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Does anyone know: Rich Bova(most well known shredder in NE), Painful Pleasure(bans), Best Friend Solitude(Band), Darkest Ruin(band), Desiree Villegas (Diety)?

[Jun 26,2009 11:18am - archaeon ""]
I love when people who don't fight on the internet come to a place where people fight on the internet regularly. brings the lulz.
[Jun 26,2009 11:24am - sinistas ""]
I'm offended. By shitty music.

Anything related to Bova delivers in spades.
[Jun 26,2009 11:56am - burnsy ""]
Rich Bova got his magical shred powers from drinking hippopotamus semen.
[Jun 26,2009 12:46pm - Yeti ""]

Guess%20who said:Sooo this entire forum is about a bio?... we've officially offended everyone else with a bio. Clearly you are all quite sensative. LOL And you admited that you don't know any of us personally. Famous wrestlers walk into a ring and talk shit into the mic with all of the overconfidence in the world, but then they walk off the ring into their personal lives and you find out they are really nice men and women. So if we approach our music with confidence, and pride in what we love to do, and that offends you... oh well haha. That's your issue not ours. Dont read it then. But you've spent 3 weeks, talking shit about people you dont know, based souly on a myspace. So hey we can't please everyone, like I said, keep talkin shit or posting pictures, or whatever it is that you all get a kick out of. It's making your days that much better so have at it.

man, you are retarded. only an egotistical dickbag like you would come onto a website and see the most outlandish shit written about him and be bothered enough to fight back. if i went to a website i never knew existed and saw a 400 post thread about myself that was mostly Chuck Norris style facts, i'd be honored. you can't honestly believe that posting a bio like that would be respected and accepted ON THE INTERNET. relax and enjoy the ride dude, this is the most publicity you'll ever see. be thankful people are talking about your band.

Mista Bova Lova, mmmmm....Mista Bova Lova, mmmmm...
[Jun 26,2009 12:56pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

archaeon said:I love when people who don't fight on the internet come to a place where people fight on the internet regularly. brings the lulz.

It's like if Tyson fought an infant.
[Jun 26,2009 12:58pm - xmikex ""]

Guess%20who said:Famous wrestlers walk into a ring and talk shit into the mic with all of the overconfidence in the world, but then they walk off the ring into their personal lives and you find out they are really nice men and women.

Shawn Michaels was the cockiest wrestler of all time, and in his personal life he's a complete asshole who ripped off charities, and screwed his friends over. He's still the man though. The difference being that the Heartbreak Kid was actually entertaining to watch.
[Jun 26,2009 12:59pm - Yeti ""]
and was good at what he did.
[Jun 26,2009 1:20pm - XmikeX ""]
[Jun 26,2009 1:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread crashed my internets
[Jun 26,2009 1:25pm - xgodzillax ""]

Guess%20who said:People who are bitching about us "putting down" local bands, and challenging to fight the guys in my band are offended pretty sure. Do you need me to go into the meaning of offended for you? LOL

i challenge people to fight not because im offended, but because i like physical violence.

[Jun 26,2009 2:42pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
Guess who said:
"Sooo this entire forum is about a bio?... we've officially offended everyone else with a bio. Clearly you are all quite sensative. LOL And you admited that you don't know any of us personally. Famous wrestlers walk into a ring and talk shit into the mic with all of the overconfidence in the world, but then they walk off the ring into their personal lives and you find out they are really nice men and women. So if we approach our music with confidence, and pride in what we love to do, and that offends you... oh well haha. That's your issue not ours. Dont read it then. But you've spent 3 weeks, talking shit about people you dont know, based souly on a myspace. So hey we can't please everyone, like I said, keep talkin shit or posting pictures, or whatever it is that you all get a kick out of. It's making your days that much better so have at it."

Maybe you just don't get it... but yes the forum started making fun of your very silly bio, and continued on with bova/chuck norris-isms, photoshop jobs, and an all around good time. It stopped being about you a long time ago. Why are you even posting here? Honestly? Go be Godlike somewhere else.
[Jun 26,2009 2:47pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
I'm in shock that that dumb bitch just doesn't get it. (yes, I just resorted to name calling.) With every post they confirm that their egos are unstoppable.
[Jun 26,2009 3:39pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 26,2009 3:53pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
who's thems?^
[Jun 26,2009 3:59pm - anonymous  ""]
when you see it, you'll shit bricks.
[Jun 26,2009 4:55pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jun 26,2009 4:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jun 26,2009 5:16pm - dreadkill ""]

Guess%20who said:Famous wrestlers walk into a ring and talk shit into the mic with all of the overconfidence in the world, but then they walk off the ring into their personal lives and you find out they are really nice men and women. So if we approach our music with confidence, and pride in what we love to do, and that offends you... oh well haha.
how can you compare your band to a professional wrestler? key word: professional. overconfident rants are part of their job description. what is expected of a band is good songwriting, skilled musicianship, and an entertaining experience. you guys are a local band most people haven't heard of, not a professional big-time band. as someone said before, your bio would be arrogant even coming from rush, one of the greatest bands of all time. the musicianship, songwriting, longevity, and professionalism embodied by rush is worthy of lofty praise, but your bio would even be hyperbole by their standards.
[Jun 26,2009 5:48pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Did someone mention Rush bios?


