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French metalhead looking for a place in West Springfield or Springfield

[Dec 3,2008 5:08pm - JackGrants ""]
(Jack Grants is the name I use in my band and book) So you'd say it's an English heritage, to loathe the French ? As for anything else, if someone's gonna hate me, I'd like to know why. Being French doesn't seem a good reason to me.
And saying shit like the French are always surrendering is ridiculous, especially when your only argument is a picture found on the internet. When you don't know History or any othert subject, you don't talk about it as if you were an expert.
Unfortunately, I know I'm gonna face that but it won't stop me from coming.
[Dec 3,2008 10:14pm - Samantha ""]

JackGrants said:Oh man, you're going too far for Josh. He doesn't know about anything prior to the 20th century. He hasn't heard about the French helping the US get their independence. About French kings ruling England, etc.
If only nobody converted to Christianity or any other religion.

The U.S. wouldn't have won the revolutionary war without help from the French. Apparently, I have some distant relation to Marquis De LaFayette. I don't know how, but in any case, that guy was a hero during the revolution.
[Dec 3,2008 10:28pm - JackGrants ""]
It's nice to see some people acknowledge that. There was a pro-French sentiment at the time, we can see it notably with the suffix -ville that was added to many towns. But all that's almost forgotten, those who hate the French don't give a shit, they don't need a reason.
Anyway, good for you, Samantha, a relation to the Marquis de Sade would have been cool too hehe
[Dec 3,2008 11:42pm - BSV  ""]
[Dec 3,2008 11:53pm - JackGrants ""]
Cinema, mayonnaise, guillotine, photography, bikini, the metric system...
[Dec 3,2008 11:59pm - |an ""]
and Year Of No Light, ftw
[Dec 4,2008 5:10am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
It's retarded that nobody's mentioned Simone de Beauvior, Deathspell Omega or Merrimack in this thread.

And let's not forget conducting above ground nuclear weapons testing well after the rest of the world realized that it was batshit insane; eat a dick French Polynesians, enjoy your cancer.

Patrick Roy's still a faggot.
[Dec 4,2008 6:34am - JackGrants ""]
There would be a lot to mention, good and bad like for any other country.
Nuclear testing is crap but we shouldn't condemn people for what their governments do, it's insane to have nuclear weapons in the first place. Jacques Chirac is a dick, Sarkozy's a dick like most world leaders are. Unfortunately, the whole world doesn't need these testings to enjoy the cancers some are trying to sell us.
As to Patrick Roy, I'm gonna have to take your word for it but he's canadian.
[Dec 4,2008 6:45am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I was actually giving France credit for nuclear testing because it's fucking awesome and Pacific Islanders are subhuman mutants to begin with.
[Dec 4,2008 7:11am - JackGrants ""]
Oh I see, my mistake, I'm already used to the negative comments going to the whole French nation without exceptions. It doesn't change my opinion on nuclear shit though.
But if you want to shoot a cheap Troma movie in those cute radioactive islands, go ahead.
[Dec 4,2008 7:40am - Yeti ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:It's retarded that nobody's mentioned Simone de Beauvior, Deathspell Omega or Merrimack in this thread.

and unless i missed it, no Blut Aus Nord either.
[Dec 4,2008 7:53am - JackGrants ""]
You're absolutely right, Yeti, Blut Aus Nord deserves to be cited. Also, Vindsval, the main guy in BAN, released an awesome (and very rare) cd called Supremacy under the moniker The Eye, check it out if you can.
[Dec 4,2008 3:31pm - JackGrants ""]
Bis repetita
[Dec 5,2008 4:09pm - JackGrants ""]
Are there some good metal shops in Mass ?
[Dec 6,2008 3:52am - MadOakDevin ""]
it actually has alot more new brunswick influence than quebec. i would know this.
[Dec 6,2008 6:56am - JackGrants ""]
What are the influences ?
[Dec 6,2008 7:24am - Dankill  ""]
Armageddon Shop in Providence RI is probably the est underground shop in the area. The local chain Newbury Comics is pretty damn sharp with metal though. Some locations better then others, but you can find some gems.
[Dec 6,2008 7:52am - JackGrants ""]
Sounds good, anything around Springfield ?
[Dec 6,2008 8:46am - SlavonicIdentity ""]

JackGrants said:Sounds good, anything around Springfield ?

