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Does anyone know: Rich Bova(most well known shredder in NE), Painful Pleasure(bans), Best Friend Solitude(Band), Darkest Ruin(band), Desiree Villegas (Diety)?

[Jun 12,2009 2:12pm - RichHorror ""]
The best part is the message I sent him is still unread, so they found out about this on their own.
[Jun 12,2009 2:13pm - pam ""]
This is more publicity than he'll ever get elsewhere...he should be grateful for the epic bovashopping.
[Jun 12,2009 2:13pm - Eli_hhcb ""]
Rich bova right rich horror or you are a pussy
[Jun 12,2009 2:20pm - xgodzillax ""]

Eli_hhcb said:Rich bova fight rich horror or you are a pussy

[Jun 12,2009 2:22pm - xgodzillax ""]

RichHorror said:The best part is the message I sent him is still unread, so they found out about this on their own.

sweatpants disco had messaged him already. they messaged the in the shit page asking if we were the people who started the thread on RTTP. and i invited them to the 13th, cause i wanna fight that band. hahaha
[Jun 12,2009 2:22pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Jun 12,2009 2:26pm - xgodzillax ""]

[Jun 12,2009 2:43pm - RustyPS ""]
[Jun 12,2009 2:49pm - the_reverend ""]

xgodzillax said:
Eli_hhcb said:Rich bova fight rich horror or you are a pussy


I didn't know you could translate stoner. cool.
[Jun 12,2009 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
no Rich Bova
no Peace
Know Rich Bova
Know Peace.

[Jun 12,2009 2:51pm - the_reverend ""]

C.deaD said:Oh my shit, this has to be the most epic thread ever. Thanks for all the photoshops. They really made my day. Good stuff, good stuff.

This guy must be so pissed.

He's probably shaking his fist at the screen.
[Jun 12,2009 2:51pm - the_reverend ""]

RustyPS said:
the_reverend said:@ 12:01am on June 13th, Rich Bova surpasses Rich Horror as the most popular internet personality named Rich.
...which coincides with the switch to digital TV


Also, someone's going to get facebook.com/richbova
[Jun 12,2009 2:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
honestly, as much as I think this is all funny, if I was him I'd be rip shit. Imagine having a thread with almost 3,000 views where everybody made fun of you without even knowing you. Either rip shit or flattered.

but keep em coming.
[Jun 12,2009 2:54pm - Sacreligion ""]

arilliusbm said:honestly, as much as I think this is all funny, if I was him I'd be rip shit. Imagine having a thread with almost 3,000 views where everybody made fun of you without even knowing you. Either rip shit or flattered.

but keep em coming.

Considering that he was probably the one to write that bio, and has the quote "It's not bragging if you truly are the best" on his myspace, fuck him.
[Jun 12,2009 2:55pm - Sacreligion ""]
And refers to his peers as "local shitbags"

Oh wait, we aren't even close to being on his talent tier.
[Jun 12,2009 2:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
you speak the truth.
[Jun 12,2009 3:00pm - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Dick Brova iz so kewl.
[Jun 12,2009 3:25pm - PatMeebles ""]
It's like if Prince knocked up some fugly Italian broad
[Jun 12,2009 3:41pm - xmikex ""]
We're peers to Rich Bova like Jewish slaves were peers to Ramses.
[Jun 12,2009 3:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
Q: How did Rich Bova receive thousands of dollars when he was a young teen?

A: His Bar mitzbova.
[Jun 12,2009 4:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm laughing to hard about the garfield one to feel any pain right now.
[Jun 12,2009 4:16pm - sli sli sli  ""]

xmikex said:[img]

Niccolai with the assist on this one

awesome, my only criticism is that at the end, jon arbuckles face would turn into rich bova. (and then no woman would ever turn jon down for a date ever again)

In other news, I heard Bill Brasky challenged Rich Bova to a fight, Rich just showed up with nothing but a mini-stack and a squire strat and still managed to play a badass enough sweep arpeggio to make Bill Braskys head explode.
he was then heard to exclaim; "I'm Rich Bova, Bitch!" before climbing into his chariot driven by a train of white stallions twice as long as Zakk Wyldes and riding off into the sunset.
[Jun 12,2009 4:18pm - the_reverend ""]
Bill and Ted's 3: Bova Journey.
[Jun 12,2009 4:19pm - the_reverend ""]
Rich is really irish... Rich O'Bova. with a name like that, he could ne president.
[Jun 12,2009 4:22pm - HeavensJail_nli  ""]

"Best Friend Solitude" is a U.S. registered service mark. (for srs, page 614) Bova does not need to register his own name as a trademark with the government because he can compel royalties at his pleasure with the power of shred.
[Jun 12,2009 4:59pm - xgodzillax all up in ya anus  ""]
[Jun 12,2009 5:16pm - PatMeebles ""]
Rich Bova's penis' name is Bova Constrictor.
[Jun 12,2009 6:24pm - xgodzillax ""]
body of bova
blood of bova

