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You cant eat pizza at hardcore shows ...fuck you!!

[May 15,2007 3:15pm - RichHorror ""]
I would alter that slightly, and say that anyone under 25 is a faggoty blah blah so and so.
[May 15,2007 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
fair enough.
[May 15,2007 3:18pm - RichHorror ""]
I have an AARP card so I get to call myself things.
[May 15,2007 3:36pm - deadlikemurf ""]
all the pizza in allston fucking sucks.
[May 15,2007 3:41pm - sacreligion ""]
deadlikemurf said:all the pizza in allston fucking sucks.

all of it?!
[May 15,2007 3:43pm - deadlikemurf ""]
pretty much. i mean natalies is decent. but if natalie's is the best i don't know...
[May 15,2007 3:43pm - RichHorror ""]
Allston exists solely as a holding area for Spike's.
[May 15,2007 3:43pm - xmikex ""]
[May 15,2007 3:44pm - RichHorror ""]
I will fight all red X's to the death.
[May 15,2007 3:45pm - xmikex ""]
check again smartass
[May 15,2007 3:46pm - xmikex ""]

Tearing the hardcore scene apart since 1843
[May 15,2007 3:48pm - RichHorror ""]
Foiled again.
[May 15,2007 3:51pm - mOe ""]
xmikex said:[img]

oh my god, i know what this is but i cant think of the name and origin!!8^(
[May 15,2007 3:53pm - jonnyrites NLI  ""]
hahaha yeah so it was me that was eating the pizza. it was very funny because i went to the show to support my friends that put it on, and spent most of the time inside watching the bands even though i'm not into mosh hardcore at all. i spent a few minutes outside eating a slice. i'm willing to bet if i had a red sox hat instead of a trucker hat, and was clean shaven instead of sporting a moustache, i wouldn't have been touched. and no, it wasn't a joke, i got a very serious "fuck you" from the stage, while standing the back trying to take in the show. i guess if you're not wearing gym shorts and dancing, you get singled out. very ironic since said lead singer started the set by saying "we're all friends here".

i guess friends that eat pizza aren't really friends after all.
[May 15,2007 3:55pm - jonnyrites NLI  ""]
also, i left the show after the remarks came from the stage because they were said with such apparent anger, i thought i might be subject to a hardcore beatdown. this is why i stay away from shows like this, i paid to get in and was watching the band, i guess i'm a real let down to the scene.

i'm ordering some dominos online right now.
[May 15,2007 3:55pm - Granny_Monster ""]
jonnyrites NLI said:i guess friends that eat pizza aren't really friends after all.

Ha ha... a lesson to be learned.
[May 15,2007 3:58pm - xmikex ""]
I heard one time Joe Christianni was eating a hot pocket at a Korn show and Johnathan Davis punched him in the nose for it.
[May 15,2007 4:00pm - jonnyrites NLI  ""]
well, this wasn't as bad as early this year when i was caught eating shrimp at the genesis reunion tour.
[May 15,2007 4:09pm - xmikex ""]
jonnyrites NLI said:well, this wasn't as bad as early this year when i was caught eating shrimp at the genesis reunion tour.

I heard about this show. Phil Collins heard someone peeling an orange 47 rows back and went ballistic.
[May 15,2007 4:18pm - dreadkill ""]
this thread has gotten more hilarious with the private pizza pic, the joe christianni reference, and the phil collins reference. hahaha
[May 15,2007 4:18pm - cav nli  ""]
i thought for sure this thread would be about the kave. they have the best pizza and they totally support eating pizza during bands. haha. at least i do.
[May 15,2007 4:56pm - metal_church101 ""]

How hardcore are you?
[May 15,2007 5:22pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
RichHorror said:Lower your voice.

If he really said that pizza is destroying hardcore, that's the best thing I've ever heard.

haha I need to start a hardcore band and have shirts that say "PIZZA RUINED HARDCORE" on the back.
[May 15,2007 5:29pm - horror_tang ""]
[May 15,2007 5:35pm - immortal13 ""]
It's homos like that which make everything seem like a joke.

I eat pizza at shows all the time. It's a simple fact of when I get hungry, I eat.
[May 15,2007 5:42pm - horror_tang ""]
[May 15,2007 5:43pm - horror_tang ""]
[May 15,2007 6:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

now thats some hardcore pizza
[May 15,2007 7:25pm - xmikex ""]

I just want to say one last thing.... I really have no opinion on this whole thing. From what little I know about the Hammer Brothers this seems a little out of character for them. I'd like to hear the story from their side just to satisfy my curiousity. But a 70+ reply thread about pizza beef is hilarious to me.

