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Insanity workout

[Apr 30,2013 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
So has anyone else tried this? I'm on the 6th week of it and it's kicking my ass.
yesterday was a 25minute fit test followed by an hour work out. The first 2 weeks, I couldn't stay awake or eat enough. This 6th week is starting like that all over again.

[Apr 30,2013 12:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
Linsanity workout or Spinnaker's Gym Suana.
[Apr 30,2013 1:16pm - eye-gore ""]
Looks like PX90, except worse. The question is (and you like myself are no spring chicken) how long can you keep up that type of intensity?
[Apr 30,2013 2:57pm - the_reverend ""]
I've been annoyed with the number of people invading my person space at Spinnaker so I'm not really going there. definitely not going there this week. Insanity is killing me.

Insanity is suppose to be harder than P90X. I never did P90X so I don't know. I do know that I'm getting more muscles and more sore than I've ever been and I'm not bored yet. My big problem is that I'm doing the work outs on my carpeted floor and barefoot so I'm chewing up my feet. The stretching they do is awesome. I need more of that. My knee hurt for a long time before I did this. Now, it feels great. my last week collides with MDF so I'm probably going to take a few days off and then re-start my last week when I get back. After that I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but I will still be doing all the stretches.
[Apr 30,2013 4:04pm - chrisREX ""]
Could you use a yoga mat to help with your feet?

[Apr 30,2013 4:16pm - the_reverend ""]
if yoga can heal wounds then yes. I think I just need to start wearing shoes.
[Apr 30,2013 4:38pm - Hoser ""]
Wear shoes hippy.
[Apr 30,2013 7:45pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Hoser said:Wear shoes hippy.


Also I have no idea what your yuppie workout fad is. My lifting partner and I switch things around and make up stuff as we go along and it works just fine. I turn 40 next year, have never juiced, and I've got $20 that says I can out-bench any of you faggots.
[Apr 30,2013 7:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I love that story about the guy trying to get away from a falling plane by benchpressing it. When I'm done let's race and see how gets away from the burning fuel oil.

Seriously, I get horribly bored with cardio and when I lift, I get tired too fast cause I don't do cardio. Insanity is all about stretch, cardio, and dreaming about shaun t holding on to my hips. er.. wait.
[Apr 30,2013 7:54pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I'll totally bench a Cessna, bro.

Whatever works for you, I'm just being an arrogant prick as usual.

Contrary to popular belief, I can, in fact run. It just really, really hurts.
[May 1,2013 9:37am - Longdeadgod ""]
3 people where i work have done it, and all have had excellent results, which is fairly suprising for something purchased off an infomercial. as for what to do after i guess there is some follow up called asylum or something that one of the guys is doing, the others just went to p90x.
[May 1,2013 9:44am - the_reverend ""]
people still buy things?

I can't do P90x cause I don't have weights or a chinup bar, but basically if you go from no cardio to 45+ minutes a day of cardio, you are going to have results. I'm still around the same weight that I was, but I'm getting tone and building muscles.

Month 2 has me in the child's pose more than anything.
[May 1,2013 10:37am - arilliusbm ""]
You look out of shape.
[May 1,2013 10:39am - largefreakatzero ""]

eye-gore said:Looks like PX90, except worse. The question is (and you like myself are no spring chicken) how long can you keep up that type of intensity?

I briefly read about this workout and the comment above was the first thing that came to my mind. I just don't see anyone wanting to jump around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots for the rest of their lives.

I'm sure it works great for the short term, but I'm a bigger proponent of long term consistency when it comes to exercise and diet.
[May 1,2013 10:41am - ÆRK  ""]
what in the wild world of sports is going on here?
[May 1,2013 10:46am - largefreakatzero ""]
[May 1,2013 10:50am - ÆRK  ""]
haha. rev it's good you're knee doesn't hurt now, don't fucking push it. there's a line you cross where you do more harm than good. mix it up, get on a bike.
[May 1,2013 10:55am - arilliusbm ""]
Biking is better than running.
[May 1,2013 11:57am - the_reverend ""]
I used to bike 35 miles a day, but my grundel just can't take bike seats. I must say, cyclists have nicer butts+thighs then runners.
[May 1,2013 12:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
Get one of those sit down bikes or false bandana hippie.
[May 1,2013 12:21pm - robotpie ""]

the_reverend said:my grundel just can't take bike seats.