*diddle diddle*
[Jun 12,2009 6:33pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
In olden times escaped slaves would dream of crossing the Rio Bova and washing up on the shores of Bovania. Although they would still be slaves (only to wealthy Bovanian plantation owners instead of American plantation owners) many waded across the sparkling waters of the Bova on the promise that instead of whippings for their insolence they would receive sweep arpeggios from the benevolent god-king Bova's 7-stringed Ibanez bullwhip.
[Jun 12,2009 8:16pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
xgodzillax Said:

"RichHorror said:The best part is the message I sent him is still unread, so they found out about this on their own.

sweatpants disco had messaged him already. they messaged the in the shit page asking if we were the people who started the thread on RTTP. and i invited them to the 13th, cause i wanna fight that band. hahaha"

I am so proud off all of you. This is why someone starts an RTTP thread, in hopes of this special phenomenon.
[Jun 12,2009 8:48pm - burnsy ""]
[Jun 12,2009 9:37pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Before the Porfiriato every Mexican schoolchild learned the great story of how Rich Bova thwarted the greatest military force Continental Europe could ever assemble at Puebla. Bova's role in Mexican history was already established at this point, his living legacy so great that both the numeral five and the month of May were renamed in his honor. Before Diaz' jealousy got the better of him every Mexican enjoyed the wonderful holiday of Bova de Bova.

A lesser man would have been saddened by such an insult to his legacy, but Bova was already well equipped to deal with lesser men's jealousy; having watched Napoleon's forces blast the divine countenance of Bova off the Great Sphinx of Bova...it took forty blasts with their largest cannon to unhinge the stone Bova's nose.
[Jun 12,2009 9:43pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Though Rich Bova's true power exceeds all human understanding he is incapable of defeating Yellow Squadron on the Stonehenge level of the Sony Playstation 2 game Ace Combat 4 and has to have his older brother beat it for him.
[Jun 13,2009 12:55am - xgodzillax ""]

BoarcorpseJimbo said:I am so proud off all of you. This is why someone starts an RTTP thread, in hopes of this special phenomenon.

hey jim, go fuck yourself. enjoy that you faggot
[Jun 13,2009 12:59am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
hahaha!! Let me guess, you wanna.... fight me?
[Jun 13,2009 1:08am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Go see his band.
[Jun 13,2009 1:12am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
so, did i just get someone mad because i'm happy/hippyish.."faggish"? Or did i unknowingly make someone angry?
[Jun 13,2009 1:53am - xgodzillax ""]

BoarcorpseJimbo said:so, did i just get someone mad because i'm happy/hippyish.."faggish"? Or did i unknowingly make someone angry?

no youre just a waste of life. thanks
[Jun 13,2009 1:54am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Rich Bova does not approve of you discussing Bova-less matters in such a Bova-rich thread.
[Jun 13,2009 2:10am - xgodzillax ""]

SacreligionNLI said:Rich Bova does not approve of you discussing Bova-less matters in such a Bova-rich thread.

thank you. PRAISE BE TO BOVA
[Jun 13,2009 2:55am - iamnotkennyg ""]
our guitarist doesn't practice anymore, he just kneels before his bova shrine
[Jun 13,2009 3:20am - Doomkid still in Oakland  ""]
Both of you quit your bitchin. Their biography was posted originally for its own absurdness, the phenom it has become is beside the point.
[Jun 13,2009 6:24am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
waste of life? I don't think we've even met.
[Jun 13,2009 10:30am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
BoarcorpseJimbo Said:

--"RichHorror said:The best part is the message I sent him is still unread, so they found out about this on their own.

---xgodzillax Said:
"sweatpants disco had messaged him already. they messaged the in the shit page asking if we were the people who started the thread on RTTP. and i invited them to the 13th, cause i wanna fight that band. hahaha"

(me)---I am so proud off all of you. This is why someone starts an RTTP thread, in hopes of this special phenomenon,

I was really just referencing xgodzillax's post because i started the thread, and bova's supagroup asked who started it. NOT because i was poking fun at xgodzillax, and when i said:

"hahaha!! Let me guess, you wanna.... fight me?"

it was because i still thought he was kidding and i was joking too.

But i gather from his "waste of life" comment that i was wrong... that he's just plain mean.
[Jun 13,2009 10:46am - xgodzillax ""]
rich bova is not impressed with your lack of rich bova.
[Jun 13,2009 12:51pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
He's rough and tough.
[Jun 13,2009 1:25pm - Kadoog‘n‘stuff  ""]
Rich Bova knew of this thread's existence before we did. His mental capacity is such that all the knowledge of past and present universes can be tapped as easily as the frets of his bwiddluuuueeeeoooowwwwwnuggaduhguttaguhjgutaughssafasf af
[Jun 13,2009 1:54pm - Sacreligion ""]
Hammer-on pull-off skreee dive bomb.
[Jun 13,2009 2:17pm - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
i haven't been able to sleep all night, and i've had terrible stomache pains... I've angered Bova.
[Jun 13,2009 3:27pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
The plot of the Super Nintendo classic Terranigma is loosely based on Rich Bova's autobiography.

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