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Negura Bunget

[Dec 4,2006 2:03am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Ryan, if you feel like buying after you hear them, I have all of these in my distro...

Averse Sefira

Velvet Cacoon (2 titles)


Hate Forest

[Dec 4,2006 2:20am - GoatCatalyst ""]
thanks, John. it's quite likely i'll be utilizing your services. i'm definitely into hearing things before i buy them and there are definitely those releases that simply NEED to be owned. things like watain, deathspell omega, etc... something tells me averse sefira and armagedda are going to be must-haves.
[Dec 4,2006 8:24am - HeavensJail ""]
I have Vlad Tepes' March To The Black Holocaust, I'll put it up tonight
[Dec 4,2006 8:35pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
heres Thergothon, uploading Hate Forest
[Dec 4,2006 8:44pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
praise you, Phrozenspite

praise you!
[Dec 4,2006 8:45pm - HeavensJail ""]
Vlad Tepes:

just one record, but it's a taste. upping Bilskirnir's In Flames Of Purification
[Dec 4,2006 8:48pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
and you as well, HeavensJail...

praise thee!
[Dec 4,2006 9:05pm - Dar ""]
you know what I don't have that I'd love to hear? ANY Lurker of Chalice material

I feel like a poseur for not having ever bought it but hey :X
[Dec 4,2006 9:31pm - HeavensJail ""]

sorry, this is the extent of my stuff on the scavenger hunt. I've got a bunch of other cult or out of print stuff to share that might not fit in with this thread...here's the list if anyone's interested:

Lugubrum - De Totem - weird Belgian black metal
Abrasion - Abrasion - mediocre power metal from Brazil
Ancient Ceremony - The Third Testament - intense evolved German black metal
Sakaratul Maut - The Land Called Mahsyar - black metal from Singapore
Nebular Moon - Mourning - German black metal, like cutrate NM
Burzum - Ragnarok (bootleg) - all those weird rarities/demos from the old Burzum.com
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Witch-Hunts - totally awesome Finnish black metal
Julie Laughs Nomore - Where Only Darkness Remains - dumb name, good Danish thrash
Kharon - Raised By Hellish Demons - Norwegian black metal, kind of average
Melechesh - As Jerusalem Burns - Israeli black metal + Proscriptor
Bolt Thrower - In Battle There Is No Law - debut; how is Vinyl Solution's distro here?
Deimos - Never Be Awaken - weird Russian doom IIRC
Living Impaired - Blossom And Decay - underground death from Maine; is this band still active?
Sacrilegium - Wicher - cold black metal from Poland
Cabal - Midian - thrash with Killjoy, kind of a pet release on Red Stream
Master's Hammer - The Filemnice Occultist - cult classic of Czech black/death
Stonehenge - Scum Brigade - Russian black/thrash
Evolution - Altered Reality - Maine thrash/death; band changed their style after this one
Atoll Nerat - Art of Ancient Seers - Russian doom-death
Graveland - Following The Voice of Blood - not the best record of theirs I have
Graveland - The Celtic Winter - the essential Graveland record
Bifrost - Mythistory - completely awesome weird Dutch black/thrash
Perunwit/Kraina Bez Wiatru split - Polish folk/black metal
Kafan - Injecting Evil In Thy Veins - necro black metal from Lebanon WTF
Faith Or Fear - Punishment Area - second-tier Bay Area thrash
Odroerir - Goetterlieder - weird national folk metal in German
Criterion - The Dominant - death metal from Norway, pretty good, Dwyer has it
Epidemic - Exit Paradise - old and out of print, not their best record
Jackhammer - Pummeled - local thrash metal from Brunswick, ME, some nu-elements
Ensiferum - Dragonheads - melodic viking metal from Finland, Euro-only EP
Vukodlak - Blackest Autumn - black metal from New Jersey
Ogre - Dark Filth - weird, weird Irish black/grind
Forest Stream - Tears of Mortal Solitude - great melancholic black/doom from Russia
Mortiis - Fodt Til A Herske - I think this is out of print
Sarcofago - Rotting - again, I think this is out of print
Pantera - I Am The Night
Pantera - Projects In The Jungle - LOL DIAMOND DARREL LOL
Metal Inquisitor - Doomsday For The Heretic - Priest-driven thrash from Germany
Temnozor - Horizons - Russian NSBM
Solar Signs - Wait Me At Dusk - Russian trance/black metal, great stuff
Imperium - Too Short A Season - out-of-print prog-thrash classic (IMO)

request and I'll put it up; I feel bad just leeching off Phrozenspite's awesome stuff.
[Dec 4,2006 9:33pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
oh man...

if anybody has this, put aside my fiendish requests and help this brother out!

