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[Jun 3,2004 9:23pm - aliciagrace ""]
kid, if it werent for me you would just be sitting around playing with your hair, you puss

now go make me a sandwich
[Jun 3,2004 9:25pm - succubus ""]
oh right..sorry adam...

I am gonna keep calling you Adam until you tell me to stop
[Jun 3,2004 9:26pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
well if it werent for you, i would probably have a lot more self-esteem and i would probably be rich and really in shape and have a really hot and shallow girlfriend. thanks for everything, love =)
[Jun 3,2004 9:28pm - aliciagrace ""]
you're welcome baby cakes
carina, call him spoospoo, he likes it tons...
[Jun 3,2004 9:29pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
oh yes, quite indubitably.
[Jun 3,2004 9:31pm - aliciagrace ""]
'specially when you call him that while you roll up the window with his hair caught in it, thats his favorite
[Jun 3,2004 9:33pm - retzam ""]
"Indubitably" has to be one of the best words in the english language.
[Jun 3,2004 9:35pm - aliciagrace ""]
aside from "Mayhem"?
[Jun 3,2004 9:37pm - retzam ""]
Mayhem is such a shitty word.
[Jun 3,2004 9:38pm - aliciagrace ""]
i know. never say it again.
[Jun 3,2004 10:08pm - retzam ""]
[Jun 3,2004 10:11pm - aliciagrace ""]
Nooooooo!!!!!!!! Why?! How could you?!!!??!! i need carinas boobs again...

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