+1, but when I need to get somewhere there t'aint no way around it.
[May 3,2013 3:51pm - the_reverend ""]
what sucks about this work out is all the nude selfies I'm taking of myself now to jerk off to. If anyone go ahold of my phone I would surely be embarrassed with sexy results.
[May 3,2013 4:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
Self image problem?
[May 3,2013 10:12pm - the_reverend ""]
If jerking off to yourself is wrong, I don't want to be right!
[May 3,2013 10:27pm - hlrie ""]
Not embarrassed enough that you don't show people those pics.
[May 3,2013 10:29pm - the_reverend ""]
Thatis only for sexting
[May 3,2013 10:32pm - hlrie ""]
Then why the crap would I have seen it?
[May 3,2013 11:28pm - The_reverend ""]
Irl setting? Did that feel as gross to read as it felt to say?
[May 4,2013 12:29pm - hlrie ""]
If I had any clue what that meant, I'm sure it would be.
[May 4,2013 1:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
These pics need to surface for //r
[Jun 5,2013 4:24pm - The_reverend ""]
Ok, from November until I started insanity, my knee hurt. During insanity, it felt awesome. I slacked on the last 4 days of insanity cause I was at MDF. I tried to start again a week after and failed (during the heat wave). Then didn't get back into it until yesterday. My knee started hurting again after about a week or so off.
[Jun 6,2013 7:29am - the_reverend ""]

[Jun 6,2013 9:44am - eye-gore ""]
Try this, you won't believe the results!!!

[Jun 6,2013 9:51am - the_reverend ""]
youa re saying this like I don't alreayd prancercise.
[Jun 6,2013 10:03am - eye-gore ""]
LOL How could I deny it when I filmed you doing it just last week.


[Jun 6,2013 6:43pm - Boozegood ""]
Holy mother of no-gains...

If you are doing P90x or Insanity faggotry I will create a real meal plan and actual training regime for you free of charge that will show 666 times the results with 638293840% less lamesauce. You know, the kind with weights and a caloric surplus.
[Jun 6,2013 8:13pm - The_reverend ""]
I have no weights... So that isn't going to help me.
[Jun 6,2013 8:14pm - The_reverend ""]
I'm also eating over 3500 calories
[Jun 7,2013 10:16am - largefreakatzero ""]
Weights are so yesterday. Leaping and prancing is where it's at.
[Jun 7,2013 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
starting next week, I'm going to do insanity in the AM and then get to the gym to lift/swim 2x a week.
[Jun 7,2013 11:08am - posbleak ""]
What's your goal, weight loss, muscle gain, training for something?
[Jun 7,2013 11:17am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 7,2013 11:18am - the_reverend ""]
For shaunt to be there wholding my hips.

[Jun 7,2013 11:51am - the_reverend ""]
really, I'm just trying to get in better and better shape.
I keep telling myself "you are getting old, it's now or never".
Plus, then I have a bunch of tone muscles to feel up when I'm jerking off into the sink.
[Jun 7,2013 11:58am - posbleak ""]
No running? The weather's great for it lately. Hill repeats will put a lot of leg muscle on you, you can take it slow on the descent to take a load off your joints.
[Jun 7,2013 12:02pm - eye-gore ""]

largefreakatzero said:Weights are so yesterday. Leaping and prancing is where it's at.

[Jun 7,2013 12:04pm - eye-gore ""]

largefreakatzero said:Weights are so yesterday. Leaping and prancing is where it's at.

PLUS you'll be amazed @ how muscular your camel toe will get =WIN
[Jun 7,2013 1:31pm - the_reverend ""]

posbleak said:No running? The weather's great for it lately. Hill repeats will put a lot of leg muscle on you, you can take it slow on the descent to take a load off your joints.
(prob repost) I was running and I need to get back into it. but I keep doing dumb things like accidentally running 8+ miles. I was running 3+ miles around lifting in November and my knees started hurting. So I stopped squats and running and they still hurt until I started doing insanity. and felt awesome for the 8+ weeks I was doing insanity. Then I stopped for 2 weeks and they hurt again. So I'm back finishing the last week of insanity.
[Jun 7,2013 1:43pm - posbleak ""]
If you can switch from pavement or treadmill runs to softer surfaces you might see a lot of difference. Knee pain for me came from being in improper shoes - if you feel pain in your knees and ankles, you might be an overpronator.
[Jun 11,2013 6:34pm - The_reverend ""]
Ok... So I go back to the gym to lift, but now I have done all this cardio. So I don't get tired lift. Like an idiot, I just keep putting the weights on doing deadlifts. I tilt a little to forward while coming up. *crunch* in my back. That is going to hurt tomorrow. Damn it.
[Jun 11,2013 6:44pm - The_reverend ""]
there were also too many people so I felt crowded

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