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Dungeon Cult Productions: Black Metal Fest

[Jun 29,2005 12:01pm - Christraper ""]
that bump was exceptionally kvlt larissa
[Jun 29,2005 12:24pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 29,2005 12:32pm - litacore ""]
I'm rvnning ovt of bvmps
[Jun 29,2005 1:32pm - mathais ""]
will there be mic'd drums and effects for vocals? reverb is essential at a show like this...
[Jun 29,2005 6:31pm - CNV  ""]
There will be mic'd drums and reverb. Hekseri has been added to the bill as the opener.
[Jun 30,2005 12:25am - bestial onsluts  ""]
will there be any distro's labels selling stuff there?
[Jun 30,2005 9:31am - Christraper ""]
I think so yea. But dont quote me on that.
[Jul 1,2005 10:09am - litacore ""]

if this is wrong please lemme know

is the Bombshelter going to be offended by the upside-down crosses...?...
[Jul 1,2005 10:29am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
What movie is that flyer from? I've seen it a million times and I can't remember the name.
[Jul 1,2005 10:31am - Christraper ""]
Its and old italian film but i cant remember the name either.
[Jul 1,2005 10:31am - Christraper ""]
Thats an awesome flyer by the way
[Jul 1,2005 10:34am - litacore ""]
thanks. It's 'The Mask of Satan' aka "Black Sunday" dir. by Mario Bava.

It's got the best opening scene in the history of horror film.

I'm looking forward to playing this show.
[Jul 1,2005 12:18pm - litacore ""]
[Jul 1,2005 4:34pm - CNV  ""]
doors will open between 3 and 4.... Awesome flyer.
[Jul 1,2005 4:38pm - litacore ""]
yeah, but you know 3 means 4, 5, 6pm or beyond for most people, alas

GET THERE EARLY WORMS! Hekseri will finger your entrails!
[Jul 1,2005 4:47pm - Christraper ""]
Larissa's gonna finger your entrails....
[Jul 1,2005 4:47pm - Christraper ""]
thats awesome
[Jul 1,2005 6:09pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
I just heard the split tape martyvore did with cnv excelent stuff
[Jul 2,2005 4:59am - Strep_Cunt ""]
Indeed. I cannot wait to play with such good black metal bands like Martyrvore, CNV, Hekseri, GBK.
[Jul 2,2005 2:05pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Kathy to me @ MOD,"That show is here ,really?" I was like ummm yea ,It has been set for a while. I brought about 100 flyers for this and as far as I can tell they were all gone at the end of the night, plus Andersoon and I plastered the walls and doors with them as well.
[Jul 2,2005 5:31pm - anonymous  ""]
dwellingsickness said:Kathy to me @ MOD,"That show is here ,really?" I was like ummm yea ,It has been set for a while. I brought about 100 flyers for this and as far as I can tell they were all gone at the end of the night, plus Andersoon and I plastered the walls and doors with them as well.

Killer... from what I hear the turn out should be really good.
[Jul 3,2005 1:34am - infoterror ""]
These shows sound like they will be recruiting drives for mental institutions. Don't you have to be mentally defective to listen to music that boring?

[Jul 3,2005 2:56am - mathais ""]
makin waves...
[Jul 3,2005 1:16pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
infoterror said:These shows sound like they will be recruiting drives for mental institutions. Don't you have to be mentally defective to listen to music that boring?

fucking wanker...
[Jul 4,2005 4:32pm - northernblackstorms  ""]
"i hear the voices of the ancients, white devil formations."
[Jul 5,2005 9:37am - Christraper ""]
bump for saturday
[Jul 5,2005 10:05am - litacore ""]
that band Sore Throat was named after me
[Jul 5,2005 10:47am - Xammael ""]
How much time are we allowed to play for? 20 or 25 minutes? (4 or 5 songs)

And what is the official order of who is playing and when (approx. times)?
[Jul 5,2005 11:12am - litacore ""]
I would assume load in time is around 2 or 3pm?

bring surge protectors
[Jul 5,2005 11:47am - anonymous  ""]
We'll be there with NEHOR demos
[Jul 5,2005 1:17pm - Christraper ""]
Why do I keep hearing about peoples amps exploding at this place?
[Jul 5,2005 1:19pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
because they it's da troof
[Jul 5,2005 1:25pm - arillius ""]
wtf, I just fixed my amp because it exploded in at another place in NH...

this is my last show with abaroth... anyone want to drink with me?
[Jul 5,2005 1:47pm - Christraper ""]
You just said that on FMP. Its a BM fest. There'll be plenty of drinking taking place. Worry not.
[Jul 5,2005 1:50pm - Christraper ""]
infoterror said:These shows sound like they will be recruiting drives for mental institutions. Don't you have to be mentally defective to listen to music that boring?

I heard you're Jewish.

[Jul 6,2005 12:18pm - Luciferian  ""]
I think that the Jews are cool because they are the ones that crucify the son of god. I think Hitler was a fag because he was a christian.

Praises to the Jews for killing the Son Of God
[Jul 6,2005 2:00pm - ninkaszi  ""]
not that it matters but jesus was a jew, and hitler wasn't a christian.

go to the fucking show.
[Jul 6,2005 2:09pm - TheSweeping  ""]
This one will be a pity to miss, I have a prior engagement. But I wish all the bands luck and hope there will be more bills like this in the future.
[Jul 6,2005 2:11pm - TheSweeping  ""]
Is there anywhere I can listen to Witch Tomb? I've been told they are a necro style not unlike earlier Darkthrone. That's something I must hear.

Also, why have you not invited the mighty RAKUN to this show? Too afraid? (j/k)

[Jul 6,2005 2:41pm - devil worshiper  ""]
This show is going to be the ultimate in booze and blasphemy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jul 6,2005 5:59pm - mathais ""]
any word on the order of bands and approximate times? it will help clear up confusion, for me at least.
[Jul 6,2005 8:10pm - dyingmuse ""]
i'll be there! \m/
[Jul 6,2005 10:59pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
I wouldn't say Darkthrone much, we're more inspired by old Incantation, Von, Profanatica, Necrovore, Order From Chaos and Autopsy.

A few rough mixes of some Witch Tomb songs:


[Jul 7,2005 12:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[Jul 7,2005 12:38am - TheSweeping  ""]
That is sick, blasphemous and raw as fuck. I love it. I can hear the influences you listed, and you are right, not too Darkthrone except for it's very unkempt, raw ethics. I am looking forward to more of this in the future. There is so much promising shit around here right now...this Witch Tomb, the December Wolves reunion, Hekseri, CNV, Abaroth, Extinction Agenda, and even a fucking raccoon black metal group that is actually GOOD. Go fucking figure.

What a perfect counterculture to the metalcore filth that we've been suffering so long.
[Jul 7,2005 12:54pm - abbath nli  ""]
yar can't wait for this! two fucking days!
[Jul 7,2005 12:56pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Sounds bad ass. I'll try to be there.
[Jul 7,2005 1:03pm - paganmegan ""]
So are gbk really playing with hirudinea in Boston on the 8th does anyone know? If so, where?
[Jul 7,2005 1:53pm - Christraper ""]
as far as I know that shows been cancelled
[Jul 7,2005 3:35pm - ninkaszi  ""]
yeah, its not happening. every place in boston was booked.

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