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The New England Compendium Maleficarum (Planned New England Black Metal Compiliation). A Letter of Intent.

[Feb 27,2010 2:42pm - Slag ""]

Ladies and Gents of RTTP, I am going to attempt to put together a wonderful compilation of bands from New England. There are many great bands from this area and we could/should put together something we are all proud of. I am looking to put together an all encompassing mix of black metal bands from this area. I want it to be dirty, atmospheric, vile, blasphemous, raw, epic, huge and professional sounding.

I am putting this out there to gauge the interest in such a compilation. I have an idea of 5 or 6 of the bands I would like to see on this, however, I am open to suggestions and offers. If the interest is overwhelming, I have no issue with making this a dual disc/LP.

For bands do not have something recorded, I am basically offering my studio services free of charge to make this compilation happen. I have a full recording studio with 16 simultaneous channels of recording, a wide variety of mics, equipment and software plug-ins. For bands that have tracks that they are proud of, I can master them free of charge as well.

My plan for release is in the month of July, 2010. The cut-off date for bands would be around May. I plan to release them in a single color eco-sleeve ( or something different, again dependent on the interest) I will make this financially as painless as possible on all the bands and hope to get bands a good chance to make some money and publicity off of this compendium. There will be more details as I finalize the line-up.

I will send emails/myspace messages/pm's etc to bands that I am interested in having on the comp. If you are interested, please post within or contact me at:


Thanks for your time.

[Feb 27,2010 2:50pm - josh_hates_you ""]
my band will have a song for this comp. we were gonna record a demo ourselves and send it to you to mix i think anyways. free is good.

dont think you posted here back then but i did the original rttp compilation. been meaning to do it again but am an epic pothead.
[Feb 27,2010 3:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
scaphism is certainly interested
[Feb 27,2010 3:01pm - YildunDave ""]
Hey, my band Autolatry might work well for this. The songs we've recorded need some more mixing work and could use mastering though. Listen at www.myspace.com/autolatry - if you like, contact Dave via email at orangeshoes999@gmail.com.
[Feb 27,2010 3:13pm - Slag ""]

josh_hates_you said:my band will have a song for this comp. we were gonna record a demo ourselves and send it to you to mix i think anyways. free is good.

dont think you posted here back then but i did the original rttp compilation. been meaning to do it again but am an epic pothead.

Josh, can you email me your details to the email in the original post?

Band name, how I can get in contact with you, whether you need my help recording/mixing/mastering etc.. and any other pertinent info.
[Feb 27,2010 4:26pm - Spaldino  ""]
hit up that dude that does This White Mountain


this shit is awesome.
[Feb 27,2010 4:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

josh_hates_you said:my band will have a song for this comp. we were gonna record a demo ourselves and send it to you to mix i think anyways. free is good.

dont think you posted here back then but i did the original rttp compilation. been meaning to do it again but am an epic pothead.

Ya I told Jesse to get at you last night for advice and horror stories. LOL
[Feb 27,2010 4:30pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:scaphism is certainly interested

[Feb 27,2010 4:40pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Feb 27,2010 4:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Glad to see this made it past the stage of drunken inspiration. Mark and I have been talking about this shit since a band ago each. LOL
[Feb 27,2010 5:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'm also down to rip some black metal shredz on guitar if anyone is interested.
[Feb 27,2010 7:33pm - josh_hates_you ""]
e-mail sent.

haha. scaphism raping a black metal compilation.
[Feb 27,2010 7:42pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
GRAVESIDESERVICE would be interested but I am sure no one will ask us.
[Feb 27,2010 8:06pm - mike29 ""]
Vaettir would be interested in contributing to this comp.--- www.myspace.com/vaettirnh
[Feb 27,2010 8:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'd suggest calling it "black death over new England part II" because there was a bm comp released a few years ago too.

edit: actually it was more of a three way split than a comp. it was released on two dyi labels, one of them was Cnv matt's north cabin label via cassete.

Are you strictly sticking to cd or do you want another ( limited) release on vinyl or cassete as well?
[Feb 27,2010 8:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
Herugrim would be interested as well. Well have the material finalized by then
[Feb 27,2010 9:09pm - Slag ""]

arilliusbm said:I'd suggest calling it "black death over new England part II" because there was a bm comp released a few years ago too.

edit: actually it was more of a three way split than a comp. it was released on two dyi labels, one of them was Cnv matt's north cabin label via cassete.