Lurker Of Chalice is one of the best fucking CD's I've heard in the last five years...

I DARE you to listen to this and not engage Mr. Whitehead in a different manner, Dar!

Fucking brilliance!!! And he claims to have FOUR unreleased Lurker albums recorded!!!
[Dec 4,2006 9:39pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
I'd be interested in checking these out:

*Lugubrum - De Totem - weird Belgian black metal
Ancient Ceremony - The Third Testament - intense evolved German black metal
*Darkwoods My Betrothed - Witch-Hunts - totally awesome Finnish black metal
Sacrilegium - Wicher - cold black metal from Poland
Master's Hammer - The Filemnice Occultist - cult classic of Czech black/death
*Graveland - The Celtic Winter - the essential Graveland record
*Bifrost - Mythistory - completely awesome weird Dutch black/thrash
Perunwit/Kraina Bez Wiatru split - Polish folk/black metal
Kafan - Injecting Evil In Thy Veins - necro black metal from Lebanon WTF
Ensiferum - Dragonheads - melodic viking metal from Finland, Euro-only EP
Ogre - Dark Filth - weird, weird Irish black/grind
*Forest Stream - Tears of Mortal Solitude - great melancholic black/doom from Russia
Sarcofago - Rotting - again, I think this is out of print
*Temnozor - Horizons - Russian NSBM
*Solar Signs - Wait Me At Dusk - Russian trance/black metal, great stuff
Imperium - Too Short A Season - out-of-print prog-thrash classic (IMO)

* = preferred

... tremendous hails to all of you helping this impoverished whelp of a grad student. looks like i will owe many-a-beverage!
[Dec 4,2006 9:45pm - Dar ""]
Hey HeavensJail, from your list Metal Inquisitor sounds like something I'd be pretty into

Yeah from what I've heard about Lurker of Chalice, I think I might enjoy it even more than I enjoy Leviathan. Burzum's mid period records are my favorite music that falls under the black metal label. Is setting up a MegaUpload account free? I actually have a good deal of cds that you requested GoatofCatalyst, I guess I should look in to whether I can get 'em up there

I have:
Lucifigum - Back to Chopped Down Roots
Vlad Tepes - La Morte Lune
Urgehal - Through Thick Fog Til Death
A Velvet Cacoon cd, don't remember the name, bought it from Dwyer who told me they were French (lol)
Baptism - Morbid Wings of Sathanas
Horna - Envatnaags blahblahblah
Pest - Hail the Black Metal Wolves of Belial

let me know if you already have any of that or if any is more appealing than others

[Dec 4,2006 9:54pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Lurker is absolutely amazing. It's quite different from Leviathan, but you can see how it's the same artist behind both. Calling Lurker Of Chalice "black metal" is a bit of a stretch - it's got a LOT of other elements to it. I'm not familiar with Fields of the Nephilim, but that's something I've heard references to. It's MORE atmospheric than just about anything. Borderling "soundtrack" music. Great to enjoy some soothing reefer to.
[Dec 4,2006 9:58pm - Dar ""]
Fields of the Nephilim? oh wow...can't wait to hear this! haha
[Dec 4,2006 9:58pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
and Dar, all of those are appealing, particularly the Baptism, Pest, Horna and Velvet Cacoon. any of those would be tremendously appreciated.
[Dec 4,2006 10:26pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
Hate Forest Discography
[Dec 4,2006 10:36pm - HeavensJail ""]
Metal Inquisitor

uploading the Lugubrum now
[Dec 4,2006 11:00pm - HeavensJail ""]

uploading DMB
[Dec 4,2006 11:12pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
best thread EVER
[Dec 4,2006 11:18pm - HeavensJail ""]
Darkwoods My Betrothed

uploading Graveland
[Dec 4,2006 11:34pm - HeavensJail ""]

uploading Bifrost
[Dec 4,2006 11:54pm - HeavensJail ""]

uploading Forest Stream
[Dec 5,2006 12:23am - HeavensJail ""]
Forest Stream

upping Temnozor
[Dec 5,2006 12:44am - HeavensJail ""]

putting up Solar Signs, then going to damn sleep.
[Dec 5,2006 3:00am - Phrozenspite  ""]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7O5STFDS Two Averse Sefira albums
[Dec 5,2006 8:19am - HeavensJail ""]
Solar Signs

