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Now Find a show to go to!

Jun 6 (Tue) - Valasyrka, Hatchet, Extinction Agenda, Hell's Infinite VI, The Goodnight Flight, 21+, No Cover, Doors at 9pm - JP McBrides, Haverhill MA +[view flyer]


JP McBride's (Haverhill, Ma) - [extinction_agenda][goodnight_flight][hatchet][hells_infinite_vi][randomshots]
[show listing]  _____________________________________________
[Jun 11,2006 5:26pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It's only entertainment...
[Jun 11,2006 6:23pm - ANONYMOUS EDWIN  ""]
i love you too scott thats why it got me so angry cuz it seemed as if you were picking sides in a sense..and i was like "i thought you were like gona talk bout how this is all nonsense and not to put labels on music cuz that's what creates this scene fashion thing that we hate..cuz even some of those fashion kids that look all gay n shit listen to only metal...and how everybodys talkin madd shit not just bout roz "i cant speak for him" but like abouut my boys nsuch....and it seemed as you were like supporting all this drama.........and i'm always still and willing to be the offical dungeonbat dancah
[Jun 11,2006 6:30pm - sacreligion ""]
[Jun 11,2006 6:45pm - kevord ""]
All you motherfuckers are gonna pay. You are the ones who are the ball-lickers. We're gonna fuck your mothers while you watch and cry like little bitches. Once we get to Methuen and find those Emo fucks who are making that Shitty Music, we're gonna make 'em eat our shit, then shit out our shit, then eat their shit which is made up of our shit that we made 'em eat. Then you're all you motherfucks are next. Love, Jay and Silent Bob.
[Jun 11,2006 6:47pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
No problem bro.

I apologize for going overboard on the 'emo fag' thing, I was just really outraged that this kind of thing happened to my brothers in Valasyrka who I wanted to see play, and did the work putting this thing together, sharing gear, bringing over the PA system, etc.

Yeah, I hate the screamo/emo style of music, I admit it, but I'm not taking sides, that's just who I am. It's just not my thing, and a lot of the posing and rock star attitude drives me up a wall. But I don't have any personal gripes with any members of GNF or their friends, and they should play whatever music they want to. Who cares what some washed up old thrasher thinks.

Joey Roz, man, just lay off a little on the booze next time! And punch the floor next time, not the ceiling. And punch me, not the owner (or some people said a girl, but I did not see that), you know? He'll throw you out and end the gig. I'll just put you in a headlock and make you say mercy!

[Jun 12,2006 7:29am - ANONYMOUS EDWIN  ""]
i dont see a washed up thrasher.........all i see is a purebred metalian who hasnt lost his touch......im ready for a dungeonbat reunion
keep rockin
[Jun 12,2006 7:54am - sinistas ""]
anonymous said: the owner of the lub attacked me when i set foot offstage, what would youof done?

Held my liquor and not been a douchebag?

[Jun 12,2006 8:12am - DreamingInExile ""]
ANONYMOUS EDWIN said:im ready for a dungeonbat reunion


Though, it should have happened on 666... all the members were there, including those that left and only played briefly :bow:
[Jun 12,2006 8:29am - anonymous ROZ  ""]
alright this is all over, im sorry guys.
i drank to much
to much
im better now
i apologize for ruining the show for you guys
[Jun 12,2006 9:10am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Well said.
[Jun 12,2006 5:25pm - kevord ""]
Damn it's over. Well it was fun while it lasted.
[Jun 12,2006 9:05pm - JoshuaK  ""]
You guys must be pretty upset now that everything is over, and you'll have to find a better way to spend your time. I find it kind of funny how you all complained that the thread kept going so long, when you were the ones who kept it going! I just read the whole page and saw the same 4 or 5 names recurring constantly. It is pretty pathetic after all, how much time you've wasted dwelling on such an insignificant event. It's called putting on a performance...that's what you do when you play a show. If any of you had any sense of this, then you wouldn't still be in the Valley, reminiscing of the glory days of MV Metal. Who invited TGF to play anyway, since everyone had so much to say about their style...they didn't book themselves, did they? I place blame on the crowd and the club owners for overreacting. And who needs police to stop Joe, he weighs like 95 lbs. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Some 'metal' kids you are.
[Jun 12,2006 11:34pm - JoshuaY  ""]
No one here booked that band. No one here is a kid. No one here called the police. And noone gives a shit about you, or your opinion.

