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Hi guys can't we all just be friends?

[Mar 7,2011 2:20am - Megan Halpin  ""]
Greetings RTTP, I'm a young girl, new to the scene, with obvious daddy issues just trying to fill the gaping void in my self esteem with metalhead cock. So far I have tried attending several local metal shows, demonstrating my loose sexual standards, shittalking any girl that got in my way and assuming the rest would fall into place. Despite this foolproof plot, I seem to have definitively and repeatedly struck out, whats a girl to do? So I decided to post this appealing picture of me in a compromised position in hopes that RTTP can land me a man. If your interested, I'll be the girl at the next show you go to, pissing everyone off and not taking a fucking hint.
[Mar 7,2011 2:24am - Boozegood ""]
[Mar 7,2011 2:25am - Randy_Marsh ""]
tully, is that your van lol
[Mar 7,2011 2:29am - Alx_Casket ""]
I don't see this thread halpin to end this matter anytime soon.
[Mar 7,2011 2:29am - eddnli  ""]
hahaha what the fuck?
[Mar 7,2011 2:31am - Robing ""]
I'm going to kiss my girlfriends fists so I can taste this hot bitch.
[Mar 7,2011 2:34am - Randy_Marsh ""]
wow that bitch grosser than i thought. hail satan and not hail halpin whatsoever.
[Mar 7,2011 2:36am - Nostromo ""]
I can't stop laughing at that well written introduction. What a fucking train wreck. (Her) I want to make out with you. (Me) I have a girl friend, get the fuck away from me. (Her) Winces, then storms off. (Me) "Fuck yea"
[Mar 7,2011 2:37am - boblovesmusic ""]

Alx_Casket said:I don't see this thread halpin to end this matter anytime soon.

[Mar 7,2011 2:38am - eddnli  ""]
two words, tetanus shot
[Mar 7,2011 2:43am - melodyrose ""]
I told her to look at it. Stupid bitch swung at the wrong girl. I'll kill her next time.
[Mar 7,2011 2:43am - melodyrose ""]
And hey she looks great in that picture.
[Mar 7,2011 2:44am - slarmageddon  ""]
dayum, thats a heapin' halpin!
[Mar 7,2011 2:44am - melodyrose ""]
She shouldve gotten eyehategod robin drunk
[Mar 7,2011 2:46am - Randy_Marsh ""]
pretty sure she got "megan halpin"
[Mar 7,2011 2:46am - slarmageddon  ""]
she pulled off "self-worth ending drunk" pretty good imho
[Mar 7,2011 2:50am - Randy_Marsh ""]
can someone's band use this picture as an album cover please? rich horror im looking your way.
[Mar 7,2011 2:53am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Not fat enough for me, chick is worthless.
[Mar 7,2011 2:54am - Nostromo ""]
Her ass is worse off than mine. And I just ate a chicken salad sandwich at 2 AM.
[Mar 7,2011 2:57am - Alx_Casket ""]
I could go for a second halpin of chicken salad right now.
[Mar 7,2011 3:00am - W3 nli  ""]
is there a suicide board up yet, do we have time frames who's taking numbers

i got 5 on noon tomorrow
[Mar 7,2011 3:47am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

W3%20nli said:is there a suicide board up yet, do we have time frames who's taking numbers

i got 5 on noon tomorrow

hahaha, there's blood in the water out by olde RTTP pier.

[Mar 7,2011 3:48am - xgodzillax ""]
Ill fuck around with a rampant decay "love potion 213" shirt design when I'm awake later
[Mar 7,2011 5:04am - Sacreligion ""]
Glad I missed all that. Hahaha. My opinion on the matter is invalid, but:

[Mar 7,2011 5:36am - RustyPS ""]
ITT: great first impressions
[Mar 7,2011 7:06am - reimroc ""]
fucking 5 star thread right here
[Mar 7,2011 7:27am - Pires ""]
This thread will surely deliver with 10,000+ views and 2500+ posts. The full stories are still come out.
[Mar 7,2011 7:31am - Dankill  ""]
Fuckin' yikes. I'm surprised she hasn't been eaten alive by some of the legit girls in the scene here that don't tolerate shit talking and whatnot. Then again, apparently dudes girlfriend used her as a punching bag so maybe a trend has started.
[Mar 7,2011 7:40am - nickyv  ""]
haha. that's my girlfriends old roommate. epic.
[Mar 7,2011 8:29am - Nostromo ""]
[Mar 7,2011 8:33am - RichHorror ""]
Hahaha that picture looks like a crime scene photo.
[Mar 7,2011 8:34am - aaron_michael ""]
No Life Fest Day 2. Your drunken swine monster. Woof.

[Mar 7,2011 8:41am - AndrewBastard ""]
ITT: No Life Fest II flyer taken care of
[Mar 7,2011 9:07am - Skinsandwich ""]
That pic is the RTTP version of a TMZ shot. You can see shame dripping out of every fat fold.
[Mar 7,2011 9:19am - RichHorror ""]
hahaha, I just remembered that I tried to make her make out with Dan PATAC because "he put out our fuckin' record you asshole".
[Mar 7,2011 9:20am - xmikex ""]
I wouldn't feel great about myself if I jumped on the lol-train at the expense of someone I don't know that never harmed me.

I also couldn't live with myself if I didn't lol hard at "needs two gloves."
[Mar 7,2011 9:20am - RustyPS should be working  ""]

RichHorror said:hahaha, I just remembered that I tried to make her make out with Dan PATAC because "he put out our fuckin' record you asshole".

[Mar 7,2011 9:21am - RichHorror ""]
And I think also, "Come on, he's a handsome guy. Don't be a bitch.".
[Mar 7,2011 10:51am - the_reverend ""]

RichHorror said:Hahaha that picture looks like a crime scene photo.
[Mar 7,2011 10:58am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 7,2011 11:09am - blue ""]
This girl had it coming soooo bad lol.

You know a girls got issues when they hit on me lol. Her gaydar obviously wasn't working lololol
[Mar 7,2011 11:11am - Randy_Marsh ""]
2Halp: just me against the world bebe
[Mar 7,2011 11:12am - RichHorror ""]
[Mar 7,2011 11:18am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Would fuck.
[Mar 7,2011 11:26am - Maxwell Smart's shoe phone  ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Would fuck.

Crikey where were you then? This possibly would have shut her up and kept her from hitting on everything with a Y chromosome. It might also have saved my hoodie and my arm a couple of bruises.
[Mar 7,2011 11:27am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Well I don't think I would have. The way I would have fucked her would have gotten me arrested. I should have elaborated.
[Mar 7,2011 11:32am - brian_dc ""]
You would have fucked her back to the future into statutory terrority?
[Mar 7,2011 11:40am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
88mph meat train
[Mar 7,2011 11:44am - largefreakatzero ""]
Fux Incapacitor.
[Mar 7,2011 11:46am - Maxwell Smart‘s shoe phone  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:88mph meat train WRECK


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