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Now Find a show to go to!

Jun 6 (Tue) - Valasyrka, Hatchet, Extinction Agenda, Hell's Infinite VI, The Goodnight Flight, 21+, No Cover, Doors at 9pm - JP McBrides, Haverhill MA +[view flyer]


JP McBride's (Haverhill, Ma) - [extinction_agenda][goodnight_flight][hatchet][hells_infinite_vi][randomshots]
[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Jun 15,2006 6:31pm - anonymous  ""]
Isn't watching a good band play good music as well as move around entertainment? Sure all the other bands could write a tornado of riffs that could run circles around Goodnight Flight but when good song writing comes into play, G.F. has them completely beat. Also it's pretty ignorant to write their music off as something a 6 six year old could play, you were obviously not watching. The only bands that night that could come close are Hell's Infinite Six and what would have been Valasyrka's performance had they played. And don't knock Goodnight Flight for playing more shows than all the other bands combined. How can that possibly be frowned upon. Perhaps their aspirations in music go farther than starting a new band every other month who only plays a few shows in the MV before breaking up and being forgotten about. And whats with this bitter hatred towards emo music. Trendy or not, I'm sure all these shitty bands like Atreyu are enjoying themselves, making a successful career out of something they love while the rest of us work shitty jobs and play shows a couple times a year to the same kids.
[Jun 15,2006 8:19pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
See even the emo are beating a dead horse.
[Jun 16,2006 2:12am - sacreligion ""]
you must be this tall to post in the latter 25% of this thread or it will go over your head


did anonymer just make a bunch of arguments elaborating on points no one made? no one said moving around during your set is bad, nor did anyone say it was bad to play a lot of shows
[Jun 16,2006 2:15am - JoshuaY  ""]
anonymous said:Isn't watching a good band play good music as well as move around entertainment? Sure all the other bands could write a tornado of riffs that could run circles around Goodnight Flight but when good song writing comes into play, G.F. has them completely beat. Also it's pretty ignorant to write their music off as something a 6 six year old could play, you were obviously not watching. The only bands that night that could come close are Hell's Infinite Six and what would have been Valasyrka's performance had they played.

Speak for yourself. I loved every other band vastly more than GNF and they all had far better songwriting. Are you fucking deaf, go listen to the GNF songs on their MySpace? Awful. Then go listen to any of the other bands.


[Jun 16,2006 4:42am - anonymous  ""]
joeys out?
[Jun 16,2006 7:01am - DreamingInExile ""]
anonymous said:Perhaps their aspirations in music go farther than starting a new band every other month who only plays a few shows in the MV before breaking up and being forgotten about.

Let's see, I can think of 4 (technically 3) bands that Scott from Extinction Agenda, and when I mention names, anyone my age group will remember (you probably won't know the first 3, because, judging by the immaturity level in your comments, you're OBVIOUSLY too young):

.357 Noise

what about Brian, from ExAgenda's other band, December Wolves? did everyone forget them? no, definately not.

so think twice about what you have to say about peope forming bands that get forgotten about, because I sure don't forget a good band, do you?
[Jun 16,2006 7:05am - DreamingInExile ""]
</condescending tone of voice>
[Jun 16,2006 9:22am - the_reverend ""]
people forget how much of masshardcore today that we can blame on swivel/alert/state of alert/cave in and who can forget the legends of:
shrod's blonde hair
shrod's broken leg when he refused pain killers
[Jun 16,2006 9:23am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hehe. Shrod. I like that one.
[Jun 16,2006 9:26am - the_reverend ""]
oopies, I means scrod. I'll never forget all the little kids who dyed their hair blond at the coffee house in haverhill.
[Jun 16,2006 9:27am - DreamingInExile ""]
Aaron, you forgot Gambit...

I remember going to a Swivel show where Dave Scrod screamed until he turned purple, then after the set, proceeded to throw up... those were the good 'ol days, oh how I miss them
[Jun 16,2006 10:44am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
[Jun 16,2006 10:49am - DreamingInExile ""]
Gambit was awsome... I remember their split 7" with Cave In, they had 4 or 5 songs on their side and Cave In had one
[Jun 16,2006 10:59am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I just liked the lyrics, totally set up the style for Agoraphobic.
[Jun 16,2006 12:50pm - anonymous  ""]
a little stuck in the past are we?
[Jun 16,2006 1:29pm - DreamingInExile ""]
there's nothing wrong with respecting the scene's fore fathers...

if it wern't for some of those bands, we wouldn't have the scene we have.

