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Dungeon Cult Productions: Black Metal Fest

[May 5,2005 2:48pm - CNV  ""]
Official Line Up:

Grand Belial's Key (Legendary USA Black Metal)

Sin Origin

Cold Northern Vengeance (Atmospheric and Occult Black Metal)

Horn of Valere (Pagan/Heathen Black Metal)

Hell's Infinite 6 (Technical and fast black/death)

Witch Tomb (Harsh Beherit esque BM)

Abaroth (Emperor style BM)

Betrayal (Blackened thrash from Rhode Island)

Martyrvore (Old school primitive black death)

@ The Bombshelter
Manchester New Hampshire
Saturday July 9th

Everyone should harp on December Wolves to do this fest!!!!! Haha...
[May 5,2005 2:51pm - powerkok ""]
sweet....Ill be there.
[May 5,2005 3:03pm - litacore ""]
me too

[May 5,2005 3:28pm - the_reverend ""]
I hate you since this is when I'll be in california for a wedding.
my second trip on a plane in my life and it has to be this freakin' weekend.
[May 5,2005 3:29pm - ~carina~  ""]
i'll hold your hand and drug you up
[May 5,2005 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
how does that help me see CNV, martyrvore or GBK?
[May 5,2005 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
(not that the other bands aren't good, I just think I will never get to see CNV)
[May 5,2005 3:31pm - ~Carina~  ""]
i was dealing with your flying issues...

not much else i can do..sorry
[May 5,2005 3:31pm - destroyyoualot ""]
I'll be there with \m/ (oo) \m/ on.
[May 5,2005 3:31pm - the_reverend ""]
((and that's mostly because of anti-nazi nazi's being gestapo-minding morons))
[May 5,2005 3:32pm - Christraper ""]
anti-nazi nazi's. thats great
[May 5,2005 3:38pm - paganmegan ""]
this looks awesome
[May 5,2005 4:54pm - Abbath ""]
i'm fucking there
[May 5,2005 4:58pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Sin Origin are also playing the night before in MA somewhere with GBK, Horn of Valere and Hirudinea...

[May 5,2005 4:58pm - Kinslayer  ""]
[May 5,2005 5:01pm - ninkaszi  ""]
andrew, what is the date for the mass show again? i will get on it.
[May 5,2005 5:20pm - Kinslayer  ""]
July 8th...

GBK, HoV, Sin Origin, Hirudinea...
[May 5,2005 5:58pm - Demonsofwinter/Viall  ""]
You guys should add NEHOR to that show.
[May 5,2005 8:52pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
[May 5,2005 9:44pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]


Mp3 sample of Sin Origin...
[May 5,2005 11:13pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]

Shemhamforash MP3 by Grand Belial's Key

[May 5,2005 11:14pm - BornSoVile ""]
[May 6,2005 1:36am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
[May 6,2005 2:54pm - Demonsofwinter/Viall  ""]
NEHOR is from Northern NH from Berlin area, very pagan, satanic, black metal. NEHOR is for fans of Arckanum
[May 6,2005 2:56pm - Demonsofwinter/Viall  ""]
And Yes December Wolves should play this show!!!
[May 6,2005 3:09pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
I'm checking out NEHOR when I can cause i'm a crazy Arckanum fan.
[May 6,2005 3:31pm - Mathais  ""]
GBK sounds awesome. I'm glad they are after us (abaroth) so I have a chance to get really really stoned
[May 6,2005 3:54pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
any NEHOR mp3's?
[May 6,2005 4:09pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Sin Origin kills...
[May 6,2005 5:45pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Mathais said:GBK sounds awesome. I'm glad they are after us (abaroth) so I have a chance to get really really stoned

Actually there's been a change of plans... Everyone decided that the fest would be better if your one-year-old local band headlined over the longest running (since 1992) US Black Metal band who are traveling up from 1/2 way down the coast.
[May 6,2005 5:46pm - BornSoVile ""]
get HUMAN SLAUGHTER to play this!!!
[May 6,2005 5:56pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Unfortunately HS is a one member band...
[May 6,2005 6:12pm - arillius ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Actually there's been a change of plans... Everyone decided that the fest would be better if your one-year-old local band headlined over the longest running (since 1992) US Black Metal band who are traveling up from 1/2 way down the coast.

I'm glad GBK is even coming to this show. It's amazing that they're playing... can't wait to hear some tracks off of mocking the philanthropist. all hail gbk
[May 6,2005 6:14pm - Anthony nli  ""]
I really want to go to this- anyone driving up from Boston/Cambridge?
[May 6,2005 6:32pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I was just joking around, I hope SOMEONE got a few LOLs out of it.

Actually GBK playing last might be trouble, seeing as Richard managed to drink enough to puke even before their set at O'Brien's and that was only a 4 band show!
[May 6,2005 6:51pm - Anthony nli  ""]
BestialOnslaught said:I was just joking around, I hope SOMEONE got a few LOLs out of it.

Actually GBK playing last might be trouble, seeing as Richard managed to drink enough to puke even before their set at O'Brien's and that was only a 4 band show!

I found it funny. Actually it was informative because I'm stupid about BM and really didnt know anything about GBK- I downloaded the song in this thread and thought it was awesome though. Abaroth's demo rules as well, from what I've heard.

[May 6,2005 7:03pm - dreadkill ""]
the_reverend said:I hate you since this is when I'll be in california for a wedding.
my second trip on a plane in my life and it has to be this freakin' weekend.

i'll take your place in california if you want. i haven't been there in almost a year and i'm starting to have withdrawals.
[May 6,2005 7:11pm - Mathais  ""]
i guess im pretty bad at phrasing compliments, but whatever. GBK OWNS. That sounds better. Everytime I post on this board I sound like an asshole. I think its the font or something
[May 6,2005 9:43pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha I'm just bustin balls, no don't worry about it.

"Hosannah to the son of David!"
[May 7,2005 1:01pm - Demonsofwinter  ""]
No there are no NEHOR mp3's. NEHOR hates the internet, does not want anything to do with it. I'll bring NEHOR's demos to the show
[May 7,2005 2:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I just can't wait to raid distros, it'll be like Strawberrys with corpsepaint.
[May 7,2005 4:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
coldnorthernvengeance said:Sin Origin kills...


Add them if you're on My Space.

[May 11,2005 8:38am - Kinslayer  ""]
Mike...what's the good word on a venue in MA?
[May 11,2005 3:44pm - ninkaszi  ""]
andrew, i will know this weekend.
[May 11,2005 3:46pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Anthony nli said:I really want to go to this- anyone driving up from Boston/Cambridge?

[May 11,2005 4:50pm - Xammael ""]
Anthony nli said:Anthony nli said:I really want to go to this- anyone driving up from Boston/Cambridge?


I might be able to help you out. IM me when it's closer to the date.
[May 11,2005 11:45pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Xammael said:Anthony nli said:Anthony nli said:I really want to go to this- anyone driving up from Boston/Cambridge?


I might be able to help you out. IM me when it's closer to the date.

cool thanks
[May 12,2005 12:05am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I'm in Boston and I've got a car.
[May 12,2005 7:53am - DreamingInExile ""]
nice, Hell's Infinite 6! these guys practice up the hall from us, they're retardedly fast and brutal :newhorns: :satancross:
[May 18,2005 9:41am - Kinslayer  ""]
Mike: Any venue news for the GBK / HoV / Hirudinea show??

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