like the only place they'd have room.
Go for the merch, stay for the pizza.
[May 19,2010 11:32am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arktouros said:
DestroyYouAlot said:
c.DeAd said:Fuck, I think I want to go to that. That's Entertainment does shows? That totally rules.

Ya that's news to me - curious if it's in the Magic pit or what.

Yeah, seems like the only place they'd have room.
Go for the merch, stay for the pizza.

Black metal shows are in the used RPG section under the foldup tables.
[May 19,2010 11:33am - arktouros ""]
You should ask them to just donate that entire section to you so they'd have room for shows.
[May 19,2010 11:33am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
holy shit thats right down the street from me. i'm gonna try to book a death metal card game comic expo.
[May 19,2010 2:45pm - BSV  ""]

AndrewBastard said:
Wait, you saw Matt, Josh? How can I get in touch with that kid, any idea? I dont see him at ANY shows I expect him too, even the Providence shows. I'm assuming he's still with mom and dad in West Warwick as he's kinda tapped but I love and miss that kid.

And thank you: Betrayal played 2 KILLER shows. That one at the Green Room with Toxic Holocaust and Avskum and another at the Safari Lounge (oh the good old days) with Esuriem and Deathamphetamine..

yeah, Matt's in DESOLATE WIND. pounded the fuck out of the skins! That Toxic Holocaust show was great, right after the release of Evil Never Dies-like 50 people there, Joel still had merch with that impact computer type font logo.
[May 19,2010 2:53pm - narkybark ""]
do a ritual about it and then throw a d20 for modifiers
[May 19,2010 2:54pm - BSV  ""]

arktouros said:
Whoever said pizza thrash = family-friendly "not playing so good" crossover, sounds right to me.

yeah, these are all dead on.
again, any show that is giving beer/pizza away to people like walmart stickers or free drinks in vegas, is totally false. it's in the same league as pay to play.

very similar to the classic case of, fucking fat chicks vs. riding a moped
[May 19,2010 2:59pm - Slag NLI  ""]
I would never fuck a moped while riding a fat chick.
[May 19,2010 3:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

BSV said:
arktouros said:
Whoever said pizza thrash = family-friendly "not playing so good" crossover, sounds right to me.

yeah, these are all dead on.
again, any show that is giving beer/pizza away to people like walmart stickers or free drinks in vegas, is totally false. it's in the same league as pay to play.

very similar to the classic case of, fucking fat chicks vs. riding a moped

i fail to see whats wrong with free pizza and beer.
[May 19,2010 3:10pm - arilliusbm ""]
honestly, this thread is dumb but everytime I read it I want pizza
[May 19,2010 3:33pm - Alexecutioner ""]

RustyPS said:
bloblovesmusic said:I'll just say that I love thrash. pizza thrash, calzone thrash, black thrash, serious thrash.
what about stromboli thrash?

what about veal scallopini thrash?



[May 19,2010 3:39pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Don Vito makes Danny Bondaduce look like an interesting person. They are both raviolis.
[May 19,2010 4:03pm - Lich_King ""]

arktouros said:
Lich_King said:


Yes, people looking for certain things out of a specific style of music...the thought is reviling, isn't it.

It is if it's evil, which... enough, already. There are more than enough evil bands. If you roll together all the radioactive skate shark pizza zombie thrash Exodus clones, you still wouldn't have half the number of bands with an inverted crucifix in their logo.
[May 19,2010 4:11pm - Lamp ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
Lamp said:The thing about "pizza thrash" as some people like to put it, is that it isn't a purely metal genre. It's crossover. An equal parts punk and metal formula that to me has more to do with DRI than say, Slayer. The only reason it gets called "pizza thrash" rather than "crossover" is because of the lyrical content of the songs, which to me is pretty fucking stupid. So obviously if you like your thrash to be 100% metal then you're not going to dig the pizza bands.


I actually like a heavy helping of punk in my thrash (which is funny in and of itself since you only got thrash by dumping heavy helpings of punk on NWOBHM bands) - the whole crossover thing was huge for me - but from where I stand, what most of these pizza bands are doing is less "punk influence" and more "not playing so good".

Too much partying, not enough practicing?
[May 19,2010 4:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
Inverted pizza logos
[May 19,2010 4:17pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Never enough inverted crosses!!!
[May 19,2010 4:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Did you know that if you invert an inverted cross twice, you get a thrice-inverted cross?

[May 19,2010 4:27pm - arktouros ""]
haha, personally, if I'm in a thrash mood, I EXPECT it to not be PG-rated, well-played, and with a sense of fucking conviction. You hear a few thrash songs and you hear them all - I'm not looking for genius composition or anything, I want an outlet to vent. I thought that was the reason metal came around? Call me old-fashioned. I just don't like the wave of Municipal Waste bands (I.E. http://www.myspace.com/pizzafaceband).

I'm all for a good time - and if I want to listen to happy music, I won't look in my metal collection. Some people like the taste of shit, fine by me. I'll keep listening to Tapping the Vein...
[May 19,2010 4:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
I listen to thrash when I'm getting drunk or lifting weights or both. Like you, I'll put on something else if I want 'happy' music.
[May 19,2010 5:17pm - Lich_King ""]
I never really go out of my way to listen to happy thrash because what is that, but I only listen to thrash when I'm in a good mood. If I'm pissed or depressed about something I can't listen to thrash, or metal in general.
[May 19,2010 5:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arktouros said:Call me old-fashioned. I just don't like the wave of Municipal Waste bands (I.E. http://www.myspace.com/pizzafaceband).


Can't fucking believe that Jeff put out that record. He's all up on their shit. Worst part is, their excuse is that they're being IRONIC. That they're a PARODY of MW. (Y'know, the self-consciously ironic thrash parody act.) It's postmodern pizza party thrash. Like that makes everything cool.
[May 19,2010 5:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
pizzaaa partyyyy

[May 19,2010 9:42pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
the only good safety thrash is Nuclear Assault...
[May 19,2010 9:57pm - RichHorror ""]
Safety Thrash Dance
[May 19,2010 9:58pm - Lamp ""]
There should be a safety thrash dance band called Boneitis.
[May 19,2010 10:00pm - RichHorror ""]
The only thing worse than ironic retro thrash poser bands is people that end sentences in ellipses for no reason.
[May 19,2010 10:27pm - arktouros ""]
...I disagree
[May 19,2010 10:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[May 19,2010 10:58pm - RichHorror ""]
[May 19,2010 11:39pm - sixstringcarnage ""]

Alexecutioner said:
RustyPS said:
bloblovesmusic said:I'll just say that I love thrash. pizza thrash, calzone thrash, black thrash, serious thrash.
what about stromboli thrash?

what about veal scallopini thrash?




Hey they gut scAllapini over there over here!
[May 20,2010 12:47am - eric ""]


the still yet (and most likely never) to be released ep slayed if i don't say so myself...

and fuckin right on betrayal. saw that pvd show with TH in 04. fucking killer shit. need more aggressive, hateful, and evil thrash bands. most of the new stuff is just too upbeat for mu taste.
[May 20,2010 1:03am - DestroyYouAlot ""]



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