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You cant eat pizza at hardcore shows ...fuck you!!

[May 26,2010 2:36pm - metal_church101 ""]
[May 26,2010 4:34pm - Doomkid nli  ""]
great gravedig
[May 26,2010 4:50pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I get my dick out to Lou Malnati's
[May 26,2010 10:58pm - randy fucking marsh  ""]
hahahhahahahahahahaha!!!! what a fucking FAGGOT!

someone just dress up at pizza the hut at one of their shows.
[May 26,2010 10:59pm - randy fucking marsh  ""]
[May 26,2010 11:00pm - RustyPS ""]

[May 26,2010 11:21pm - Lamp ""]
lol @ fake hardcore
[May 26,2010 11:26pm - randy fucking marsh  ""]
lol at most hardcore
[Jan 19,2011 5:30pm - demondave ""]
I looked up this thread to explain to my wife the origin of these pizza jokes / memes
[Jan 19,2011 5:33pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

demondave said:I looked up this thread to explain to my wife the origin of these pizza jokes / memes

haha I've had to do the same when I've made ritual and raviolis jokes around my girlfriend.
[Jan 19,2011 7:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
nds moar RTTP wiki
[Jan 19,2011 7:51pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]

[Jan 19,2011 8:06pm - autofellatio ""]
Pizza the hutt: Destroyer of "HXC".

This is the best thread in the world.
[Jan 19,2011 8:43pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

KPIZZA said:I am counting the minutes until I am in possession of a sicilian with extra meatball from Imperial.Allston has two good spots for the pie-LaMama & In Bound.Brighton has Imperial & Little Pizza King.I'm fat.

LOL'd hard at the I'm fat ending
[Jan 20,2011 3:55am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jan 20,2011 11:06am - metal_church101 ""]
ah, the classic.
[Jan 16,2012 9:35am - Spaldino  ""]

metal_church101 said:[img]

How hardcore are you?

[Jan 16,2012 9:36am - Spaldino  ""]

[Jan 16,2012 10:04am - pam ""]
It's kinda blowing my mind that this was almost 5 years ago.
[Jan 16,2012 12:20pm - Lamp ""]
Today... it could very well be another day that involves pizza now.
[Jan 16,2012 12:36pm - yummy ""]
Ah...of course I remember this thread. I've never had a problem eating pizza at HXC shows. I've had issues with smoking pot at a few times. IT turns out Earth Crisis fans don't want wrist bands from someone with a joint behind their ear.
[Dec 7,2016 4:01pm - the_reverend ""]
the original pizzagate.
[Dec 7,2016 5:49pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Duncan owes me 18 pizzas!
[Dec 9,2016 12:27pm - Union Representative  ""]
Excuse me sir, before you can fart in here I need to see your Union card. Can I see your Union card please?
[Aug 27,2022 8:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
check the anti pizza tirade from Greg Iron

[Aug 28,2022 12:22am - the_reverend ""]
Richard G was just posting about pizza trash today.

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