[Jun 26,2009 6:16pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Jun 26,2009 6:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]


[Jun 26,2009 6:51pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Jun 26,2009 7:16pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Jun 26,2009 8:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jun 26,2009 8:09pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jun 27,2009 7:52am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
dreadkill Said:

"Guess%20who said:Famous wrestlers walk into a ring and talk shit into the mic with all of the overconfidence in the world, but then they walk off the ring into their personal lives and you find out they are really nice men and women. So if we approach our music with confidence, and pride in what we love to do, and that offends you... oh well haha.
how can you compare your band to a professional wrestler? key word: professional. overconfident rants are part of their job description. what is expected of a band is good songwriting, skilled musicianship, and an entertaining experience. you guys are a local band most people haven't heard of, not a professional big-time band. as someone said before, your bio would be arrogant even coming from rush, one of the greatest bands of all time. the musicianship, songwriting, longevity, and professionalism embodied by rush is worthy of lofty praise, but your bio would even be hyperbole by their standards."

I couldn't agree more. I mean what the hell!? Another point is that professional wrestling is basically a soap opera for young dudes. Band bios should be NOTHING like what wrestlers aay in the ring.

Like I said earlier, I can't believe these people keep posting.. and looking dumber, and dumber, and dumber.
[Jun 27,2009 11:13am - tylor ""]
if there as any dispute about the mvp of this thread, i think xmikex sealed it with the bone thugs shop :HAHAHA:
[Jun 27,2009 3:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I dunno, the Back to the Future shoop is pretty win.
[Jun 27,2009 5:44pm - PatMeebles ""]
[Jun 27,2009 11:07pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Jun 28,2009 8:00pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jun 28,2009 8:05pm - PatMeebles ""]
I almost spit out my chicken sandwich. D Patrol wins!
[Jun 28,2009 8:09pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Jun 28,2009 8:42pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jun 29,2009 8:35am - BOVACYDE  ""]

douchebag_patrol said:[img]


[Jun 29,2009 9:09am - xmikex ""]
Marvin Bova is my favorite so far.
[Jun 29,2009 10:44am - monster_island ""]
[Jun 29,2009 10:54am - Kadoog‘n‘stuff  ""]



[Jun 29,2009 11:00am - demondave ""]
[Jun 30,2009 10:01pm - A Friend  ""]
Oh my god. You guys are pathetic. Have you no respect? Look at how immature you guys are on this board. Makes me sick. Is this what metal has become? A bunch of pissy little kids who listen to metalcore one year, then somehow become EXTREEEEEME GRINDCORE stuff? Jesus, in my day people listened to good metal. I dont know what to make of this bashing.
[Jun 30,2009 10:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

[Jun 30,2009 10:55pm - archaeon ""]

A%20Friend said:Oh my god. You guys are pathetic. Have you no respect? Look at how immature you guys are on this board. Makes me sick. Is this what metal has become? A bunch of pissy little kids who listen to metalcore one year, then somehow become EXTREEEEEME GRINDCORE stuff? Jesus, in my day people listened to good metal. I dont know what to make of this bashing.

There are no Grindcore bands on this board you fucking idiot.
[Jul 1,2009 12:17am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
i love how people can act so appalled at us, not get the humor involved, and in the same thought show that they're basing they're judgments on stereotypes and false information. Fucking idiots. CHLORINATE THE GENE POOL!!!! PLEASE!!
[Jul 1,2009 12:19am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
that last statement for instance, where the hell do they get the whole "metalcore for a year than EXTREEEEEME GRINDCORE" comment from? I don't see anything in this thread or on this board to even partially justify that comment.
[Jul 1,2009 12:32am - archaeon ""]
Jim, why don't you go whine about it in your screamo band.
[Jul 1,2009 12:35am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
Your so immature Grant, it makes me sick! Is this what metal has become?

[Jul 1,2009 12:47am - Doomkid ""]
Hahaha! You're all such neanderthals, I only invented Rich Bova as part of a sociology thesis.
[Jul 1,2009 3:08am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I only invented sociology as part of a shredding thesis, Berklee PhD here I come!
[Jul 1,2009 3:14am - markrichardsboredasfuck  ""]
Don't you hate pants?
[Jul 1,2009 3:17am - RichHorror ""]
Now there's Advil.

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