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Now Find a show to go to!

Jun 6 (Tue) - Valasyrka, Hatchet, Extinction Agenda, Hell's Infinite VI, The Goodnight Flight, 21+, No Cover, Doors at 9pm - JP McBrides, Haverhill MA +[view flyer]


JP McBride's (Haverhill, Ma) - [extinction_agenda][goodnight_flight][hatchet][hells_infinite_vi][randomshots]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Jun 7,2006 12:29am - the_reverend ""]
only 8 cruisers and the paddywagon
[Jun 7,2006 12:51am - Kevord ""]
This sucks. I was just talking to Scott from Extinction Agenda about how we could have shows here at least once a month cause the place was packed. I had so much fun tonight. It was like a Methuen Reunion. Blame it on gay Emo Hardcore. Fuck you Good Night Flight.
[Jun 7,2006 1:06am - the_reverend ""]
I wasn't one of the first 30 people through the door so no dungeonbat shirt for me. whoah is me.
[Jun 7,2006 1:09am - Kevord ""]
The Dundeonbat fans were all there. We totally convinced Eric the drummer that they were headlining. He got really upset cause he was too drunk to remember how to play the songs.
[Jun 7,2006 1:16am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It was a damn shame the singer of that gay screamo band had to act like a fucking monkey and not only rob Valasyrka (who went through all the trouble of setting this thing up) of their set, but endanger future shows at the bar.

The Hells Infinite Six set slayed, and thanks to everyone who showed up, SoB members, Rev, the entire Merrimack Valley brigade, my Somerville posse, etc, despite the drama near the end. Thanks to Sac for helping with the bass gear, I hope I get to hear you play soon man!
[Jun 7,2006 1:21am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Kevord said:The Dundeonbat fans were all there. We totally convinced Eric the drummer that they were headlining. He got really upset cause he was too drunk to remember how to play the songs.

All six members of Dungeonbat were in attendance, even Justin.

Also, about five members of December Wolves were there.

[Jun 7,2006 1:23am - Kevord ""]
Every band besides the goodnight flight was great. The entire night was amazing. I saw people I havn't seen in year. I actually was enthusiastic that the area might have a viable Metal scene cause the bar was packed. But who knows now.
[Jun 7,2006 1:25am - Kevord ""]
Well a December Wolves set wasn't gonna happen. But the fact that it could have happened in the future at J.P. Mcbrides pisses me off more than anything.
[Jun 7,2006 1:25am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are 666ing as we 666.
[Jun 7,2006 1:26am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Only 44 pics? My fat head alone should easily fill double that!
[Jun 7,2006 1:27am - Kevord ""]
Lol, I hope the picture of my drunk ass after the show is there. I was trashed and thanks to the show getting shut down I had to drive home.
[Jun 7,2006 1:27am - the_reverend ""]
your fat head had a red light on it for the entire set.
[Jun 7,2006 1:28am - the_reverend ""]
that picture is dark, but on my screen, you can clearly see you AND behind you the singer of GNF up against the cop car.
[Jun 7,2006 1:29am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I hate that red light. Actually these pics came out great Rev, thanks!

Almost forgot I played in another band too.
[Jun 7,2006 1:31am - Kevord ""]
You definetly need to post that picture than. I hope the singer of GNF gets anuly raped in jail.
[Jun 7,2006 1:42am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 7,2006 1:42am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Heh, Rebecca is in it too.

Heavy Metal Police Raid.

I'm glad there are actually some pics of me standing up with the bass in Hatchet BEFORE the strap broke.
[Jun 7,2006 1:44am - Kevord ""]
Hahahaha. Yes that's my drunk ass.
[Jun 7,2006 8:32am - DreamingInExile ""]
the first 3 bands slayed all, I love the reunion feeling of a good Merrimack Valley show. I ran into people I haven't seen in a loooooong time. sucks that Valasyrka got the shaft, GNF should have gotten the "headlining shaft" spot, just so everyone could have enjoyed Valasyrka then left to go drink more beers. I ended up leaving just after midnight anyways, and when I was leaving the Jamroom parking lot, I saw nothing but blue lights over at the bar.

we need to set up another MV Metal Night, start it earlier (like do a saturday show) and get the few MV bands that didn't play in on this (Seed, Shroud, Dungeonbat, December Wolves, etc.)

Good times, were had last night, I'm still pissed that Vs got shafted, especially since they set this shindig up...
[Jun 7,2006 1:05pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
yep kill emo kids
[Jun 7,2006 1:30pm - sacreligion ""]
why the hell was that band put on this show anyway?
[Jun 7,2006 1:31pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
A good question, but some of the members of that band are cool with Brian (HI6/Valasyrka), and I think all of the bands practice across the street from the bar in question (at least four of the bands do).
[Jun 7,2006 1:33pm - sacreligion ""]
yeah but you never put emocore on a metal show for this exact reason

some kid's gonna get drunk and act like he's a tough guy and then goes to jail
[Jun 7,2006 1:35pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Eh, I've played a lot of mixed gigs where that kind of stuff didn't happen, and they did involve metalcore/emo bands.

