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attn: kids who frequent palladium shows (a rant on rttp's behalf)

[Jul 19,2010 2:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
Ive been meaning to get this off my chest all weekend.
What a disgrace it was to see the pictures of a duck duck goose game during a metal show. Yes, having fun is great and all, but at a metal show? Watch the bands, listen to the music, discuss music amoungst eachother, but don't play gradeschool shit at a metal show. what is this, gym class?
while it is great to have more metal fans around, there is a time when one should act like one. you guys have destroyed palladium shows since around 2004 and continue to do so.
I think I speak on behalf of the majority of the people that post here (sans boblovesmusic), but get that shit out of metal. The time has come to grow up and respect metals roots, not trample it with laughter and flowers.
Responses and rebuttals are welcome, but none of you kids post here- only lurk. Show your faces so we can gladly spit in it.
- aril
[Jul 19,2010 2:10pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
also no pizza eating
[Jul 19,2010 2:11pm - DreadKill ""]
duck duck goose at a metal show is pretty stupid
[Jul 19,2010 2:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
just join in the game and change it around to "Duck Duck Punch in the Face"
[Jul 19,2010 2:15pm - largefreakatzero ""]
That's just sad. Another reason to not leave the woods.

When I was a kid going to hardcore shows (we're talking early 90s here), any type of this behavior was met with a serious beating. Apparently stupid kids don't receive well-deserved ass-kickings anymore.
[Jul 19,2010 2:16pm - AlxNLI  ""]
Maybe they don't know any better and think they're doing a ritual about it.
[Jul 19,2010 2:18pm - Archaeon ""]
They were doing it for the lulz.
[Jul 19,2010 2:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Archaeon said:They were doing it all for the Nookie.
[Jul 19,2010 2:24pm - ducks and geese  ""]
we do not endorse this type of behavior, the palladium is not even worthy of being defecated on by so much as a single member of our outstanding fleet of flocks
[Jul 19,2010 2:24pm - Archaeon ""]
You guys understand that they were doing it to mock a band right? not because they just wanted to play duck duck goose...
[Jul 19,2010 2:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i think Dodgeball would be a more appropriate game for a metal show.
[Jul 19,2010 2:26pm - Dankill  ""]
Hahahaha, wow. I've seen some silly stuff and even done a bit myself at shows, but that's just plain retarded. That's just not even funny. What show did you see this at?
[Jul 19,2010 2:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
dETHkLOK 4 EvA!!1!
[Jul 19,2010 2:27pm - Archaeon ""]
When Sonic Syndicate opened for Amon Amarth at the palladium 75% of the floor sat down. I thought that was funny.
[Jul 19,2010 2:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
someone post the pic of the linkin---er soilwork fans doing it please.
[Jul 19,2010 2:28pm - Lamp ""]
Maybe it's because I never thought I would read anything like this sentence in my life, but I can't stop laughing for some reason:

arilliusbm said:What a disgrace it was to see the pictures of a duck duck goose game during a metal show.
[Jul 19,2010 2:30pm - Archaeon ""]

Wren invited me to this the other day.
[Jul 19,2010 2:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
grammar could be better but cell phone grammar is good enough.
[Jul 19,2010 2:30pm - brian_dc ""]

arilliusbm said:someone post the pic of the linkin---er soilwork fans doing it please.

Soilwork? That band hasn't recorded anything since The Chainheart Machine, right?

*Keeps telling myself until it becomes true*
[Jul 19,2010 2:32pm - arilliusbm ""]

[Jul 19,2010 2:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 19,2010 2:41pm - Lamp ""]
They were unable to backtrace where metal came from, so they got reported to the cyber police.
[Jul 19,2010 2:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 19,2010 2:43pm - brian_dc ""]
what's this band Mutiny Within all about?

seems like they were disrespecting the band

granted, they don't look like the type of folks who should be an authority on anything.
[Jul 19,2010 2:45pm - arilliusbm ""]
BOO the band off stage if they suck. Devil Driver got booed off stage at th palladium once. Not anymore. These kids love that shit.
[Jul 19,2010 2:46pm - Archaeon ""]
I listened to them after i saw the facebook group, it's not terrible or anything. Gayer version of nevermore.

[Jul 19,2010 2:46pm - brian_dc ""]
I guess I actually don't care enough to click that.

But thanks for contributing.
[Jul 19,2010 2:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
Beyond this GooseGate incident, the palladium crowds have sucked for years.
Blame dethklock.
[Jul 19,2010 2:57pm - brian_dc ""]

arilliusbm said:Beyond this GooseGate incident, the palladium crowds have sucked for years.
Blame dethklock.

I can't remember the last time I went there. Last I can remember was an upstairs Symphony X show where George Clinton was playing downstairs. I felt conflicted.
[Jul 19,2010 2:57pm - slymoe nli  ""]
palladium crowds have always sucked but i think its because they are to
young and they are usually to interested in being "metal" to have fun.

(please support fun)
[Jul 19,2010 2:58pm - i_am_not_me ""]

arilliusbm said:BOO the band off stage if they suck. Devil Driver got booed off stage at th palladium once. Not anymore. These kids love that shit.