Music Outlet in Enfield is awesome. Only a few minutes from Springfield.
[Dec 6,2008 10:22am - SkinSandwich ""]
French people
[Dec 6,2008 10:31am - JackGrants ""]
You're talking about the influences ?
[Dec 6,2008 11:03am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]

BSV said:


Hell yeah. I'd add Arkhon Infaustus, SCD, and Alcest to that list, as well.
[Dec 6,2008 11:47am - JackGrants ""]
I heard SCD toured in the US, ever got to see them ?
[Dec 7,2008 9:27am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Yup, a few times. They're awesome guys.
[Dec 7,2008 9:34am - JackGrants ""]
Ever seen other French bands ?
[Dec 7,2008 11:03am - pires ""]
benighted anyone?
[Dec 8,2008 6:55am - JackGrants ""]
Yeah, Benighted kicks ass, you should check Kronos and Recueil Morbide for other good brutal death bands
[Dec 8,2008 10:32am - darkwor  ""]
[Dec 8,2008 10:40am - JackGrants ""]
Gojira looks quite successful in the US, right ?
[Dec 8,2008 1:18pm - pam ""]

JackGrants said:So what happened with you in Vietnam ? Did you win there ?

[Dec 8,2008 1:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

JackGrants said:Gojira looks quite successful in the US, right ?

i wish they would do a headlining tour... i keep missing them cause they keep opening for terrible bands.
[Dec 8,2008 2:34pm - JackGrants ""]
I hear you, In Flames... that would have been ok years ago but now... Maybe Gojira will be playing at Hellfest, one of the best metal festivals in the world.
[Dec 10,2008 9:36am - Queen Diamond  ""]
A particular man in France rules my panties. Je t'aime Julien.
[Mar 2,2009 2:27pm - JackGrants ""]
That's it, I found a place in Springfield so I'll be there for the months of April/May/June. Seems like there's gonna be some good gigs around there : amon amarth, enslaved...
[Mar 2,2009 2:33pm - BSV  ""]
you'll be here in time to watch the Bruins crush the Habs in the playoffs.
[Mar 2,2009 2:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 2,2009 3:15pm - JackGrants ""]
great, I master absurdism but I'd better be drunk to watch hockey
[Mar 2,2009 3:21pm - ouchdrummer ""]
wow, epic thread is SRSLY epic.
[Mar 2,2009 3:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha - now you're getting it. LOL
[Mar 2,2009 3:48pm - JackGrants ""]
Anything particular to do in the area in spring ? Is there something for 4/20 ?
[Mar 2,2009 3:50pm - TheBloodening ""]
don't move to springfield, i grew up there and it's a fucking shithole...west springfield is a little better but theres nothing in western ma anymore...just come to boston.
[Mar 2,2009 3:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
We usually head out to Purgatory Chasm (crazy natural gorge that's full of cool caves where the natives hid from pilgrim assholes) with a flashlight full of joints.
[Mar 2,2009 3:55pm - JackGrants ""]
Thanks for the warning but my girlfriend lives in WS so I'm heading there for now
[Mar 2,2009 3:56pm - TheBloodening ""]
sweet, well enjoy!
[Mar 2,2009 3:58pm - JackGrants ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:We usually head out to Purgatory Chasm (crazy natural gorge that's full of cool caves where the natives hid from pilgrim assholes) with a flashlight full of joints.

Sounds cool, I want to see some nice forests and stuff. Even better if there's some weed involved.
[Mar 2,2009 4:01pm - JackGrants ""]

TheBloodening said:sweet, well enjoy!

Thanks man, I will definitely
[Mar 3,2009 1:30am - ctb0rderpatrol  ""]

JackGrants said:No members of the Church of the Subgenius on there ?


our local college station just pulled the hour of slack from their lineup because their board of directors is comprised of yuppie fehgs
[Mar 3,2009 6:23am - JackGrants ""]

JackGrants said:No members of the Church of the Subgenius on there ?

That's blasphemy, man
[Mar 3,2009 9:14am - ouchdrummer ""]
purgatory chasm is the ballz. add trippy and WIN
[Mar 3,2009 9:15am - ouchdrummer ""]
If you like that place you'd prolly dig th FLUME GORGE in North NH. I luvs it. Do that and the kangamangas in the same day, great time.

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