Are you strictly sticking to cd or do you want another ( limited) release on vinyl or cassete as well?

It's going to be called the New England Compendium Maleficarum. At the rate I am getting responses from people, it is looking like a double cd at this point. If the cd goes well, i'm not opposed to looking into a seperate vinyl and cassette pressing... unless bands want to spend the money to do a quad vinyl pressing.
[Feb 27,2010 9:19pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
We have two vlad the impaler songs we could contribute. They sound like BLack Funeral type songs, very different for us but very good...Are music is already finalized and could send a song if you wish to have one of new englands most bizarre bands on your comp.
[Feb 27,2010 9:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
I think graveside should be on this, regardless of all the shit some people give them
[Feb 27,2010 9:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
I like this idea a lot. It's good to see all these bands in new England now. Big difference than 8-10 years ago
[Feb 27,2010 9:54pm - vaettir ""]
Guaranteed to kick ass
[Feb 27,2010 11:04pm - thesac ""]

YildunDave said:Hey, my band Autolatry might work well for this. The songs we've recorded need some more mixing work and could use mastering though. Listen at www.myspace.com/autolatry - if you like, contact Dave via email at orangeshoes999@gmail.com.

posers need not apply
[Feb 27,2010 11:08pm - boblovesmusic ""]
HavaGrim might do something for this...
[Feb 28,2010 1:44am - Slag ""]
Emails will be sent tomorrow.
[Feb 28,2010 1:51am - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
Actually I would be totally disappointed if we werent asked to be a part of something, especially since we would add a totally unique sound and not just your average run o' the mills watains and 1349s...
[Feb 28,2010 11:27am - Slag ""]

GRAVESIDESERVICE said:Actually I would be totally disappointed if we werent asked to be a part of something, especially since we would add a totally unique sound and not just your average run o' the mills watains and 1349s...

Easy with the insults to bands that don't sound like the above two you have quoted. I do like the sound of Graveside. You will have a song on the comp... but you need a better recording. So email me your details, if you have a good recording of something you want to submit or want to spend a day recording a song with me. Shoot me an email.
[Feb 28,2010 12:25pm - dreadkill ""]
bochnagar or this comp is a pussy
[Feb 28,2010 12:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
Not to sound like an ass, but what does the recording quality have to do with the compilation? All the metal comps I own have all sorts of production qualities and band sounds.
In other words, a certain bands' essence can be tied into production quality, or lack thereof, especially within black metal. I like all of your ideas with this except a limitation on production quality. It's a black metal comp.
[Feb 28,2010 12:33pm - RichHorror ""]

dreadkill said:bochnagar or this comp is a pussy
[Feb 28,2010 12:50pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Yeah, Jim is right...

Just take the entire comp to a mastering guy and have him to an overall master to the whole disc so that all tracks are roughly the same volume/frequencies etc and that'd be fine...

I can't rerecord the Horn of Valere track and Deathgod Messiah are supposed to sound like shit hhahah
[Feb 28,2010 12:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:
In other words, a certain bands' essence can be tied into production quality, or lack thereof, especially within black metal. I like all of your ideas with this except a limitation on production quality. It's a black metal comp.

Mmm ya that.
[Feb 28,2010 12:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Personally, I'd be much less interested in "good" recording for something like this then I would be in keeping it all quality music and not just having every Tom Dick and Euronymous's band be on there because they have a MySpace up. Black metal isn't inclusive, it's the very definition of exclusive.
[Feb 28,2010 1:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

josh_hates_you said:e-mail sent.

haha. scaphism raping a black metal compilation.

we can haz makes black metal musics
[Feb 28,2010 1:55pm - Paul CNV  ""]

This is New England Black Metal... If you don't have this you are .......A poser. Prost and yup...
[Feb 28,2010 2:01pm - arilliusbm ""]
Never gets old!
[Feb 28,2010 2:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
josh_hates_you said:e-mail sent.

haha. scaphism raping a black metal compilation.

we can haz makes black metal musics

Not fer nuthin', dude, but it's not like if this were a ska comp or something where you can just do a novelty song that sounds like the genre you're emulating and that's all there is to it. It could sound great but Scaphism is still a rape-and-Star-Wars-themed silly DM band. An excellent one, IMO, but this is BM; the music is like half to a third of the art in question, and you can't really switch-hit or fence-sit.