When'd they get booed offstage?
[Jul 19,2010 3:05pm - arilliusbm ""]

brian_dc said:
arilliusbm said:Beyond this GooseGate incident, the palladium crowds have sucked for years.
Blame dethklock.

I can't remember the last time I went there. Last I can remember was an upstairs Symphony X show where George Clinton was playing downstairs. I felt conflicted.

funny, I was listening to pfunk last nite. way better than symphony x.

iamnotme- must have been when they were a newer band. wasn't even that long ago, 2003ish?
I barely go there anymore unless it's bands like morbid angel, etc. I missed the AtG show a few years ago, still mad.
[Jul 19,2010 3:06pm - brian_dc ""]
in hindsight, I backed the wrong horse on that night.
[Jul 19,2010 3:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:[
funny, I was listening to pfunk last nite. way better than symphony x.

[Jul 19,2010 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
death to all. join me in my retreat back to the caves and woods and leave these pathetic wretches to themselves. i'll stick to my archaic ways.
[Jul 19,2010 3:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Those fags have never seen Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park.
[Jul 19,2010 3:28pm - Rofl  ""]

Im going to go to the next Mutiny within show just so i can shit on these faggets
[Jul 19,2010 3:30pm - largefreakatzero ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]

Maybe these nerdarios got confused -- they once saw a circle pit and mistaked it for duck, duck, goose. So fucking gay.
[Jul 19,2010 3:34pm - Yeti ""]
that's the problem with all youth. they are all soft little bitches. they say 50 is the new 40. just follow that trend, because 20 is definitely the new 10. all youths should be exterminated.
[Jul 19,2010 3:43pm - anonymous  ""]
fuck you dudes.. who are you to dictate what we can an can do at shows
[Jul 19,2010 3:51pm - arktouros ""]
the palladium is an all ages venue. maybe these kids figured if they played duck duck goose on the show floor, they could win a chance to hang out on the tour bus and get autographs from the bands.

really though this is the kind of shit i'd expect to see at an alkaline trio show or something. recess games on the show floor is so ironic. everyone knows real mature metal fans stand and stare with their arms folded.
[Jul 19,2010 3:53pm - arktouros ""]

brian_dc said:Soilwork? That band hasn't recorded anything since The Chainheart Machine, right?
Nope, I don't believe they have.
[Jul 19,2010 3:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
it's been all ages for a long time- why is it the metal kids in the last 5 years are the worst?
[Jul 19,2010 3:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Keith Mutiny from Within
[Jul 19,2010 4:02pm - arktouros ""]
Dude, metal has been commercialized for way longer than I've been alive. Kids fucking eat it up, I know I did. This particular show - Augury and Death Angel I would have loved to see, but I don't want anything to do with the other bands. For every good metal band there's 1,000 shitty ones. I wouldn't be surprised if all-ages metal show recess happened last night or 15 years ago.
[Jul 19,2010 4:03pm - spaldino on phone  ""]
Who are we to say that? We pay to get in to these shows too. Probably because we want to see the bands and listen to them play. We don't pay to see a group of talentless faggots try to mock a band that has a lot of talent and that deserves to be on stage. You're trying to troll the wrong band and are doing it all wrong.

Anyone remember Catastrophic? Anyone remember the times they played the palladium? The Immortal/manowar show especially? Biker dudes heckled the fuck out of them to the point where the meathead vocalist snapped and was like "I fucking hate this place!" and raged after every song or so. It was amazing. Duck duck goose? Doesn't do anything but make you look like a giant faggot.
[Jul 19,2010 4:04pm - arktouros ""]
^^^ TRUTH!
[Jul 19,2010 4:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
Ark, the overall general outlook and attitude of younger metal fans has changed drastically since I've been going to metal shows... I'm not even old.. We're roughly the same age. I can't imagine being a 50 year old metal head and witnessing this nonsense. commercialized or not, (younger) metal crowds are damn mockery in and of itself these days. It was even different 5 years ago.
I agree with the statement about 1000 bad bands, but at least the crowd was respectable. These kids don't belong at metal shows - they don't understand the unwritten laws of being a metal head. They need to grow up and start acting like real fans, booing, cheering, headbanging, etc. Not this crap. This ain't metal.
[Jul 19,2010 4:27pm - arktouros ""]
Meh, no different than a Dragonforce show 6 years ago. Gay bands attract gay people. I agree about recess breaking out at a metal show being extremely lame. I'm skeptical about your perception of younger metal fans being somehow different today (and it's all about perception right) but pop thrash/death/whatever metal becomes more popular you get more random crowds of suburban nerds who break out of the woodwork, and do ridiculous shit at shows with eclectic bills. Like this random jackoff donning corpsepaint.

[Jul 19,2010 4:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
I guess the moral of the story is that there is a gaping hole between older metal fans, middle metal fans, and newer metal fans. As the extreme genre progresses and becomes more mainstream, the crowd has been changing. this is as expected. Like I said, I don't care that there's more metal fans; I just hope they don't lose the grasp and/or concept of what metal is, and how it should be withheld. It's a depressing state of affairs, as there is no real answer. There's nothing one can really do about it.
The younger fans need to wake up and smell the napalm, that's all.

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