All parties have dropped this. So go fuck yourself.
[Jun 13,2006 12:40am - $Cnote$  ""]
JoshuaY said:No one here booked that band. No one here is a kid. No one here called the police. And noone gives a shit about you, or your opinion.

All parties have dropped this. So go fuck yourself.

BURNED!! You are the insult master. Sorry if noone gets the reference.
[Jun 13,2006 3:33am - sacreligion ""]
fuck you all! i'll never let this die! god damn emo kids!
[Jun 13,2006 12:45pm - anonymous ROZ  ""]
dude i hope you do you fuckin piece of shit get over it you little screaming babies wawawawa so you diddnt get to play o fucken well peeps will remeber that more then anything else granted i would have liked to see othjer bands it diddnt haPPEN no one went to jail so all of you stop acting like emo kids fuckin right boo hoo booo hooo get over yourself little bitches
[Jun 13,2006 12:47pm - anonymous ROZ  ""]
well put
[Jun 13,2006 2:55pm - sacreligion ""]
hahahaha...someone fucked up

hey rev what do the IPs look like?
[Jun 13,2006 2:58pm - JoshuaY  ""]
anonymous ROZ said:dude i hope you do you fuckin piece of shit get over it you little screaming babies wawawawa so you diddnt get to play o fucken well peeps will remeber that more then anything else granted i would have liked to see othjer bands it diddnt haPPEN no one went to jail so all of you stop acting like emo kids fuckin right boo hoo booo hooo get over yourself little bitches

A few tips for you, free of charge.

1. Noone is going to take you seriously if you can't even spell simple words like "remember" and "other". You definitely do not have the intellectual gravity to call anyone else a baby.

2. Everyone involved is already finished with this. Go seek your entertainment elsewhere. Preferably in a 1st-grade level English grammar course. We would all appreciate it.
[Jun 13,2006 3:57pm - sacreligion ""]
im not finished with this...i already pledged to never let this die and i'm a man of my word. damn emo kids!
[Jun 13,2006 4:00pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Were you even at this show?
[Jun 13,2006 4:01pm - sacreligion ""]
nope...im just being a dick
[Jun 13,2006 4:04pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Goddamn Worcester punks.
[Jun 13,2006 4:04pm - sacreligion ""]
damn straight
[Jun 13,2006 5:42pm - kevord ""]
I still love this thread.
[Jun 13,2006 5:53pm - sacreligion ""]
then join me! together we can lead this thread with misdirection and nonsense
[Jun 13,2006 6:14pm - kevord ""]
The trick is to find ways to get 19 year old emo kids upset. It isn't really hard. Bring up that they're just trendy or Gay and they get all upset.
[Jun 13,2006 6:16pm - sacreligion ""]
damn gay trendy emo kids!
[Jun 13,2006 6:17pm - kevord ""]
Yeah, with their girl pants and bad hair. If they ever mess up my show boy they'll get it.
[Jun 13,2006 6:27pm - sacreligion ""]
it's backwards hair...get it right
[Jun 13,2006 6:37pm - RichHorror ""]
I heard California has the faggots.
[Jun 13,2006 6:41pm - kevord ""]
[Jun 13,2006 6:42pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 13,2006 8:26pm - sacreligion ""]
i've dated girls uglier than you for breakfast
[Jun 14,2006 8:09am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
I poop on emo kids for fun.
[Jun 14,2006 10:21am - joey rozmus  ""]
ROZ was my sister.
Well i got kicked out of my band
so anyone need a singer?
[Jun 14,2006 11:43am - anonymous  ""]
Who gives a fuck. Either way Goodnight Flight plays more shows than all the other bands who played combined, and I'd rather watch a band that can move on stage than a bunch of metal bands whose performance seems so forced. When I go to shows I prefer entertainment and i was entertained by the actions of the Goodnight Flight on 6/6/06. Oh and by the way, that Exticntion Agenda song the singer claimed was better than the new slayer song is not. E.A. is not better than Slayer in any way, shape, or form.
[Jun 14,2006 11:53am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
anonymous said:Who gives a fuck. Either way Goodnight Flight plays more shows than all the other bands who played combined, and I'd rather watch a band that can move on stage than a bunch of metal bands whose performance seems so forced. When I go to shows I prefer entertainment and i was entertained by the actions of the Goodnight Flight on 6/6/06. Oh and by the way, that Exticntion Agenda song the singer claimed was better than the new slayer song is not. E.A. is not better than Slayer in any way, shape, or form.

