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August 29, 2010: DYS, Jerry's Kids, FUs, Gang Green

Club Lido (Revere, MA) - [antidote][dys][fus][gang_green][jerrys_kids][randomshots][refuse_resist][revilers][slapshot]
[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Aug 30,2010 11:49am - nekronautnli  ""]
What was with them charging me three different prices for PBR throughout the course of the night?
[Aug 30,2010 12:17pm - the_reverend ""]
I think that someone should have said "I get older, but they stay the same age" cause it was true. Lots of youth-smalls love them some good musics. I also saw whimpy walking out of the bathroom. Made me wish the queers played, but were only allowed to play love songs.
[Aug 30,2010 12:27pm - the_reverend ""]
ps: welcome to the front page.
[Aug 30,2010 12:56pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

best shot! shoe on stage, smelly foot in air!!
[Aug 30,2010 3:43pm - xanonymousx ""]

nekronautnli said:What was with them charging me three different prices for PBR throughout the course of the night?

probably because none of the guido's/ litinos buys PBR's in Revere so they have it cheap for people to buy, but the amount of uber punks buying PBR made Lido say wait a second we can make a fortune off of this stuff tonight!

Also this show looked awesome. I wish I knew Slapshot was there all these bands rule.
[Aug 30,2010 7:53pm - Hardcorefuck  ""]
Seriously the best fucking show I've been to, I really hope some of these bands go on even ust a mini tour sometime in the future. It's far too good to get lost in just a memory.
[Aug 30,2010 9:15pm - Late Rising  ""]
[Aug 30,2010 10:16pm - the_reverend ""]

shakey cam is shakey.
[Aug 31,2010 7:48am - Jeremy Edward Washstein  ""]
stay true says smalley?! lol that fucking sellout bitch.
[Sep 4,2010 3:17am - late rising  ""]


hahaha here is the perfect example of that dude trying to take over the mic.
he has balls, I'll give him that - I like the 3 or 4 cans bouncing off his head in this clip.
[Sep 4,2010 3:20am - late rising  ""]
OOOPS posted the wrong one, too much Newcastle:


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