[/ black metal commissar]
[Feb 28,2010 2:46pm - arktouros ""]

AndrewBastard said:overall master to the whole disc so that all tracks are roughly the same volume/frequencies etc

yeah to that.
[Feb 28,2010 3:50pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
We have a recording of the new Vlad song, it came out really good and would probably be fitting for this. I can send a link but if you would like to talk to us directly myspace.com/gravesideservice would be best. Is that cool?
[Feb 28,2010 3:53pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
We are one of the first "Black Metal" bands to have two full length albums with a piano driven sound and absolutely no guitars. We now use guitars to add some flavor. Even Malefic of Xasthur really dug our old stuff as you can see he thanked us on the All Reflections Drained album which also rules...
[Feb 28,2010 3:59pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
I would really like to move in a weird mort garson meets old/new xasthur type sound with alot of tangerine dream type in between piano only tracks...But just as with the chaos of our first album it will be misunderstood and left out...No one understood that our first album was about classical psychological experimentation and the mentally ill that is why it is in almost absolute chaos. but if we said, "we are the audio essence of """evil""" ", then we would have been hailed from now to kingdom come. DOnt get me wrong, I love abruptum but they are talked about often and they were even more chaotic and accepted and they just experimented with random instrumentation and screaming. We do it and its "not that good"... Anyway, I really hope one of our songs makes it to this idea/compilation that would be fun to be a part of this...
[Feb 28,2010 4:03pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
I know I am jumping off subject here but it really irks me to see all these black metal shows and we are never invited to play any of them. When in fact we do alot of creative stuff and would def add to the atmosphere. We are probably the only band in this area to hold a mock funeral live, a mock mass live with full pope outfits and play piano driven black metal but once again we are never asked to even play a show or two so we end up having to play as220 with art fags that have nothing to do with what we are playing thus resulting in no audience at all...
[Feb 28,2010 4:05pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
all in all, slag we would love to be a part of this and want to help make this come out pretty cool. Thanks for the opportunity and like I said if you like that sound then we can talk about contributing or at least something...Frig, have our piano player do the intro to the album or something that would be cool. He can do some really creepy moonlight sonata meets mark snow type shit. Its kind of like the soundtrack from creepshow...
[Feb 28,2010 4:06pm - arktouros ""]
Should be exclusively a New England Black Metal comp = no death metal bands, no New York bands, no Canadians. Representative tracks offering NE perspectives on black metal that provide insight to each band.

The time is ripe and there's a hell of a lot of unique area bands that can contribute great stuff. I know Slag wants to release a quality representative comp - something cohesive and complete. So I'm assuming tracks should to have something to offer to the whole and be able to stand up to the other material well, and how it's recorded doesn't matter as long as it fits that criteria. Volume leveling and mastering is a different issue.

So, Scaphism wouldn't fit on a NEBM comp anymore than a band like Ipssissimus would fit on a NEDM comp; NE has plenty to offer on the death metal front that would warrant it's own compilation.
[Feb 28,2010 4:09pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
currently we are working on a cover of the 70s band coven and their song portrait. We even have a really good special guest female vocalsit that sounds almost just like the woman from jefferson airplane so its perfect.


yes we really are covering this song.
[Feb 28,2010 4:11pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
I agree with arktouros
[Feb 28,2010 4:14pm - goatcatalyst ""]
can my nsbm side project be on this?
[Feb 28,2010 4:18pm - arktouros ""]
Graveside should definitely be on the comp.
[Feb 28,2010 4:18pm - arktouros ""]

goatcatalyst said:can my nsbm side project be on this?
why the hell not
[Feb 28,2010 4:31pm - arktouros ""]

GRAVESIDESERVICE said:coven and their song portrait
listening now, excellent song.
[Feb 28,2010 4:32pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
I vote HAXEN...

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