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Dungeon Cult Productions: Black Metal Fest

[Jul 11,2005 5:12pm - Arillius ""]
Christraper said:i thought the ammount of car crashes that took place in the parking lot were alot funnier

yeah dude, someone scratched up my fuckin' car, and I remember who was parked next to me. it's someone on this board.. haha.
[Jul 11,2005 5:17pm - BSV  ""]
I was pumped to see CNV but the techinical difficulties ruined it for me. They still played awesome nonetheless. I'd like to see them in a smaller more intimit setting.
[Jul 11,2005 5:19pm - Arillius ""]
[Jul 11,2005 5:19pm - Arillius ""]
]Yeah, someone scraped the side of my car... took the paint right off. must have been someone on this board because i heard them talking about it![
[Jul 11,2005 5:35pm - Tchort  ""]
Martyrvore was evil! GBK was my fav... All the other bands were pretty good. When CNV was not having sound issues it was killer.
[Jul 11,2005 5:38pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Awesome, awesome time. Killer bands. Paul, thanks.
[Jul 11,2005 8:55pm - Arillius ""]
bump. wish this show was going on tomorrow
[Jul 11,2005 11:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
Arillius said:]Yeah, someone scraped the side of my car... took the paint right off. must have been someone on this board because i heard them talking about it![

what are you talking about?
[Jul 12,2005 12:38am - bestial onsluts  ""]
1st band with the two girls good thrash/black metal
abaroth boring but there young will get better
martyvore could not hear the drums only played like 10 min still ok war metal
witch tomb ok beherit type stuff but slower simple drums, the dums had a drum machine sould to them still good stuff
sin orgin thought they were great doom/black metal only two members, but played way too long
cnv good solid well played black metal there drummer looked like an extra from the movie cobra
gbk great stuff well worth the wait I don't think they will ever play any shows in brandeis university though
the sound board guy (bon jovi guitarist) did a good job also
[Jul 12,2005 1:35am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Strange, I actually enjoy the Abaroth demo quite a bit, as young as they are...it has some interesting ideas in it and I found the playing competent.
[Jul 12,2005 9:46am - Christraper ""]
bestial loves my cock rock guitar
[Jul 12,2005 5:17pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
that guitar looks like a daddy's junky music guitar!
[Jul 12,2005 7:02pm - Arillius ""]
BornSoVile said:

what are you talking about?

Was it you??

DrinkHardThrashHard said:Strange, I actually enjoy the Abaroth demo quite a bit, as young as they are...it has some interesting ideas in it and I found the playing competent.

Enjoy it while you can.. it will probably be the only thing Abaroth will ever release.. at this point I'm pretty confident the band won't continue, unless there's some new members.
[Jul 12,2005 7:25pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Enjoy it while you can.. it will probably be the only thing Abaroth will ever release.. at this point I'm pretty confident the band won't continue, unless there's some new members.

That's a shame, it really is. It's something I'd be glad to get involved with if I weren't already in some bands. Is the demo still up anywhere? I've only got one tune.

[Jul 12,2005 8:18pm - Arillius ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Enjoy it while you can.. it will probably be the only thing Abaroth will ever release.. at this point I'm pretty confident the band won't continue, unless there's some new members.

That's a shame, it really is. It's something I'd be glad to get involved with if I weren't already in some bands. Is the demo still up anywhere? I've only got one tune.

I could probably just send it to you.. IM me or something.
[Jul 12,2005 8:50pm - mathais ""]
abaroth's only hope is some financial support from a label. we have a lot of great material written thats a lot easier to play live, but no way to record, distribute or promote. this show was humbling as hell and made me realize that just writing a few cool songs is not a direct ticket to success.
[Jul 12,2005 9:15pm - BornSoVile ""]
Arillius said:BornSoVile said:

what are you talking about?

Was it you??

Dude, NO!
[Jul 12,2005 9:23pm - Anthony nli  ""]
mathais said:abaroth's only hope is some financial support from a label. we have a lot of great material written thats a lot easier to play live, but no way to record, distribute or promote. this show was humbling as hell and made me realize that just writing a few cool songs is not a direct ticket to success.

every band is in the same position financially man. you dont 'need' a label to do what you're doing, plenty of great locals have put out great cds all by themselves.

i like abaroth quite a bit, you guys should stick to it. there's always a way to record, distribute and promote, just do it yourself!
[Jul 12,2005 9:39pm - mathais ""]
yea, true. stealing software from the internet and leeching off the government/parents has got us where we are now. but we are young and trying to adjust to the "real world" which is looking pretty shitty. this is just an assumption, but i think you need to be financially secure to be in a black metal band, or any metal band. Its a pretty expensive and demanding hobby.