[May 15,2007 7:39pm - the_reverend ""]
the singer of hammer brothers has been in AP magazine. where have you been? he shouldn't have to deal with people eating pizza at his damn show. what's next, hotpockets? you hardcore kids are really going to hurt someone one of these days.

hammer bros is a great band and I can totally see him saying this on stage. probably stupidly and people would have laughed. not every singer can go through material on stage and make it work. look at the guy from bane, his stories are rarely very funny and when they are it's like shindlers list funny where you say "HAw HAW... they're all dead. Wait, that made me feel bad."
[May 15,2007 7:42pm - cmtaib  ""]
new song idea right here.
you heard it first.
rich horrors gonna love this one.
[May 15,2007 7:48pm - atthehaunted ""]
I was gonna read it but since it's fuckin rediculus to read because of the massive pic I said fuck it.
[May 15,2007 7:54pm - the_reverend ""]
you could turn images off.
[May 15,2007 8:08pm - xanonymousx ""]
i could never figure out how to do that...
is it only in a certain browser?
[May 15,2007 8:08pm - jonnyrites NLI  ""]
i'm just glad i was probably the only person there NOT interested in hardcore, and i guess its my munchies that are ruining it. score one for stoner rock!
[May 15,2007 8:12pm - swamplorddvm ""]
That's funny and retarded.
[May 15,2007 8:13pm - the_reverend ""]
you get the munchies from meth? weird.. I didn't know that.
[May 15,2007 8:14pm - jonnyrites NLI  ""]
when mj-xii plays the brickhouse this sunday, we're calling out everyone NOT eating pizza. everyones trading in their skinny jeans for sweatpants after the pepperonis gone.
[May 15,2007 8:16pm - RichHorror ""]
cmtaib said:new song idea right here.
you heard it first.
rich horrors gonna love this one.

I love everything that you do.
[May 15,2007 8:32pm - pam ""]
This thread made me hungry.
[May 15,2007 8:35pm - cmtaib  ""]
jonnyrites NLI said:when mj-xii plays the brickhouse this sunday, we're calling out everyone NOT eating pizza. everyones trading in their skinny jeans for sweatpants after the pepperonis gone.

there's a band called lord bacon on the bill...
they be eating bacon pizza in between songs.
thanks rich.
thats why you are on our 8 sickest friends with brian dc.
[May 15,2007 8:37pm - atthehaunted ""]
I really don't care enough to turn them, off I am just a lazy fuck.
[May 15,2007 8:55pm - cut my throat as i bled  ""]
RichHorror said:cmtaib said:new song idea right here.
you heard it first.
rich horrors gonna love this one.

I love everything that you do.

you will be loving the music video we are currently making.
i believe one will be "snausages" and then a director's cut of "teenage mutant ninja turtles"

any ideas on what the next sample we use should be?
[May 15,2007 9:31pm - jonnyrites NLI  ""]
the_reverend said:you get the munchies from meth? weird.. I didn't know that.

only when its homemade aaron, only when its homemade.
[May 15,2007 9:39pm - pam ""]
Jon's at Papa John's right now getting pizza. Together we will end hardcore.
[May 16,2007 8:20am - xmikex ""]
Ukranian Burger Harvest
[May 16,2007 11:26am - kyle NlI  ""]
who two stepped in my thin crust?
[May 16,2007 11:29am - aaron_michael ""]
sunday, I'm throwing cheap pizza at the crowd in memory of Johnathan's dignity
[May 18,2007 4:25am - JimDeath  ""]
<3 you rev. and thanks for everything you do and have done.

anyway... i walked out of the venue after watching word for word play and insane set... i saw this kid walk around the corner eating pizza... i said jokingly... you missed a great band for pizza... i thought it was a friendly conversation but hey...

on stage i said the uge... hardcore isnt about fashion, girls, or PIZZA!!! among a million other things...

either way, you dont know shit... ill say whatever the fuck i want. pizza doesnt ruin hardcore... faggots like you ruin hardcore.

get a clue.

[May 18,2007 5:15am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Friends don't let friends eat pizza.:RAZZBERRY:

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