Swivel - The defining moment where metal met hardcore in the Merrimack Valley
.357 Noise - one of the few bands to pull off the hybrid rap/metal/hardcore thing and do it well. (but the only one from the area)
Converge - The reason Hardcore/Metal/Noise mixed
Bane - Throwback to Oldschool Hardcore (post-punk/hardcore split)
Ten Yard Fight - Throwback Hardcore (preppunk/hardcore split)
Alert - Hardcore/Rock/Metal pioneers, ahead of their time.
Gambit - Metal, paved the way for bands like Agoraphobic (as scott mentioned)
Cave In - mixed rock/metal/alternative and became one of the first bands from the local scene to make it in the REAL WORLD (kudos guys, now it's time to return to your roots)
Piebald - Opened the doors in the MV to EMO, if it wern't for them, most likely bands like The Goodnight Flight wouldn't exist.

I could go on with the list, but there's no point, if you don't remember or know of any of these bands, then you wouldn't remember any of the less popular ones (Geneva Cross, God Awful, Switch, Bliss/Filter/Quinine, Think Tank, Dead Burning Flowers and many many more...)

what do all these bands have in common? The Red Barn (R.I.P.) that WAS the scene back in the day.

so, there's todays history lesson. for those that lived that scene, you know what it was like, for those that respect it: good, you understand what once was, and for those that have NO respect for the past and why we still do what we do, it's over your heads, and you'll never get it

[Jun 16,2006 1:56pm - RichHorror ""]
Scrod was in Buzzov-en, so he's ok by me.
[Jun 16,2006 2:44pm - Man_of_the_Century ""]
I have a TV.
[Jun 16,2006 4:32pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
anonymous said:a little stuck in the past are we?

a little following the trend aren't we?
[Jun 16,2006 4:54pm - Kevord not logged in  ""]
Good history lesson mark. But Dead Burning Flowers doesn't count cause they never played a show and I'm not sure if they ever really had songs. Just alot of flyers and stickers.
[Jun 16,2006 5:38pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Geneva Cross! That was the Swivedeth to Alertallica.
[Jun 16,2006 6:49pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Kevord not logged in said:Good history lesson mark. But Dead Burning Flowers doesn't count cause they never played a show and I'm not sure if they ever really had songs. Just alot of flyers and stickers.

they had a few... classics, like Hammering Nails into the Floor with your Forehead (which was 3 minutes of feed back followed by a JUN)

but I accept the fact that they don't count, seeing since you are right about them never playing a show, but you get credit for at least knowing of their existance
[Jun 16,2006 6:51pm - DreamingInExile ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Geneva Cross! That was the Swivedeth to Alertallica.

HAHAHA, how sadly true it is.

but... wouldn't it be the Alertallica to the Swivedeth (or do I just see it that way because I like Megadeth more then Selloutica?)

and on top of it all...

I still have a TON of the old swivel "Don't fuck with Chris Cardone" fliers packed away somewhere
[Jun 16,2006 6:54pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
It would, I just thought it sounded better the other way.
[Jun 16,2006 6:58pm - DreamingInExile ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:It would, I just thought it sounded better the other way.

that and Geneva Cross stayed on the 'lighter' spectrum where as Swivel took Alert and kicked it up a notch
[Jun 16,2006 7:00pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Geneva Cross lasted what, one show? Two?

Adam was an awesome guy though, I never had anything against him and I wish his 'firing' was not handled the way it was. I had to do a lot of damage control.
[Jun 16,2006 8:29pm - DreamingInExile ""]
yeah, I was always cool with Adam.

I think they had 2 shows, if that's the case, then I saw them both. I was at the Red Barn almost every friday night HAHA
[Jun 19,2006 6:57am - DreamingInExile ""]
it wouldn't be a monday morning if someone didn't raise this thread from the grave...
[Jun 19,2006 11:23pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
and keep it alive at nightfall

damn emo kids
[Jun 19,2006 11:24pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i went to a show at the qvcc(one of the guys in ULT was wearing a pathos shirt...i thought that was pretty sick considering the predictable environment)

ive never seen so many kids pay $8 to stand outside and smoke butts while bands were playing...they only came for the sic mosh from the bands with the buildups though
[Sep 26,2006 7:11pm - Kevord ""]
Pams drama thread made me remember how great this thread was. Sweet memories.
[Sep 26,2006 7:23pm - the_reverend ""]
oh nos
[Sep 26,2006 9:01pm - DreamingInExile ""]

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