But in this case, the gig was four bands that were clearly metal (death, thrash, black, and tech/death) and one complete outsider, so that was kind of weird.
[Jun 7,2006 2:37pm - ninkaszi  ""]
sucks i had to miss this...i was stuck at a car dealership until 10:30pm. i had a pretty lame 666!!!
[Jun 7,2006 2:39pm - RichHorror ""]
Every show IWEIPH plays, we are an outsider.
[Jun 7,2006 2:40pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
RichHorror said:Every show IWEIPH plays, we are an outsider.

but atleast you guys are good shits and arnt emo fags
[Jun 7,2006 2:41pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
But IWEIPH is GOOD, and that is where the comparison fails
[Jun 7,2006 2:42pm - RichHorror ""]
Clearly the mistake here was not having IWEIPH on the bill.
[Jun 7,2006 2:44pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
2 che mr whorror
[Jun 7,2006 3:25pm - BornSoVile ""]
fucking gay. what pisses me off is that i was taking a piss during the gnf and i missed all the tom foolery on stage. i came out looked at sinister minister, grabbed a beer and a shot (what's up with 12:30 cut off?), i felt like a smoke, turned to my buddy Giroux, who told me some dude just got hit, i looked outside and everyone was looking in one direction on the porch. within a second i heard sirens and next thing i knew, blues were everywhere. tons of cops! the whole nine yards, finish your drinks and get out, which sucks cause i just bought that beer! best part was some chick collapsing to the ground crying "why? why? why?". aweful band by the way.
[Jun 7,2006 3:28pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
BornSoVile said:fucking gay. what pisses me off is that i was taking a piss during the gnf and i missed all the tom foolery on stage. i came out looked at sinister minister, grabbed a beer and a shot (what's up with 12:30 cut off?), i felt like a smoke, turned to my buddy Giroux, who told me some dude just got hit, i looked outside and everyone was looking in one direction on the porch. within a second i heard sirens and next thing i knew, blues were everywhere. tons of cops! the whole nine yards, finish your drinks and get out, which sucks cause i just bought that beer! best part was some chick collapsing to the ground crying "why? why? why?". aweful band by the way.

FUCK GNF! And really what is up with a 12:30 cut off!
[Jun 7,2006 3:28pm - RichHorror ""]
BornSoVile said:best part was some chick collapsing to the ground crying "why? why? why?".

Totally the end of every date I've ever been on.
[Jun 7,2006 3:31pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
i am so mad this shit happened way to ruin the one and only 666 for me i hope this kid gets raped by his dad and then watches and grand parants strangle fuck his mom
[Jun 7,2006 3:43pm - arilliusBM ""]
[Jun 7,2006 4:34pm - my_life_with_her_ghost ""]
pretty sad-what happened at this show-we used to have tons of shows around the mv area, but douchebags like that fucking gnf singer:krusty: always have to fuck shit up-some people can't handle beer
[Jun 7,2006 4:38pm - ninkaszi  ""]
who got beat?
[Jun 7,2006 4:54pm - dyingmuse ""]
damn good show last night! i left just after his(who owned) so i just missed all that shit that happened. bummer about valsyrak. so i had 10 beers in 2 hours, and i am just able to look at the screen now without hurling. all the bands i saw rocked, awesome turnout!
[Jun 7,2006 4:55pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
ninkaszi said:who got beat?

beat as in the singer from TGF?
[Jun 7,2006 4:57pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
The turnout was sick, probably 100-150 people at peak? (assuming there were a few not there for the metal, at the bar)

We should try and double this for our next Valley metal outing.
[Jun 7,2006 4:59pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
dude easily,thats why i wanna book a show at illusions it would pack in so fast itd be a fire hazard
[Jun 7,2006 5:06pm - Kevord ""]
I have no idea if or who got beat. I was standing by the bar and saw the singer for TGNF jump in the air and punch some ceiling tiles. I don't know if that's what started shit or what. But then I saw a guy who work there dragging the kid out. The bar stopped survey right after that and then came the blues.
[Jun 7,2006 5:08pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Another kid was actually thrown out before the GNF singer. I saw that.
[Jun 7,2006 5:10pm - DreamingInExile ""]
why on earth would you want to intentionally get tossed out of a show? I never understood the fighting and stupid antics that go on...

anyone else get the point of doing that?
[Jun 7,2006 5:11pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
dude the kid was tossing beer hitting the ceiling and beating on women, the owner wasnt having it so he pulled the kid off stage by the front of his pants, at first i thought someone was trying to pants him but then i realized that the motha fucka was getting his ass tossed outta there and he started swinging and he hit the owner in the face.
[Jun 7,2006 5:12pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Kid should quite music and go pose for Calvin Klein. fag.
[Jun 7,2006 5:16pm - DreamingInExile ""]
HAHAHA, I'd rather see him become the poster child for severe beatings after fucking up that venue on all us that were there to enjoy the metal
[Jun 7,2006 5:16pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
DreamingInExile said:why on earth would you want to intentionally get tossed out of a show? I never understood the fighting and stupid antics that go on...

anyone else get the point of doing that?

thats because he knew that valasyrka was going to play after them and knew that we wouldve caused satan to arise so he did the only thing he could do and started hitting people, women..owners of fancy irish pubs..CEILINGS!! he was outta control, outta mcbrides, and prob outta TGNF..oh well fuck em and fuck it
[Jun 7,2006 5:17pm - SACAPAPADOO ""]
DreamingInExile said:HAHAHA, I'd rather see him become the poster child for severe beatings after fucking up that venue on all us that were there to enjoy the metal

[Jun 7,2006 5:17pm - Infant_Skin_Suitcase ""]
that is shitty

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