if we dont end up homeless in the gutter over the next few years, we'll probly be back making more needlessly obscure and confusing music
[Jul 12,2005 9:56pm - Anthony nli  ""]
metal is an expensive and time consuming hobby that doesnt pay off financially, but you just gotta forget about the money.

many metal musicians could invest the time they put into metal into working more or investing or playing paying gigs with some shitty wedding band or something, but money doesnt matter when you love what youre doing.

keep playing BM!

p.s. sorry that the above post is so cheesy... i couldnt think of a less gay way to put it
[Jul 12,2005 10:02pm - BornSoVile ""]
hey, metal is a way of life, not a hobby! it only gets worse!!!!!!!!
[Jul 12,2005 10:05pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I think this might be the first black metal band I've ever heard complaining about anything financial, though I'm sure Cradle and Burger have complained to Sharon Osbourne before.

I can see the point you are trying make, but you should be making music because you love it. We all have to work jobs most of the time, and do this on the side: black, death, thrash, doom so on. There are very few bands who make a living with their music.

It takes a long time to get a good label, unless you can somehow knock the shit out of one the first time they hear you, or you have some great friends. Most bands are under fire for years before they get some attention. That just makes it sweeter in the end.

The Abaroth material is clearly strong, I've listened to it several times and I'm psyched to get the other two tracks. So don't be discouraged yet because of playing one show. Use the damn internet to promote. It's free, and almost everyone uses it...not to mention I think your recording sounds great, whatever you used for that can surely be used for a few more projects.
[Jul 12,2005 10:22pm - Nash ""]
No one plays metal to make a profit, if money was being made Lord Worm wouldn't be an english teacher on the side. But if you're not making money you should be having a good time in your project. If you arent everyones morale goes down and no one wants to do shit. This is why abaroth is declining...
[Jul 12,2005 10:34pm - mathais ""]
thanks man. your words are a delicious cheese sandwhich of encouragement. playin BM has always had its own rewards. i get a sense of pride that every other riff isnt a "breakdown," even if we awkwardly struggle with the material on stage. P.Winter, HOV and CVN have all been very supportive, but i dont think abaroth can survive without Arillius, the ultimate BM riff machine.

hopefully NEBM will still be alive and strong if we ever make a return...
[Jul 12,2005 10:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
You guys should just release a new demo limited to 5 hand numbered copies every week, then five years from now you can sell an unlimited stream of the "original" demos on ebay for 60+ dollars.
[Jul 12,2005 10:46pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Well, if you're not having a good time with what you are doing...then the path is clear. Why is Arillius leaving again?
[Jul 12,2005 11:05pm - Arillius ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said: Why is Arillius leaving again?
For a number of reasons... one of them being that I'm moving to Minnesota for a short time this summer, then coming back to graduate college here in April. And, I'm having a kid.

[Jul 12,2005 11:13pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Okay, reasons don't get much better than that!
[Jul 14,2005 5:23pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 14,2005 5:35pm - anonymous  ""]
This is so grim it almost tickles...

[Jul 14,2005 6:02pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jul 17,2005 10:39pm - CNV  ""]
[Jul 17,2005 11:14pm - Arillius ""]
Hey, is there any more pictures??
[Jul 18,2005 12:43am - CNV  ""]

I'll post more as I get them from people... I have some GBK ones that came out pretty killer.
[Jul 21,2005 6:42am - dwellingsickness ""]



[Jul 21,2005 9:35am - dwellingsickness ""]
Shameless bump for my pics
[Jul 21,2005 9:41am - litacore ""]
holy yikes! those are awesome! may we please use them on the hekseri site?

if yes, please PM me on how you'd like to be listed as photo credit
[Oct 5,2005 12:48am - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 24,2010 5:50pm - beelze nli  ""]
[Feb 24,2010 5:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
lol. mathais = FAIL
[Feb 24,2010 7:20pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
didn't this fest take place before you were even "into" black metal?
[Feb 24,2010 7:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
haha he was the dude handing out "religious hate metal" stickers at the door.
[Feb 24,2010 7:24pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
sick, brah
[Feb 24,2010 7:35pm - ArilliusBM ""]
i think i still have that. the first SIGN OF THE GOAT sticker. fucking kvlt!!1
[Feb 24,2010 7:38pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
so gay
[Feb 25,2010 5:00pm - beelze ""]
Andrew YOU are a fucking pretentious cocksucker

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