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rules of hardcore

[Jun 17,2004 12:30pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You forgot that metal kids also have no respect for women.

We also have little respect for authority (when it's not present)
[Jun 17,2004 12:30pm - cdan ""]
xmikex said:Metal is a haven for nerd kids who got picked on in high school and want to feel like they're important, and tough with fantasies of serial killers, medevil battles, and vampires.

Hardcore is a haven for nerd kids who got picked on in junior high who want to feel like they're important and tough with fantasies of cartwheels that make you important, pretending that you're straightedge making you a worthwhile person, and the mistaken notion that everyone in a tight black t-shirt being your "family" makes you tough.

very true. so why is it so hard for the metal nerds and the hardcore nerds to get along? are dungeons and dragons and men striking poses in tight black shirts any less gay than the other?
[Jun 17,2004 1:33pm - xmikex ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:You forgot that metal kids also have no respect for women.

Hardocre has little respect for women as well, only instead of writing songs about raping, and beheading girls "hardcore" (i say it in quotes because, contrary to the majority of kids who claim hardcore i don't consider emo to have anything to do with hardcore) kids write emo songs because they have no respect for girls, and know that on any given day at least one girl will be dumb enough to buy into it. Emo is the agent of the modern sexual predator. Fact.

[Jun 17,2004 2:20pm - -l-Invertedcorpse-l- ""]
Hardcore = Rap with Guitars
[Jun 17,2004 2:47pm - xmikex ""]
-l-Invertedcorpse-l- said:Hardcore = Rap with Guitars

I thought that was Body Count.

Actually, I thought that was Dying Fetus.
[Jun 17,2004 2:47pm - Soloman ""]
thats very true about "emo" being used as a sexual predator's agent. While rock n roll traditionally is sexual and all about getting tang, it makes no pretenses about it. Emo pretends to be sensitive, when it's used to lure young dumb girls in.
[Jun 17,2004 2:58pm - Soloman ""]
XmikeX said:7) Wear your hoody in the mosh pit because sweating
like a wild pig makes you look tough.
- HAHA as opposed to taking your shirt off to bare your beer belly to the entire show while you run around doing the Bushwacker strut rubbing up against other fat sweaty shirtless guys yelling "PANTERAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" when pantera isn't even playing?

by the way, I'm excited someone brought up the bushwackers. HA i love it.:point:
[Jun 17,2004 3:05pm - ninkaszi  ""]
bushwackers dance is old school! hahaha
[Jun 17,2004 4:17pm - Being anonymous rules  ""]
Metal and Hardcore unite against the evil known as emo!!!!
[Jun 17,2004 4:20pm - cdan ""]
Soloman said:thats very true about "emo" being used as a sexual predator's agent. While rock n roll traditionally is sexual and all about getting tang, it makes no pretenses about it. Emo pretends to be sensitive, when it's used to lure young dumb girls in.

you get to fuck young dumb girls if you play emo? i'm in the wrong scene.
[Jun 17,2004 4:38pm - joostin ""]
pretty much a year later and i still think this is arrogant and funny all at the same time
[Jun 17,2004 4:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
cdan said:Soloman said:thats very true about "emo" being used as a sexual predator's agent. While rock n roll traditionally is sexual and all about getting tang, it makes no pretenses about it. Emo pretends to be sensitive, when it's used to lure young dumb girls in.

you get to fuck young dumb girls if you play emo? i'm in the wrong scene.

i've been doing that all along, maybe you should start a record label
[Jun 17,2004 5:18pm - Soloman ""]
bang a tang.
[Jun 17,2004 5:29pm - cdan ""]
Soloman said:bang a tang.

[Jun 17,2004 5:37pm - Soloman ""]
bang it.
[Jun 17,2004 5:53pm - WhyamIandasshole ""]

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