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why is it suddenly cool for hipsters to listen to esoteric metal?

[Jun 15,2005 10:38am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I'm starting to get into Ted Leo and today I was contemplating a pair of tight pants. But seriously, Ted Leo is awesome.

yeah my friend Alex got me into them.

I'm glad music is opening up more, it's so odd how it does.

All power to it I guess.
[Jun 15,2005 10:46am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i think the strangest place to ever be in the history of existence would be a SunnO)))) show at AS220 in providence...

the providence-hipster deadite fans were weird enough
[Jun 15,2005 10:49am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'm not sure what bothers me more:

People who do things just to be popular...I mean they look at what is really going to get them freinds, fans, support and just do it...regardless of ethics...

Or the fact that I consider myself open minded but my prejudice and bigotry against those kinds of people reveals a subtext that goes against my views on my own identity, i.e. Bigotry is not part of open-mindedness. Which isn't to say you can't be open minded and still not like certain things, but I wouid like to strive to be a better person on that.

It's a tough call.

My best bet is to abandon any further contribution to this particular thread.
[Jun 15,2005 10:53am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you can be open-minded and hate hipsters...cuz they suck

there's nothing close-minded about disliking something that blatantly sucks
[Jun 15,2005 10:54am - dan.  ""]
i think your best bet would be either jerking off in the mirror or investing in a diary. either way, please dont involve us.
[Dec 6,2011 10:54am - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 6,2011 12:57pm - Yeti ""]
esotericism = hipsterism
[Dec 6,2011 2:07pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:Chances are the band had a review on pitchforkmedia.com, I know SUNN0))), Emperor,High on Fire, and Mastodon did. I also know that hipster kids ride pitchfork's jock like there's no tomorrow which is why I'm very shocked that I've yet to hear any of those bands on WFNX, specifically Alter-Ego when I've been trapped in a car with hipsters. Ulver also appears to be quite popular, Hipsters get a bone from Ulver because the old stuff is ironic dumb metal while the ambient stuff makes them appear intelligent at the same time.

I forgot to mention that nearly all of the reviews of metal on that and similar non-metal sites love to mention "this isn't the dumb metal the burnouts who beat you up used to listen to in highschool while you were in the drama club listening to The Smiths. This stuff is complex and intelligent mathmetal with shifting time signatures and chaotic cacophony"

I'm fucking Nostradamus predicting the next decade of metal in this thread.
[Dec 6,2011 2:18pm - Mark_R ""]
It's hard to deny that that was pretty damn accurate.
[Dec 6,2011 2:25pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
I blame Pantera for the burnout beatup phenomena

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