Ancient Ceremony

[Dec 5,2006 10:36am - HeavensJail ""]
Imperium: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5MN1NIR7
Kraina Bez Wiatru/Perunwit split http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1GM9TA79
Kafan: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JN0DPPSM
Ensiferum: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9F6MI0G4
Ogre: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C5KMAWCD
Master's Hammer: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KFV453YB

I forgot to bring the Sarcofago in to work, so it'll probably make it up tonight. I also found a record that I was seriously worried that I'd lost, Spellbound's Incoming Destiny. If anyone wants some killer D-thrash (sounds like Kreator b-sides), just say the word.
[Dec 5,2006 11:59am - Phrozenspite  ""]
Leviathan demos, i have a few more too that i'm uploading now
[Dec 5,2006 1:28pm - Phrozenspite  ""]
[Dec 5,2006 2:52pm - Phrozenspite ""]
Mortuary Drape
[Dec 5,2006 2:54pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Leviathan demos!!!

Sweet suffering baby Jesus, you guys are the best!
[Dec 5,2006 2:55pm - davefromthegrave ""]
Holy shit this thread is awesome
[Dec 5,2006 3:20pm - Phrozenspite ""]
Dom Dracul
[Dec 5,2006 6:56pm - Phrozenspite ""]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A3YV443E Nihil Nocturne
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W24GH1R2 Lurker of Chalice
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IFHHUPMH Zavorash
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8VZ4LPXL Baptism
[Dec 5,2006 7:20pm - Phrozenspite ""]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZK9AFARC Matricide
[Dec 5,2006 7:25pm - infoterror ""]
Shitty, late-model black metal.
[Dec 5,2006 7:29pm - Phrozenspite ""]
oh sure infoterror like half of the shit that you guys listen to on the ANUS boards is any better... those fags were talking about how much they love Loreena McKennitt in one post...
[Dec 5,2006 7:40pm - infoterror ""]
Did you see me post there? I don't mind Loreena McKennit/Enya (I get 'em confused) but I'm not going to seek it out.
[Dec 5,2006 8:04pm - Phrozenspite ""]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BGMGKHRP Velvet Cacoon
[Dec 5,2006 8:09pm - Phrozenspite ""]
heh what's wrong there? can't handle having the taste of your little troll community challenged...
[Dec 5,2006 8:12pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
haha. what an asshole.

dude, i can't thank you enough. i'm going to have to get a pay membership at this rate because you're uploading 'em faster than i can download em and there's apparently a cap on downloads with the free account.

i'd be happy to upload some shit for you, but something tells me you've already got anything i could offer (ie - deathspell, watain, ondskapt, katharsis, malign, etc)
[Dec 5,2006 8:45pm - Phrozenspite ""]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FUBV3K5A Azarath
[Dec 5,2006 9:33pm - Phrozenspite ""]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LMPY3JG5 Emit
[Dec 5,2006 11:23pm - Phrozenspite ""]
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DOJB6J1L Hell Militia
[Dec 6,2006 9:09am - HeavensJail ""]
Sarcofago: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G53BH5CP
[Dec 7,2006 1:24am - davefromthegrave ""]
[Dec 7,2006 1:42am - Phrozenspite ""]
if anyone has other requests put em in and someone will cover them i'm sure and it doesn't have to just be black metal
[Dec 7,2006 6:50am - GoatCatalyst ""]
Phrozenspite, the Leviathan demos... incredible!!!

If you can find Wormwood's latest, "Starvation" or any of their older stuff, that would rule!
[Dec 7,2006 5:35pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Dec 7,2006 5:50pm - anonymous  ""]
id like to hear Menhir

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