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Sep 15 (Sat) - Obituary, Alabama Thuderpussy, Hemlock, Full Blown Chaos, Skulltoboggan, 6PM, General/$25, VIP/$55 - ADC Performance Center (Southbridge, MA)

Saturday, September 15 - OBITUARY, Alabama Thuderpussy, Hemlock, Full Blown Chaos, Skulltoboggan

ADC Music Center (Southbridge, Ma) - [alabama_thunderpussy][full_blown_chaos][hemlock][obituary][randomshots][skulltoboggan]
[show listing]  __________________________________________
[Sep 16,2007 3:33pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I was passed out for most of atp's set
[Sep 16,2007 3:53pm - archaeon ""]
the turn out was pathetic, but it was a fun show none the less i watcehd the first band then just chill outside in the "smoking area" with some drunk fucks and Neo-nazis until Obituary came on. they we're nasty as hell. Tardys voice will always be the same, good shit.

"hey mom, theres a kid here in suffocation shirt whose mom wouldn't let him see obituary when he was 8 too"
[Sep 16,2007 8:44pm - goatcatalyst ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:I was passed out for most of atp's set

you are a great man
[Sep 17,2007 8:15am - immortal13 ""]
I'm pretty sure FBC was pissed at the turnout because Dirtnap never promotes shit.
[Sep 17,2007 10:29am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
archaeon said:the turn out was pathetic, but it was a fun show none the less i watcehd the first band then just chill outside in the "smoking area" with some drunk fucks and Neo-nazis until Obituary came on. they we're nasty as hell. Tardys voice will always be the same, good shit.

"hey mom, theres a kid here in suffocation shirt whose mom wouldn't let him see obituary when he was 8 too"

Hahahaha, the guys from Flesh Supremacy were awesome.
[Sep 17,2007 4:26pm - Jacky ""]
I totally agree that the turn out was pathedic. However, the show ruled. My taste dictated my interest, therefore I wasn't too into the other bands(besides my all time favorite: Obituary that is). Musically, they were all good. Alabama Thunder Pussy did an excellent Priest cover of "Saints in Hell."

I was one of 6 people who paid the extra money for VIP tickets. Even though it was a pretty ghetto set up with whole VIP it was worth it to me. I got to meet Trevor, Ralph and Frank who were awesome guys. I got the distinct impression that they were told last minute about having indulge us with their prescence. However, they were really cool. We had whiskey shots with them and me and my 2 associates decied keep it brief. Last thing I would want to do after playing a long show to virtually no one is having to indulge fans and pose for pictures.

The quality of Obituary's performance was excellent! I was actually very happy that the show was as small as it was because I was as close to the band I have absolutely loved for since I was fifteen years old at their show, as I have been to my friends that play in bands at their shows. It was very surreal in the most terrific way!
[Sep 18,2007 3:41pm - christopher  ""]
I saw Testament there. I like the place, but it was weird. It could be a good venue if they would actually promote it more east. When I saw Testament it had a good turn out, but with a hall that size I can imagine how puny 30-50 must of looked like.

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