So you go to shows to watch people dance around instead of play good music? If thats the case, I believe the Avalon has a dance night each weekend that would be right up your alley.

No wonder Emo is such crap, they worry more about appearence than music. Its starting to make sence now...
[Jun 14,2006 12:02pm - JoshuaY  ""]
anonymous said:Either way Goodnight Flight plays more shows than all the other bands who played combined, and I'd rather watch a band that can move on stage than a bunch of metal bands whose performance seems so forced. When I go to shows I prefer entertainment and i was entertained by the actions of the Goodnight Flight on 6/6/06. Oh and by the way, that Exticntion Agenda song the singer claimed was better than the new slayer song is not. E.A. is not better than Slayer in any way, shape, or form.

Wow, another stupid one. Are you guys all drinking from the same well? Let's clarify a few things here, because you have not thought this through.

1. The fact that Goodnight Flight plays more shows has absolutely no bearing on anything. Not every band is on a quest to be a rock star, and the other bands probably don't even play every show they are offered. There is also a larger market for emo and trendy crap than there is for metal music, so obviously a band in that style would have more show opportunities. By your thinking, EVERY band that plays more shows than GNF is a better band. So, Britney Spears, Atreyu, and the New Kids on the Block are better bands than GNF! You are truly a genius.

2. If the other bands were playing music as talentless and effortless as Goodnight Flight, they could probably move around a lot more. I've seen them and they are not entertaining in the slightest. A six-year old could write better music than that. And in the end, the other bands all had a far better crowd response anyway.

3. I'm pretty fucking sure that the singer of E.A. does NOT think his band is better than Slayer, otherwise the band probably wouldn't have them listed as a major influence on their website, would they? He was probably making a joke, and frankly, the new Slayer songs are extremely gay, gayer even than you! And that takes a lot.

[Jun 14,2006 6:06pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
The thread lives again!!!!!!!!!!!! Man that was easy.
[Jun 14,2006 9:37pm - anonymous  ""]
I wonder whats gona happen next with the 666 drama,i hope someone stirs some soup real good...let me think of something good.
[Jun 14,2006 11:58pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Just let it go, everyone. What is this, Sweet Valley High?

I do not think my band is better than Slayer, and I never said that. Their new songs suck, so I was making a joke. Whoever posted above took it completely out of context. I love Slayer (up to Seasons in the Abyss) and of course I wouldn't even be doing what I do if they never paved the way.

[Jun 15,2006 12:45am - sacreligion ""]
my band is better than slayer

every emo band is worse than halifax(i heard a song by them where they took "kick start my heart" and changed the lyrics and one of the chords...man they must be the next big, original, emotional thing)

*stirs bay leaves into soup*
[Jun 15,2006 10:58am - sinistas ""]

I wonder if this is legit.
[Jun 15,2006 11:02am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
sinistas said:http://boston.craigslist.org/muc/171321040.html

I wonder if this is legit.

Who cares?
[Jun 15,2006 11:05am - sinistas ""]
I figured the 80,000 people bitching on this thread might.
[Jun 15,2006 11:18am - Man_of_the_Century ""]
I think they are bitching just cause they can... much like me.
[Jun 15,2006 12:02pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Joey (assuming it's Joey) said above that he was kicked out of the band. I think it's legit.
[Jun 15,2006 12:06pm - DreamingInExile ""]
if we keep this thread going, eventually it will become one of the most posted in threads in RTTP history (I doubt we'll beed RA's Never Ending Thread of Death, but we're almost in the top 25 with this one) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[Jun 15,2006 4:59pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
That's because this thread is awesome. We let it go a long time ago Scott. But beating a dead emo horse is funny.

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